The Book of Jubilees, which was probably written around 100 A.D., recounts in detail the story from Creation to Exodus and incorporates ancient Hebrew traditions. Several fragments of its early Hebrew version were found in the library discovered at Qumrān in 1947. There are also fragments of Greek versions. The Book of Jubilees has been preserved in its entirety only in an Ethiopic translation, which was itself based on a Greek translation from the Hebrew.
The Book of Jubilees is notable for its chronological presentation, which divides the series of events from Genesis to Exodus chapter XII into "jubilees" (periods of forty-nine years): each jubilee is in turn divided into seven series of seven years, with the year comprising 364 days. The book explains the origins of contemporary Jewish laws and customs concerning fornication, incest, rape, pedophilia, sacrifices, festivals dedicated to the Lord, the Sabbath, etc.
This is the history of the division of the days of the law and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of their (year) weeks, of their jubilees throughout all the years of the world, as the Lord spake to Moses on Mount Sinai. when he went up to receive the tables of the law and of the commandment, according to the voice of God as he said unto him, " Go up to the top of the Mount."
CHAPTER 1. Moses receives the tables of the law and instruction on past and future history which he is to inscribe in a book - Apostasy of Israel - Captivity of Israel and Judah - Return of Judah and rebuilding of temple - Moses' prayer for Israel - God's promise to redeem and dwell with them - Moses hidden to write down the future history of the world, And an angel to write down the law - This angel takes the heavenly chronological tables to dictate therefrom to Moses
I. And it came to pass in the first year of the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt, in the third month, on the sixteenth day of the month, that God spake to Moses, saying: "Come up to Me on the Mount, and I will give thee two tables of stone of the law and of the commandment, which I have written, that you may teach them."
2. And Moses went up into the mount of God, and the glory of the Lord abode on Mount Sinai, and a cloud over- shadowed it six days.
3. And He called to Moses on the seventh day out of the midst of the cloud, and the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a flaming fire on the top of the mount.
4. And Moses was on the Mount forty days and forty nights, and God taught him the earlier and the later history of the division of all the days of the law and of the testimony.
5. And He said: " Incline thine heart to every word which I shall speak to thee on this mount, and write them in a book in order that their generations may see how I have not forsaken them for all the evil which they have wrought in transgressing the covenant which I establish between Me and thee for their generations this day on Mount Sinai.
6. And thus it will come to pass when all these things come upon them, that they will recognize that I am more righteous than they in all their judgments and in all their actions, and they will recognize that I have been truly with them.
7. And write for yourself all these words which I declare to you this day, for I know their rebellion and their stiff neck, before I bring them into the land of which I swore to their fathers, to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, saying 'To your seed will I give a land flowing with milk and honey.
8. And they will eat and be satisfied, and they will turn to strange gods, to (gods) which cannot deliver them from aught of their tribulation: and this witness shall be heard for a witness against them. For they will forget all My commandments, (even) all that I command them, and they will walk after the Gentiles, and after their uncleanness and after their shame, and will serve their gods, and these will prove unto them an offence and a tribulation and an affliction and a snare.
9. And many will perish and they will be taken captive, and will fall into the hands of the enemy, because they have forsaken My ordinances and My commandments, and the festivals of My covenant, and My sabbaths, and My holy place which I have hallowed for Myself in their midst, and My tabernacle, and My sanctuary, which I have hallowed for Myself in the midst of the land, that I should set My name upon it, and that it should dwell (there).
10. And they will make to themselves high places and groves and graven images, and they will worship, each his own (graven image), so as to go astray, and they will sacrifice their children to demons, and to all the works of the error of their hearts.
11. And I shall send witnesses unto them, that I may witness against them, but they will not hear, and will slay the witnesses also, and they will persecute those who seek the law, and they will abrogate and change everything so as to work evil before My eyes.
12. And I shall hide My face from them, and I shall deliver them into the hand of the Gentiles for captivity, and for a prey, and for devouring, and I shall remove them from the midst of the land, and I shall scatter them amongst the Gentiles.
13. And they will forget all My law and all My commandments and all My judgments, and will go astray as to new moons, and sabbaths, and festivals, and jubilees, and ordinances.
14. And after this they will turn to Me from amongst the Gentiles with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their strength, and I shall gather them from amongst all the Gentiles, and they will seek Me, so that I shall be found of them, when they seek Me with all their heart and with all their soul.
15. And I shall disclose to them abounding peace with righteousness, and I shall remove them the plant of uprightness, with all My heart and with all My soul, and they will be for a blessing and not for a curse, and they will be the head and not the tail.
16. And I shall build My sanctuary in their midst, and I shall dwell with them, and I shall be their God and they will be My people in truth and righteousness.
17. And I shall not forsake them nor fail them ; for I am the Lord their God."
18. And Moses fell on his face and prayed and said, "O Lord my God, do not forsake Your people and Your inheritance, so that they should wander in the error of their hearts, and do not deliver them into the hands of their enemies, the Gentiles, lest they should rule over them and cause them to sin against You.
19. Let your mercy, O Lord, be lifted up upon Your people, and create in them an upright spirit, and let not the spirit of Beliar rule over them to accuse them before You, and to ensnare them from all the paths of righteousness, so that they may perish from before Your face.
20. But they are Your people and Your inheritance, which you have delivered with your great power from the hands of the Egyptians: create in them a clean heart and a holy spirit, and let them not be ensnared in their sins from henceforth until eternity."
