Jesus Christ is not Horus:
The "Kemetic" Heresies
There are several articles on the net claiming that the story of YESHUA was borrowed from earlier mythologies and is based on the Egyptian god Horus. We have thoroughly examined these claims and here's what we found:
To start off, we can already verify 2 facts in the history of the world:
The first Christians appeared in the Apostolic Age (1st century). However, even if the early Christians had wanted to establish the gospels from the myths of Horus, they would not have had any way to do so, because in those days they did not have access to the countless variations of stories buried in the sand.
The pharaonic dynastic period ended with the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC while the story of Jesus Christ has its roots in the apocalyptic literature of the 2nd and 1st century AD. Yet, those who claim that "YESHUA is Horus" rely on modern archaeology which has only been providing in-depth knowledge of Egypt's religious beliefs and their evolution over time since the 1800s. To prove their thesis and find objects that even partially correspond to the story of Horus' life, they have to select fragments of myth from various epochs of Egyptian history.
When we studied in depth the claimed parallels between Jesus and Horus, we discovered that these statements contain half-truths, distortions and outright fallacies. Here are some examples:
"Jesus Christ and Horus were both born on December 25"
This is a statement by Gerald Massey (1828-1907), a 19th century English poet and amateur Egyptologist. He is the author of several books on the subject of Egyptology. However, Massey's work is so poorly regarded in archaeological circles that it is difficult to find any references of him in any reputable modern publications, because his work has been largely ignored by professional Egyptologists.
Theologian Stanley E. Porter has pointed out that Massey's analogies include a number of errors. For example, Massey stated that the birth date of Jesus Christ was chosen on December 25 based on the birth of Horus, whereas the Bible includes no reference to the date of the Messiah's birth. The earliest known source recognizing December 25 as the birth of YESHUA is that of Hippolytus of Rome, written around the beginning of the 3rd century, based on the assumption that YESHUA's conception took place during the spring equinox. Hippolytus placed the equinox on March 25 and then added 9 months to obtain December 25, thus establishing the date of the celebration.
Massey also claimed that the biblical references to Herod were based on the myth of "Herrut" the evil hydra serpent. Yet the existence of Herod is well established in history without relying on Christian sources. According to Porter, Massey's major historical errors render his work irrelevant.
"Jesus Christ and Horus were both born of a virgin mother"
According to the heliopolitan tradition, Osiris was given the throne of Egypt instead of his elder brother Seth. The latter, jealous and furious, decided to get rid of his brother Osiris in order to take the throne. Seth tricked Osiris into entering a wooden chest carved to his size. Then Seth sealed the chest and threw it into the Nile. The chest went to rest on the banks of Byblos. Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris, found the chest containing her husband's body, and asked their sister Nephthys to watch over the chest and protect it from Seth while she was gathering some herbs for a magical resuscitation potions. When Seth learned of this, he managed to trick Nephthys into revealing the location of Osiris' body. Seth seized it, cut it into 14 parts and scattered them across the country and in the Nile. Isis heard what Seth had done and she went in search of Osiris' body parts. She managed to find and assemble 13 of the 14 parts but did not find her husband's phallus because the fish of the Nile had eaten it. She placed the body in a temple and transforming herself into a small bird, she flew over the body singing a mourning song. She used her goddess powers, temporarily resurrected Osiris and attached a golden phallus to his body. Then she was impregnated by the golden phallus of Osiris; and Horus whose destiny was to avenge his father and defeat Seth was conceived.
The statement in the Pyramid Texts explicitly refers to the fact that Isis was not a virgin because the mystical phallus of Osiris was used in the conception of Horus. "632b. Thou hast placed her on thy phallus. 632c. that thy seed may go into her, (while) it is pointed like Sothis."

"Jesus Christ and Horus both healed the sick, the blind, cast out demons and walked on water"
It is undeniable that the Egyptian pharaohs and gods regarded themselves as divinely superior. It would then be ironic to think that Horus would stoop to the level of humans to perform a ministry of charity. Here is what the Egyptians wrote in the Pyramid Texts about their gods: "Yet nothing that has died, not even a god, may dwell in the land of the living. Osiris went to Duat, the abode of the dead. Anubis yielded the throne to him and he became the lord of the dead. There he stands in judgment over the souls of the dead. He commends the just to the Blessed Land, but the wicked he condemns to be devoured by Ammit."
Horus was worshipped in the same way as all other gods of Egypt. Temples were built to house the statue of the god. Egyptians would visit the temple to ask for assistance, give alms, make donations, have their dreams interpreted, obtain medical aid, get marriage advice and get protection from evil spirits or ghosts. The Metternich Stella, a fourth century BC monument, tells a story in which Horus is poisoned by Seth and brought back to life by the god Thoth at the request of his mother, Isis. The ancient Egyptians were known to use the spell described on this monument to heal people. They believed that the spirit of Horus would inhabit the sick and they would get healed in the same way as he did. There is no record in Egyptian mythology that Horus went into cities to lay hands on sick people and help them regain their health in the same way as Jesus Christ's physical healing ministry.

