We have a Creator who is infinitely intelligent and who through his prophets has made his Word known to us.
The Bible, which at first glance may seem difficult to understand, becomes a clear and discerning revelation when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our discernment of the Holy Scriptures.
But the Bible has something very unique: it contains cryptographic messages in which the information has been spiritually codified using a number of very delicate techniques that protect the initial message making any attempt to alter it quite impossible because the truth always comes out.
Not everything in the Scriptures is hidden, yet not everything is obvious either because it requires wisdom and discernment.
Wisdom is the ability to gain knowledge, understand what you have learned and apply it correctly in order to make the right choices and decisions.
Discernment requires the help of the Holy Spirit.
When you read the Bible with a superficial understanding of words, you may not grasp the message or the wisdom that is being communicated to you. If YAHWEH is a revealer of secrets, as stated in the verses below, it would require that secrets exist that can only be understood through a spirit of discernment.
Proverbs 25: 2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out."
Daniel 2:28 "But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the latter days. Your dream and the visions that came into your mind as you lay on your bed were these."
Daniel 2:47 "The king said to Daniel, “Your God is truly the God of gods and Lord of kings, the Revealer of Mysteries, since you were able to reveal this mystery."
Below are two examples of cryptographically protected biblical messages.
To understand the spiritual biblical significance of the message, we need to pay special attention to names. In the Bible, the Hebrews always associated the name of a newborn child with a certain characteristic of the child or an event related to his birth; thus the Hebrew names of all the patriarchs, prophets and saints, without exception, have a special meaning.
Adam to Noah: Message before the flood
► Adam: originates from the Hebrew word "Adamah" which means earth, soil. Adam also means "man": The man
►Seth: son of Adam, when he was born Eve said: “For God assigned me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain murdered.” The name Seth originates from the Hebrew word “Shiyth” which means to change, to put in its place, or a substitute: Changed
► Enosh: son of Seth. It was in the days of Enosh that men began to defile the name of the living God. This name takes its origin from the Hebrew word "anash" which means mortal, frail, miserable, to be incurable, worn out from a wound, sorrow, misfortune, disease or wickedness: mortal
► Kenan: son of Enosh. The name Kenan derives from the Hebrew word "qen" which means possession, acquire, receive: will receive
► Mahalaleel: son of Kenan. This name comes from the Hebrew words "mahalal" which means blessed or praised and "El" the short form of ELOHIM (God). Hebrew names often include "El", i.e. Daniel, Elijah, Bethel, Ariel, Eliakim, etc. Mahalaleel means: blessing from God
► Jered: son of Mahalaleel. This name derives from the Hebrew word "yarad" which means descent or necessary to descend: descent
► Enoch: son of Jared, he was the first of four generations of preachers. He received the prophecy of the great flood and walked with God after begetting Methuselah, he did not die but was taken up. The first prophecy which deals surprisingly enough with the second coming of Christ (although it is quoted in the book of Jude) was foretold by Enoch. The name Enoch comes from the Hebrew word "chanak" which means to instruct: teachings
► Methuselah: great-grandson of Enoch who received the prophecy of the great flood and it was revealed to Enoch that as long as his son Methuselah was alive, the judgment of the flood would be withheld. The name Methuselah comes from the Hebrew words "math" and "shelah" which mean: his death will bring
► Lamech: son of Methuselah. This name comes from the Hebrew word "lmk" which means: powerful
► Noah: son of lamech. His father named him Noah, saying: "May this one comfort us in the labor and toil of our hands caused by the ground that the LORD has cursed (Genesis 5:29). The name Noah comes from the Hebrew word "nûah" which means: appeasement, comfort or consolation
We get the following message:
"Man changed into a mortal will receive the blessing of God at his descent and through his teachings, his death will bring a powerful comfort."
This is an incredible hidden proof that the coming of Christ was already foretold in the Old Testament, written hundreds of years before his birth!
Message from the 12 tribes of Israel
Jacob had a total of 13 children with his wives Rachel and Leah and his maids Bilhah and Zilpah. In respective order the children of Jacob are: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphthali, Gad, Asser, Issachar, Zabulon, Dinah (the daughter), Joseph and Benjamin. In the book of Revelation his 12 sons who form the 12 tribes of Israel are not listed according to their birthright but rather in the following order: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asser, Naphthali, Manasseh *, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zabulon, Joseph and Benjamin. Is it a coincidence or is there a spiritual meaning, a secret message?
*Notice that Dan was replaced by Manasseh son of Joseph and grandson of Jacob because Dan and his tribe, the Danites, fell into idolatry (Judges 18: 29-31) .
Below are the names of the 12 Patriarchs of Israel and their meanings - Click here to read the Testament of the 12 Patriarchs.
► Judah: "Now I will praise the LORD!” (Gen 29:35)
► Reuben: "The LORD has seen my affliction.” (Gen 29:32)
► Gad: "“What happiness!" (Gen 30:11)
► Asher: "How happy I am! For the women call me happy.” (Gen 30:13)
► Naphthali: “In my great struggles, I have wrestled with my sister and won.” (Gen 30: 8)
► Manasseh: (Son of Joseph): God made me forget my troubles and all my father's house (Gen 41:51)
► Simeon: "The LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has given me this son as well.” (Gen 29:33)
► Levi: "Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” (Gen 29:34)
► Issachar: “God has given me my wages because I gave my servant to my husband.” (Gen 30:18)
► Zebulun: “God has given me a good gift” (Gen 30:20)
► Joseph: “God has taken away my shame” (Gen 30:23)
► Benjamin: His mother Rachel named him Ben-oni, but before her death Jacob changed his name to Benjamin which means Son of my right hand.
The following message appears:
"Now I will praise the Lord. The Lord has seen my humiliation, what happiness! I am happy. I have fought (e) divinely and I have overcome. God made me forget my sorrows and all the pain in my father's house. The Lord has heard that I was unloved, and he has blessed me. He will dwell with me. The Lord has repaid me with a fine gift. The Lord has taken away my reproach by the Son at his right hand. "
Glory and Honor to Him who lives in eternity!