21. And the Lord said unto Moses: "I know their contrariness and their thoughts and their stiffneckedness, and they will not be obedient till they confess their own sin and the sin of their fathers.
22. And after this they will turn to Me in all uprightness and with all (their) heart and with all (their) soul, and I shall circumcise the foreskin of their heart and the foreskin of the heart of their seed, and I shall create in them a holy spirit, and I shall cleanse them so that they shall not turn away from Me from that day unto eternity.
23. And their souls will cleave to Me and to all My commandments, and they will fulfil My commandments, and I shall be their Father and they will be My children.
24. And they will all be called children of the living God, and every angel and every spirit will know, yea, they will know that these are My children, and that I am their Father in uprightness and righteousness, and that I love them.
25. And do thou write down for thyself all these words which I declare unto thee on this mountain, the first and the last, which shall come to pass in all the divisions of the days in the law and in the testimony and in the weeks and the jubilees unto eternity, until I descend and dwell with them throughout eternity."
26. And He said to the angel of the presence: "Write for Moses from the beginning of creation till My sanctuary has been built among them for all eternity."
27. And the Lord will appear to the eyes of all, and all will know that I am the God of Israel and the Father of all the children of Jacob, and King on Mont Zion for all eternity. And Zion and Jerusalem will be holy."
28. And the angel of the presence who went before the camp of Israel took the tables of the divisions of the years — from the time of the creation — of the law and of the testimony of the weeks, of the jubilees, according to the individual years, according to all the number of the jubilees [according to the individual years], from the day of the [new] creation when the heavens and the earth shall be renewed and all their creation according to the powers of the heaven, and according to all the creation of the earth, until the sanctuary of the Lord shall be made in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, and all the luminaries be renewed for healing and for peace and for blessing for all the elect of Israel, and that thus it may be from that day and unto all the days of the earth.
CHAPTER 2. The history of the twenty-two distinct acts of creation on the six days - Institution of the Sabbath: its observance by the highest angels, with whom Israel is afterwards to be associated
1. And the angel of the presence spoke to Moses according to the word of the Lord, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days the Lord God finished all His works and all that He created, and kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and appointed it as a sign for all His works.
2. For on the first day He created the heavens which are above and the earth and the waters and all the spirits which serve before Him —
the angels of the presence,
and the angels of sanctification,
and the angels [of the spirit of fire and the angels] of the spirit of the winds,
and the angels of the spirit of the clouds, and of darkness, and of snow and of hail and of hoar frost,
and the angels of the voices and of the thunder and of the lightning,
and the angels of the spirits of cold and of heat, and of winter and of spring and of autumn and of summer,
and of all the spirits of His creatures which are in the heavens and on the earth,
(He created) the abysses and the darkness, eventide (and night), and the light, dawn and day, which He hath prepared in the knowledge of His heart.
3. And thereupon we saw His works, and praised Him, and lauded before Him on account of all His works; for seven great works did He create on the first day.
4. And on the second day He created the firmament in the midst of the waters, and the waters were divided on that day half of them went up above and half of them went down below the firmament (that was) in the midst over the face of the whole earth. And this was the only work (God) created on the second day.
5. And on the third day He commanded the waters to pass from off the face of the whole earth into one place, and the dry land to appear.
6. And the waters did so as He commanded them, and they retired from off the face of the earth into one place outside of this firmament, and the dry land appeared,
7. And on that day He created for them all the seas according to their separate gathering- places, and all the rivers, and the gatherings of the waters in the mountains and on all the earth, and all the lakes, and all the dew of the earth, and the seed which is sown, and all sprouting things, and fruit-bearing trees, and trees of the wood, and the garden of Eden, in Eden, and all (plants after their kind). These four great works God created on the third day.
8. And on the fourth day He created the sun and the moon and the stars, and set them in the firmament of the heaven, to give light upon all the earth, and to rule over the day and the night, and divide the light from the darkness.
9. And God appointed the sun to be a great sign on the earth for days and for sabbaths and for months and for feasts and for years and for sabbaths of years and for jubilees and for all seasons of the years.
10. And it divideth the light from the darkness [and] for prosperity, that all things may prosper which shoot and grow on the earth. These three kinds He made on the fourth day.
11, And on the fifth day He created great sea monsters in the depths of the waters, for these were the first things of flesh that were created by His hands, the fish and everything that moves in the waters, and everything that flies, the birds and all their kind.
12. And the sun rose above them to prosper (them), and above everything that was on the earth, everything that shoots out of the earth, and all fruit-bearing trees, and all flesh. These three kinds He created on the fifth day.
13. And on the sixth day He created all the animals of the earth, and all cattle, and everything that moves on the earth.
14. And after all this He created man, and gave him dominion over all that is upon the earth, and in the seas, and over everything that flies, and over beasts and over cattle, and over everything that moves on the earth, and over the whole earth, and over all this He gave him dominion. And these four kinds He created on the sixth day.
15. And there were altogether two and twenty kinds.
16. And He finished all His work on the sixth day — all that is in the heavens and on the earth, and in the seas and in the abysses, and in the light and in the darkness, and in everything.
17. And He gave us a great sign, the Sabbath day, that we should work six days, but keep Sabbath on the seventh day from all work.
18. And all the angels of the presence, and all the angels of sanctification, these two great classes He hath bidden us to keep the Sabbath with Him in heaven and on earth.