Temple D'Horus à Edfu
"Jesus Christ and Horus both had twelve disciples"
This statement originates from Gerald Massey's work entitled: Ancient Egypt The Light of the World, Book 12, in which he refers to a painting in the Book of Hades where twelve reapers are shown. However Horus is not even represented in that painting. According to Egyptian accounts, Horus had four demigods or disciples: his sons (Duamutef, Hapi, Imsety and Qebehsenuef).

"Jesus Christ and Horus were both baptized in a river and the baptizer was then beheaded"
In the book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection (Stellar House Publishing, 2009), author D. Murdoch, inspired heavily by Gerald Massey, attempts to draw parallels between Anubis and John the Baptist. He identifies "Anup the Baptizer" as the Egyptian god Anubis and also presents paintings and carvings from Egyptian tombs that support the idea of a ritual washing. But we discovered the following:
There is no character named Anup the baptizer in ancient Egyptian mythology. This is a fabrication of the 19th century amateur Egyptologist, Gerald Massey.
The embalming funeral ritual was done only during the coronation of the pharaohs, and was administered only by the gods. Anubis who was considered a god of the underworld and of mummification is associated specifically with the embalming process and funeral rites. But it has never been found representations of Horus being ritually washed by Anubis.
ANUBIS - the god of death
Anubis was one of the most famous figures in the ancient Egyptian pantheon. He was the powerful Egyptian deity of cemeteries and embalming, and the protector of tombs. He is depicted as a jackal with a black head, on account that jackals were associated with death, as they prowled around cemeteries and feasted on decomposing bodies, the color black being for the Egyptians a symbol of good fortune and rebirth. Before the rise of Osiris and Isis, Anubis was worshipped as the god of the dead, but his role changed over time. When Osiris assumed the role of god of the dead, Anubis became the god of mummification and the bastard son of Osiris.
The Egyptians organized complex mummification ceremonies and processes to help the deceased cross harmoniously into the afterlife. They believed that Anubis was the deity who played an important role in mummification at the moment of death, protecting the deceased from being devoured. Anubis' other role was to stand in the Hall of the Two Truths and weigh the hearts of those seeking judgment.

"Jesus Christ and Horus were both tempted in the desert"
In Egyptian mythology, Seth was a god of the desert and the storm associated with strange and frightening events such as eclipses, storms and earthquakes. He was often in conflict with Horus, but neither side could win. Their reconciliation symbolized the union of Upper and Lower Egypt. Horus represented the sky during the day, while Seth represented the night sky (see The Oxford Guide to Egyptian Mythology).
The relationship between Horus and Seth in ancient Egyptian religion is very different from that between Jesus and Satan. Fighting with the "desert god" is not the same as being tempted alone in the desert. YESHUA was tempted in the desert, but Satan did not try to kill him and according to the Scriptures, there was never a reconciliation between them. To link the story of Horus and Seth to the temptation of Christ is simply mind-boggling.
"Jesus Christ resurrected Lazarus, Horus resurrected Asar which is translated "Lazarus"
This is another off-topic by Gerald Massey.
The name Lazarus does not translate to Asar, rather it is derived from the Hebrew word Eleazar which means "God helped".
It is instead the name Osiris that is a Greek transliteration of the Egyptian name Asar. Osiris was the father of Horus and, according to the legend, he was killed by his own brother Seth; then Isis (his sister and wife) briefly brought him back to life in order to conceive Horus. It was not Horus who resurrected "Asar" (Osiris) but rather Isis.
"Jesus Christ and Horus were both crucified"
Those who attempt to make this connection often point out to ancient depictions of Horus standing with his arms outstretched in a posture reminiscent of The renaissance man; but this is not evidence of a crucifixion prior to that of YESHUA.
The renaissance man which was painted by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is a representation showing a man standing with his arms outstretched horizontally, to signify that he has many areas of knowledge. It is therefore not unusual to see people who are considered "enlightened" represented in this same posture. We have ample evidence from extra-biblical sources supporting the fact that the Romans at the time of YESHUA practiced crucifixion as a form of capital punishment. We also have eyewitness accounts in the Bible of the crucifixion of Christ. But, there is no historical evidence in Egyptian texts or iconography to suggest that the ancient Egyptians ever used this type of punishment.

"The resurrection of Jesus Christ and Horus was announced by two women three days after their death"
According to the Egyptian texts of the Metternich Stella, the young Horus was killed by the terrible scorpion Uhat that Seth had sent to him. Stricken with sorrow, Isis began to lament over her son. Her sister Nephthys, also grieved by the death of her nephew, came to Isis accompanied by the Scorpion goddess Serqet who advised her to pray to heaven for help. Isis' lamentations and supplications were heard by the god Thoth, and he came down to comfort her and promised that Horus would be under the protection of the god Ra. Thoth then pronounced magical incantations that brought Horus back to life. Over the centuries, new variations of the myth appeared. Horus is sometimes believed to be the god of heaven and other times the god of war, but he was never described as a "savior of mankind."
The myth of the story of the young Horus who dies and is resurrected is in no way similar to the sacrificial death of YESHUA. The Messiah did not die as a child and then was brought back to life because his grieving mother went to the god of witchcraft.
The next time you come across people who try to challenge you with these kinds of claims, ask them to clarify where they got their information, or to show you some historical evidence.
1 John 2:22-23 "Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father, but whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well."
May the Holy Spirit guide you through the understanding of this message.