Nativity of YESHUA
Arabic Version of The Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus
The Vatican library and the King's library in Paris contain various manuscripts of the Gospel of the Childhood of Jesus in Arabic and Syriac. Most of the events recounted take place in Egypt and an Egyptian prelate, named Cyriacus and bishop of Tabenne, distinguished himself by the eagerness he showed in collecting and propagating these events.

Replica of the Kholm (modern Poland) icon of the Mother of God, whose origin dates back to 11-12 centuries.
The Gospel of Thomas - Slavonic Version
In 1997, Thomas Rosén presented a new critical edition of the Slavonic MSS (The Slavonic Translation of the Apocryphal Early infancy Gospel of Thomas [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Slavica Upsaliensia 39; Uppsala 1997]). The following translation of Rosén's edition, presented here for the first time, was provided by T. Allan Smith of the Toronto School of Theology.

Replica of a painting by Fra Angelico - Madonna and child - Artwork created in the year 1435
The Gospel of Thomas - Greek Version
A portion of the Greek text was first published with scrupulous accuracy by Cotelier in his notes on the Apostolic Constitutions; he had found it in a fifteenth-century manuscript in the king's library. The Imperial Library of Vienna has another manuscript of the Gospel of Thomas.

Replica of the Russian Icon of the Virgin Hodegetria, housed in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. The artwork was created in the year 1360
The Gospel of Thomas - Ethiopic Version
The following translation was made directly from the Ethiopic by Paul-Hubert Poirier of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Laval University. e chapter and verse divisions follow the standard numbering of Tischendorf's Greek A text.

Replica of the icon of the "Virgin of Vladimir", painted in Constantinople and brought to Kiev in the year 1130.