19. And He said unto us: "Behold, I will separate unto Myself a people from among all the peoples, and these will keep the Sabbath day, and I will sanctify them unto Myself as My people, and will bless them; as I have sanctified the Sabbath day and do sanctify (it) unto Myself, even so shall I bless them, and they will be My people and I shall be their God.
20. "And I have chosen the seed of Jacob from amongst all that I have seen, and have written him down as My first- born son, and have sanctified him unto Myself for ever and ever; and I will teach them the Sabbath day, that they may keep Sabbath thereon from all work."
21. And thus He created therein a sign in accordance with which they should keep Sabbath with us on the seventh day, to eat and to drink, and to bless Him who has created all things as He has blessed and sanctified unto Himself a peculiar people above all peoples, and that they should keep Sabbath together with us.
22. And He caused His commands to ascend as a sweet savor acceptable before Him all the days.
23. There (were) two and twenty heads of mankind from Adam to Jacob, and two and twenty kinds of work were made until the seventh day; this is blessed and holy; and the former also is blessed and holy ; and this one serves with that one for sanctification and blessing.
24. And to this (Jacob and his seed) it was granted that they should always be the blessed and holy ones of the first testimony and law, even as He had sanctified and blessed the Sabbath day on the seventh day.
25. He created heaven and earth and everything that He created in six days, and God made the seventh day holy, for all His works ; therefore He commanded on its behalf that, whoever does any work thereon shall die, and that he who defiles it shall surely die.
26. Wherefore do thou command the children of Israel to observe this day that they may keep it holy and not do thereon any work, and not to defile it, as it is holier than all other days,
27. And whoever profanes it shall surely die, and whoever does thereon any work shall surely die eternally, that the children of Israel may observe this day throughout their generations, and not be rooted out of the land; for it is a holy day and a blessed day.
28. And every one who observes it and keeps Sabbath thereon from all his work, will be holy and blessed throughout all days like unto us.
29. Declare and say to the children of Israel the law of this day both that they should keep Sabbath thereon, and that they should not forsake it in the error of their hearts; (and) that it is not lawful to do any work thereon which is unseemly, to do thereon their own pleasure, and that they should not prepare thereon anything to be eaten or drunk, and (that it is not lawful) to draw water, or bring in or take out thereon through their gates any burden, which they had not prepared for themselves on the sixth day in their dwellings.
30. And they shall not bring in nor take out from house to house on that day; for that day is more holy and blessed than any jubilee day of the jubilees: on this we kept Sabbath in the heavens before it was made known to any flesh to keep Sabbath thereon on the earth.
31. And the Creator of all things blessed it, but He did not sanctify all peoples and nations to keep Sabbath thereon, but Israel alone: them alone He permitted to eat and drink and to keep Sabbath thereon on the earth.
32. And the Creator of all things blessed this day which He had created for a blessing and a sanctification and a glory above all days.
33. This law and testimony was given to the children of Israel as a law for ever unto their generations.
CHAPTER 3. Adam Thames all creatures - Creation of Eve and enactment of Levitical laws of purification - Adam and Eve in Paradise: their sin and expulsion - Law of covering one's shame enacted - Adam and Eve live in Elda
1. And on the six days of the second week we brought, according to the word of God, unto Adam all the beasts, and all the cattle, and all the birds, and everything that moves on the earth, and everything that moves in the water, according to their kinds, and according to their types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that which moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day.
2. And Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.
3. And on these five days Adam saw all these, male and female, according to every kind that was on the earth, but he was alone and found no helpmeet for him.
4. And the Lord said unto us: "It is not good that the man should be alone: let us make a helpmeet for him."
5. And the Lord our God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him, and he slept, and He took for the woman one rib from amongst his ribs, and this rib was the origin of the woman from amongst his ribs, and He built up the flesh in its stead, and built the woman.
6. And He awaked Adam out of his sleep and on awaking he rose on the sixth day, and He brought her to him, and he knew her, and said unto her: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she will be called [my] wife; because she was taken from her husband."
7. Therefore shall man and wife be one, and therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
8. In the first week was Adam created, and the rib — his wife: in the second week He showed her unto him: and for this reason the commandment was given to keep in their defilement, for a male seven days, and for a female twice seven days.
9. And after Adam had completed forty days in the land where he had been created, we brought him into the garden of Eden to till and keep it, but his wife they brought in on the eightieth day, and after this she entered into the garden of Eden.
10. And for this reason the commandment is written on the heavenly tables in regard to her that gives birth: "if she bears a male, she shall remain in her uncleanness seven days according to the first week of days, and thirty and three days shall she remain in the blood of her purifying, and she shall not touch any hallowed thing, nor enter into the sanctuary, until she accomplishes these days which (are enjoined) in the case of a male child.
11. But in the case of a female child she shall remain in her uncleanness two weeks of days, according to the first two weeks, and sixty-six days in the blood of her purification, and they will be in all eighty days."
12. And when she had completed these eighty days we brought her into the garden of Eden, for it is holier than all the earth besides, and every tree that is planted in it is holy.
13. Therefore, there was ordained regarding her who bears a male or a female child the statute of those days that she should touch no hallowed thing, nor enter into the sanctuary until these days for the male or female child are accomplished.
14. This is the law and testimony which was written down for Israel, in order that they should observe (it) all the days.
15. And in the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the garden of Eden for seven years tilling and keeping it, and we gave him work and we instructed him to do everything that is suitable for tillage.
16. And he tilled (the garden), and was naked and knew it not, and was not ashamed, and he protected the garden from the birds and beasts and cattle, and gathered its fruit, and eat, and put aside the residue for himself and for his wife [and put aside that which was being kept].
17. And after the completion of the seven years, which he had completed there, seven years exactly, and in the second month, on the seventeenth day (of the month), the serpent came and approached the woman, and the serpent said to the woman, "Hath God commanded you, saying. Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"
18. And she said to it, "Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden God hath said unto us, Eat; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said unto us. You shall not eat thereof, neither shall you touch it, lest you die."
19. And the serpent said unto the woman, "Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that on the day ye shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and ye will be as gods, and ye will know good and evil."
20. And the woman saw the tree that it was agreeable and pleasant to the eye, and that its fruit was good for food, and she took thereof and eat.
21. And when she had first covered her shame with fig-leaves, she gave thereof to Adam and he eat, and his eyes were opened, and he saw that he was naked.
22. And he took fig-leaves and sewed (them) together, and made an apron for himself, and covered his shame.
23. And God cursed the serpent, and was wroth with it for ever.
24. And He was wroth with the woman, because she hearkened to the voice of the serpent, and did eat; and He said unto her: "I shall greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy pains: in sorrow you shalt bring forth children, and your return shall be unto your husband, and he will rule over you."
25. And to Adam also He said, "Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat thereof, cursed be the ground for thy sake: thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat thy bread in the sweat of thy face, till thou returnest to the earth from whence thou wast taken ; for earth thou art, and unto earth shalt thou return."
26. And He made for them coats of skin, and clothed them, and sent them forth from the Garden of Eden.
27. And on that day on which Adam went forth from the Garden, he offered as a sweet savour an offering, frankincense, galbanum, and stacte, and spices in the morning with the rising of the sun from the day when he covered his shame.
28. And on that day was closed the mouth of all beasts, and of cattle, and of birds, and of whatever walks, and of whatever moves, so that they could no longer speak: for they had all spoken one with another with one lip and with one tongue.
29. And He sent out of the Garden of Eden all flesh that was in the Garden of Eden, and all flesh was scattered according to its kinds, and according to its types unto the places which had been created for them.
30. And to Adam alone did He give (the wherewithal) to cover his shame, of all the beasts and cattle.
31. On this account, it is prescribed on the heavenly tables as touching all those who know the judgment of the law, that they should cover their shame, and should not uncover themselves as the Gentiles uncover themselves.
32. And on the new moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife went forth from the Garden of Eden, and they dwelt in the land of Elda, in the land of their creation.
32. And Adam called the name of his wife Eve.
34. And they had no son till the first jubilee, and after this he knew her.
35. Now he tilled the land as he had been instructed in the Garden of Eden.
CHAPTER 4. Cain and Abel and other children of Adam - Enos, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared - Enoch and his history - Four sacred places - Methuselah, Lamech, Noah - Death of Adam and Cain - Shem, Ham, and Japhet
1. And in the third week in the second jubilee she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter Awan.
2. And in the first (year) of the third jubilee, Cain slew Abel because (God) accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and did not accept the offering of Cain.
3. And he slew him in the field : and his blood cried from the ground to heaven, complaining because he had slain him.
4. And the Lord reproved Cain because of Abel, because he had slain him, and he made him a fugitive on the earth because of the blood of his brother, and he cursed him upon the earth.
5. And on this account it is written on the heavenly tables, "Cursed is he who smites his neighbour treacherously, and let all who have seen and heard say, So be it; and the man who has seen and not declared (it), let him be accursed as the other."
6. And for this reason we announce when we come before the Lord our God all the sin which is committed in heaven and on earth, and in light and in darkness, and everywhere.
7. And Adam and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years, and in the fourth year of the fifth week they became joyful, and Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth; for he said "God has raised up a second seed unto us on the earth instead of Abel; for Cain slew him."
8. And in the sixth week he begat his daughter Azura.
9. And Cain took Awan his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth jubilee. And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.
10. And Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare yet one son.
11. And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee Seth took Azura his sister to be his wife, and the fourth (year of the sixth week) she bare him Enos.
12. He began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth.
13. And in the seventh jubilee in the third week Enos took Noam his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the third year of the fifth week, and he called his name Kenan.
14. And at the close of the eighth jubilee Kenan took Mualeleth his sister to be his wife, and she bare him a son in the ninth jubilee, in the first week in the third year of this week, and he called his name Mahalalel.
15. And in the second week of the tenth jubilee Mahalalel took unto him to wife Dinah, the daughter of Barakul the daughter of his father's brother, and she bare him a son in the third week in the sixth year, and he called his name Jared; in his days the angels of the Lord descended on the earth, those who are named the Watchers, that they should instruct the children of men, and that they should do judgment and uprightness on the earth.
16. And in the eleventh jubilee Jared took to himself a wife, and her name was Baraka, the daughter of Rasujal, a daughter of his father's brother, in the fourth week of this jubilee, and she bare him a son in the fifth week, in the fourth year of the jubilee, and he called his name Enoch.
17. And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months.
18. And he was the first to write a testimony, and he testified to the sons of men among the generations of the earth, and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made known to them the days of the years, and set in order the months and recounted the Sabbaths of the years as we made (them), known to him.
19. And what was and what will be he saw in a vision of his sleep, as it will happen to the children of men throughout their generations until the day of judgment; he saw and understood everything, and wrote his testimony, and placed the testimony on earth for all the children of men and for their generations.
20. And in the twelfth jubilee, in the seventh week thereof, he took to himself a wife, and her name was Edni, the daughter of anel, the daughter of his father's brother, and in the sixth year in this week she bare him a son and he called his name Methuselah.
21. And he was moreover with the angels of God these six jubilees of years, and they showed him everything which is on earth and in the heavens, the rule of the sun, and he wrote down everything.
22. And he testified to the Watchers, who had sinned with the daughters of men; for these had begun to unite themselves, so as to be defiled, with the daughters of men, and Enoch testified against (them) all.
23. And he was taken from amongst the children of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Eden in majesty and honour, and behold there he writes down the condemnation and judgment of the world, and all the wickedness of the children of men.
24. And on account of it (God) brought the waters of the flood upon all the land of Eden; for there he was set as a sign and that he should testify against all the children of men, that he should recount all the deeds of the generations until the day of condemnation.
25. And he burnt the incense of the sanctuary, (even) sweet spices, acceptable before the Lord on the Mount.
26. For the Lord has four places on the earth, the Garden of Eden, and the Mount of the East, and this mountain on which thou art this day, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for a sanctification of the earth; through it will the earth be sanctified from all (its) guilt and its uncleanness throughout the generations of the world.
27. And in the fourteenth jubilee Methuselah took unto himself a wife, Edna the daughter of Azrtal, the daughter of his father's brother, in the third week, in the first year of this week, and he begat a son and called his name Lamech.
28. And in the fifteenth jubilee in the third week Lamech took to himself a wife, and her name was Betenos the daughter of Barakul, the daughter of his father's brother, and in this week she bare him a son and he called his name Noah, saying, "This one will comfort me for my trouble and all my work, and for the ground which the Lord hath cursed."
29. And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year thereof, Adam died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he was the first to be buried in the earth.
30. And he lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: "On the day that you eat thereof you will die." For this reason he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.
31. At the close of this jubilee Cain was killed after him in the same year; for his house fell upon him and he died in the midst of his house, and he was killed by its stones; for with a stone he had killed Abel, and by a stone was he killed in righteous judgment.
32. For this reason it was ordained on the heavenly tables: "With the instrument with which a man kills his neighbour with the same shall he be killed; after the manner that he wounded him, in like manner shall they deal with him."
33. And in the twenty-fifth jubilee Noah took to himself a wife, and her name was Emzara, the daughter of Rakeel, the daughter of his father's brother, in the first year in the fifth week: and in the third year thereof she bare him Shem, in the fifth year thereof she bare him Ham, and in the first year in the sixth week she bare him Japheth.
CHAPTER 5. The angels of God marry the daughters of men - Corruption of all creation - Punishment of fallen angels and their children - Announcement of the final judgment - Day of atonement - Announcement of the flood - Noah builds the ark
1. When the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, and the messengers of Elohim saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful, and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they gave birth to their sons and they were giants.
2. Because of them lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way. Men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walked on the earth were all corrupted in their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other. Lawlessness increased on the earth and the imagination and thoughts of all men were continually, totally evil.
3. Elohim looked on the earth, and saw it was corrupt, and all flesh had corrupted its orders, and all that were on the earth had committed all manner of evil before His eyes.
4. He said that He would destroy man and all flesh on the face of the earth that He had created.
5. But Noah found grace before the eyes of Yah.
6. And against the messengers whom He had sent on the earth, He had boiling anger, and He gave commandment to root them out of all their dominion, and He commanded us to bind them in the depths of the earth, and look, they are bound in the middle of the earth, and are kept separate.
7. And against their sons went out a command from His mouth that they should be killed with the sword, and be left under heaven.
8. He said, “My spirit shall not always abide on man; for they also are flesh and their days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
9. He sent His sword into their presence that each should kill his neighbor, and they began to kill each other until they all fell by the sword and were destroyed from the earth.
10. And their fathers were witnesses of their destruction, and after this they were bound in the depths of the earth forever, until the day of the great condemnation, when judgment is executed on all those who have corrupted their ways and their works before Yah.
11. He destroyed all wherever they were, and there was not one left of them whom He judged according to all their wickedness.
12. Through His work He made a new and righteous nature, so that they should not sin in their whole nature forever, but should be all righteous each in his own way always.
13. The judgment of all is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets in righteousness, even the judgment of all who depart from the path that is ordained for them to walk; and if they do not walk it, judgment is written down for every creature and for every kind.
14. There is nothing in heaven or on earth, or in light or in darkness, or in the abode of the dead or in the depth, or in the place of darkness that is not judged. All their judgments are ordained and written and engraved.
15. He will judge all, the great according to his greatness, and the small according to his smallness, and each according to his way.
16. He is not one who will regard the position of any person, nor is He one who will receive gifts, if He says that He will execute judgment on each.
17. If one gave everything that is on the earth, He will not regard the gifts or the person of any, nor accept anything at his hands, for He is a righteous judge.
18. Of the children of Israel it has been written and ordained, if they turn to him in righteousness He will forgive all their transgressions and pardon all their sins. It is written and ordained that He will show mercy to all who turn from all their guilt once each year.
19. And as for all those who corrupted their ways and their thoughts before the flood, no person was acceptable to Elohim except Noah. His sons were saved in deference to him, and these Elohim kept from the waters of the flood on his account; for Noah’s heart was righteous in all his ways. He upheld the laws and did as Elohim commanded him and he had not departed from anything that was ordained for him.
20. Yah said that he would destroy everything on the earth, both men and cattle, and beasts, and birds of the air, and that which moves on the earth.
21. And He commanded Noah to make an ark, so that he might save himself from the waters of the flood.
22. And Noah made the ark in all respects as He commanded him, in the twenty-seventh jubilee of years, in the fifth week in the fifth year on the first new month.
23. He entered in the sixth year of it, in the second month, on the second new month, until the sixteenth; and he entered, and all that we brought to him, into the ark, and Yah closed it from the outside on the seventeenth evening.
24. And Yah opened seven floodgates of heaven, and He opened the mouths of the fountains of the great deep, seven mouths in number.
25. And the floodgates began to pour down water from the heaven forty days and forty nights, And the fountains of the deep also sent up waters, until the whole world was full of water.
26. The waters increased on the earth, by fifteen cubits (a cubit is about 18 inches) the waters rose above all the high mountains. And the ark was lifted up from the earth. And it moved on the face of the waters.
27. And the water covered the face of the earth five months, which is one hundred and fifty days.
28. And the ark went and rested on the top of Lubar, one of the mountains of Ararat.
29. On the fourth new month the fountains of the great deep were closed and the floodgates of heaven were restrained; and on the seventh new month all the mouths of the bottomless gulfs of the earth were opened, and the water began to flow down into the deep below.
30. On the tenth new month the tops of the mountains were seen, and on the first new month the earth became visible.
31. The waters disappeared from the earth in the fifth week in the seventh year of it, and on the seventeenth day in the second month the earth was dry.
32. On the twenty-seventh of it he opened the ark, and sent out beasts, and cattle, and birds, and every moving thing.
CHAPTER 6. Noah's sacrifice - God's covenant with Noah, prohibition on the consumption of blood - New moon festivals - Division of the year into 364 days
1. On the third new month he went out of the ark, and built an altar on that mountain.
2. And he made atonement for the earth, and took a kid and made atonement by its blood for all the guilt of the earth; for every thing that had been on it had been destroyed, except those that were in the ark with Noah.
3. He placed the fat of it on the altar, and he took an ox, and a goat, and a sheep and kids, and salt, and a turtle-dove, and the young of a dove, and placed a burnt sacrifice on the altar, and poured on it an offering mingled with oil, and sprinkled wine and sprinkled frankincense over everything, and caused a good and pleasing odor to arise, acceptable before Yah.
4. And Yah smelled the good and pleasing odor, and He made a covenant with Noah that there should not be any more floods to destroy the earth; that all the days of the earth seed-time and harvest should never cease; cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night should not change their order, nor cease forever.
5. “Increase and multiply on the earth, and become many, and be a blessing on it. I will inspire the fear of you and the dread of you in everything that is on earth and in the sea.
6. Look, I have given you all beasts, and all winged things, and everything that moves on the earth, and the fish in the waters, and all things for food; as the green herbs, I have given you all things to eat.
7. But you shall not eat anything live or with blood in it, for the life of all flesh is in the blood, or your blood of your lives will be required. At the hand of every man, at the hand of every beast will I require the blood of man.
8. Whoever sheds man’s blood by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of Elohim He made man.
9. Increase, and multiply on the earth.”
10. Noah and his sons swore that they would not eat any blood that was in any flesh, and he made a covenant before Yah Elohim forever throughout all the generations of the earth in this month.
11. Because of this He spoke to you that you should make a covenant with the children of Israel with an oath. In this month, on the mountain you should sprinkle blood on them because of all the words of the covenant, which Yah made with them forever.
12. This testimony is written concerning you that you should observe it continually, so that you should not eat on any day any blood of beasts or birds or cattle during all the days of the earth, and the man who eats the blood of beast or of cattle or of birds during all the days of the earth, he and his offspring shall be rooted out of the land.
13. And you will command the children of Israel to eat no blood, so that their names and their offspring may be before Yah our Elohim continually.
14. There is no limit of days, for this law. It is forever. They shall observe it throughout their generations, so that they may continue supplicating on your behalf with blood before the altar; every day and at the time of morning and evening they shall seek forgiveness on your behalf perpetually before Yah that they may keep it and not be rooted out.
15. And He gave to Noah and his sons a sign that there should not again be a flood on the earth.
16. He set His bow (a rainbow) in the cloud as a sign of the eternal covenant that there should never again be a flood on the earth to destroy it for all the days of the earth.
17. For this reason it is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets, that they should celebrate the feast of weeks in this month once a year, to renew the covenant every year.
18. This whole festival was celebrated in heaven from the day of creation until the days of Noah, which were twenty-six jubilees and five weeks of years. Noah and his sons observed it for seven jubilees and one week of years, until the day of Noah’s death. From the day of Noah’s death his sons did away with it until the days of Abraham, and they ate blood.
19. But Abraham observed it, and Isaac and Jacob and his children observed it up to your days, and in your days the children of Israel forgot it until you celebrated it anew on this mountain.
20. Command the children of Israel to observe this festival in all their generations for a commandment to them, one day in the year in this month they shall celebrate the festival.
21. For it is the feast of weeks and the feast of first-fruits, this feast is twofold and of a double nature, according to what is written and engraved concerning it, celebrate it.
22. For I have written in the book of the first law, in that which I have written for you, that you should celebrate it in its season, one day in the year, and I explained to you its sacrifices that the children of Israel should remember and should celebrate it throughout their generations in this month, the same day in every year.
23. In the first new month, and in the fourth new month, and in the seventh new month, and in the tenth new month are the days of remembrance, and the days of the seasons in the four divisions of the year These are written and ordained as a testimony forever.
24. Noah ordained them for himself as feasts for the generations forever, so that they have become a memorial to him.
25. On the first new month he was told to make for himself an ark, and on that day the earth was dry and he saw from the opened ark, the earth. On the fourth new month the mouths of the depths of the bottomless pit beneath were closed.
26. On the seventh new month all the mouths of the abysses of the earth were opened, and the waters began to descend into them.
27. On the tenth new month the tops of the mountains were seen, and Noah was glad.
28. Because of this he ordained them for himself as feasts for a memorial forever, and thus are they ordained.
29. And they placed them on the heavenly tablets, each had thirteen weeks; from one to another passed their memorial, from the first to the second, and from the second to the third, and from the third to the fourth.
30. All the days of the commandment will be two and fifty weeks of days, and these will make the entire year complete. Thus it is engraved and ordained on the heavenly tablets.
31. And there is no neglecting this commandment for a single year or from year to year.
32. Command you the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this counting, three hundred and sixty-four days, and these will constitute a complete year, and they will not disturb its time from its days and from its feasts; for every thing will fall out in them according to their testimony, and they will not leave out any day nor disturb any feasts.
33. But if they neglect and do not observe them according to His commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons and the years will be dislodged from this order, and they will neglect their established rules.
34. And all the children of Israel will forget and will not find the path of the years, and will forget the new months, and seasons, and sabbaths and they will wrongly determine all the order of the years.
35. For I know and from now on will I declare it to you, and it is not of my own devising; for the book lies written in the presence of me, and on the heavenly tablets the division of days is ordained, or they forget the feasts of the covenant and walk according to the feasts of the Gentiles after their error and after their ignorance.
36. For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon and how it disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon.
37. For this reason the years will come upon them when they disturb (misinterpret) the order, and make an abominable day the day of testimony, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the days, the pure with the unclean, and the unclean day with the pure; for they will go wrong as to the months and sabbaths and feasts and jubilees.
38. For this reason I command and testify to you that you may testify to them; for after your death your children will disturb them, so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new months and seasons and sabbaths and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh.
CHAPTER 7. Noah plants a vineyard and offers a sacrifice - He gets drunk and exposes himself - The curse of Canaan and the blessing of Shem and Japheth - Noah's sons and grandsons and their cities - Noah educates his sons on the causes of the flood and advises them to abstain from consuming blood and committing murder.
1. In the seventh week in the first year of it, in this jubilee, Noah planted vines on the mountain on which the ark had rested, named Lubar, one of the Ararat Mountains, and they produced fruit in the fourth year, and he guarded their fruit, and gathered it in that year in the seventh month.
2. He made wine from it and put it into a vessel, and kept it until the fifth year, until the first day, on the first new month.
3. And he celebrated with joy the day of this feast, and he made a burnt sacrifice to Yah, one young ox and one ram, and seven sheep, each a year old, and a kid of the goats, that he might make atonement thereby for himself and his sons.
4. He prepared the kid first, and placed some of its blood on the flesh that was on the altar that he had made, and all the fat he laid on the altar where he made the burnt sacrifice, and the ox and the ram and the sheep, and he laid all their flesh on the altar.
5. He placed all their offerings mingled with oil on it, and afterwards he sprinkled wine on the fire which had previously been made on the altar, and he placed incense on the altar and caused a sweet odor to rise up which was acceptable before Yah his Elohim.
6. And he rejoiced and he and his children drank the wine with joy.
7. It was evening, and he went into his tent, and being drunken he lay down and slept, and was uncovered in his tent as he slept.
8. And Ham saw Noah his father naked, and went out and told his two brothers (ridiculed his father to his two brothers) who were outside.
9. Shem took his garment and arose, he and Japheth, and they placed the garment on their shoulders and went backward and covered the shame of their father, and their faces were backward.
10. Noah awoke from his sleep and knew all that his younger son had done to him, and he cursed his son and said, “Cursed be Canaan; an enslaved servant shall he be to his brothers.”
11. And he blessed Shem, and said, “Blessed be Yah Elohim of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.
12. Elohim shall enlarge Japheth, and Elohim shall dwell in the dwelling of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant.”
13. Ham knew that his father had cursed his younger son, and he was displeased that he had cursed him, his son. And Ham parted from his father, he and his sons with him, Cush and Mizraim and Put and Canaan.
14. And he built for himself a city and called its name after the name of his wife Ne’elatama’uk.
15. Japheth saw it, and became envious of his brother, and he too built for himself a city, and he called its name after the name of his wife Adataneses.
16. Shem dwelt with his father Noah, and he built a city close to his father on the mountain, and he too called its name after the name of his wife Sedeqetelebab.
17. These three cities are near Mount Lubar; Sedeqetelebab in front of the mountain on its east; and Na’eltama’uk on the south; Adatan’eses towards the west.
18. These are the sons of Shem, Elam, and Asshur, and Arpachshad who was born two years after the flood, and Lud, and Aram.
19. The sons of Japheth, Gomer, Magog, Madai , Javan, Tubal and Meshech and Tiras, these are the descendants of Noah.
20. In the twenty-eighth jubilee Noah began to direct his sons in the ordinances and commandments, and all the judgments that he knew, and he exhorted his sons to observe righteousness, and to cover the shame of their flesh, and to bless their Creator, and honor father and mother, and love their neighbor, and guard their souls from fornication and uncleanness and all iniquity.
21. Because of these three things came the flood on the earth, namely, the fornication that the Watchers committed against the law of their ordinances when they went whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all they chose, and they made the beginning of uncleanness.
22. And they begat sons, the naphilim (Naphidim), and they were all dissimilar, and they devoured one another, and the Giants killed the Naphil, and the Naphil killed the Eljo, and the Eljo killed mankind, and man killed one another.
23. Every one committed himself to crime and injustice and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled with sin.
24. After this they sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moved and walked on the earth, and much blood was shed on the earth, and men continually desired only what was useless and evil.
25. And Yah destroyed everything from the face of the earth. Because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood they had shed over all the earth, He destroyed everything.”
26. We were left, I and you, my sons, and everything that entered with us into the ark, and behold I see your works before me that you do not walk in righteousness, for in the path of destruction you have begun to walk, and you are turning one against another, and are envious one of another, and so it comes that you are not in harmony, my sons, each with his brother.
27. For I see the demons have begun their seductions against you and against your children and now I fear on your behalf, that after my death you will shed the blood of men on the earth, and that you, too, will be destroyed from the face of the earth.
28. For whoever sheds man’s blood, and who ever eats the blood of any flesh, shall all be destroyed from the earth.
29. There shall be no man left that eats blood, or that sheds the blood of man on the earth, nor shall there be left to him any offspring or descendants living under heaven. Into the abode of the dead shall they go, and into the place of condemnation shall they descend, and into the darkness of the deep shall they all be removed by a violent death.
30. Do not smear blood on yourself or let it remain on you. Out of all the blood there shall be shed and out of all the days in which you have killed any beasts or cattle or whatever flies on the earth you must do a good work to your souls by covering that which has been shed on the face of the earth.
31. You shall not be like him who eats blood, but guard yourselves that none may eat blood before you, cover the blood, for thus have I been commanded to testify to you and your children, together with all flesh.
32. Do not permit the soul (life) to be eaten with the flesh, that your blood, which is your life, may not be required at the hand of any flesh that sheds it on the earth.
33. For the earth will not be clean from the blood that has been shed on it, for only through the blood of him that shed it will the earth be purified throughout all its generations.
34. Now, my children, listen, have judgment and righteousness that you may be planted in righteousness over the face of the whole earth, and your glory lifted up in the presence of my Elohim, who spared me from the waters of the flood.
35. Look, you will go and build for yourselves cities, and plant in them all the plants that are on the earth, and moreover all fruit-bearing trees.
36. For three years the fruit of everything that is eaten will not be gathered, and in the fourth year its fruit will be accounted pure, offered as first fruit, acceptable before the Most High Elohim, who created heaven and earth and all things.
37. Let them offer in abundance the first of the wine and oil as first-fruits on the altar of Yah, who receives it, and what is left let the servants of the house of Yah eat before the altar which receives it.
38. In the fifth year make the release so that you release it in righteousness and uprightness, and you shall be righteous, and all that you plant shall prosper. For this is how Enoch did it, the father of your father commanded Methuselah, his son, and Methuselah commanded his son Lamech, and Lamech commanded me all the things that his fathers commanded him.
39. I also will give you commandment, my sons, as Enoch commanded his son in the first jubilees, while still living, the seventh in his generation, he commanded and testified to his son and to his son’s sons until the day of his death.
CHAPTER 8. Kainam discovers an inscription about the sun and stars - Noah's sons and Noah divide the earth - The heritage of Shem, of Ham, and of Japhet
1. In the twenty-ninth jubilee, in the beginning of first week, Arpachshad took to himself a wife and her name was Rasu’eja, the daughter of Susan, the daughter of Elam, and she gave birth to a son in the third year in this week, and he called his name Kainam.
2. The son grew, and his father taught him writing, and he went to seek for himself a place where he might seize a city for himself.
3. He found writing which former generations had carved on a rock, and he read what was on it, and he transcribed it and sinned because of it, for it contained the teaching of the Watchers, which they had used to observe the omens of the sun and moon and stars in all the signs of heaven.
4. He wrote it down and said nothing of it, for he was afraid to speak to Noah about it or he would be angry with him because of it.
5. In the thirtieth jubilee, in the second week, in the first year of it, he took to himself a wife, and her name was Melka, the daughter of Madai, the son of Japheth, and in the fourth year he begat a son, and called his name Shelah; for he said, “Truly I have been sent.”
6. Shelah grew up and took to himself a wife, and her name was Mu’ak, the daughter of Kesed, his father’s brother, in the one and thirtieth jubilee, in the fifth week, in the first year of it.
7. And she gave birth to a son in the fifth year of it, and he called his name Eber, and he took to himself a wife, and her name was Azurad, the daughter of Nebrod, in the thirty-second jubilee, in the seventh week, in the third year of it.
8. In the sixth year of it, she gave birth to a son, and he called his name Peleg, for in the days when he was born the children of Noah began to divide the earth among themselves, for this reason he called his name Peleg.
9. They divided it secretly among themselves, and told it to Noah.
10. In the beginning of the thirty-third jubilee they divided the earth into three parts, for Shem and Ham and Japheth, according to the inheritance of each, in the first year in the first week, when one of us (messengers) who had been sent, was with them.
11. He called his sons, and they drew close to him, they and their children, and he divided the earth into the lots, which his three sons were to take in possession, and they reached out their hands, and took the writing out of the arms of Noah, their father.
12. There came out on the writing as Shem’s lot the middle of the earth that he should take as an inheritance for himself and for his sons for the generations of eternity. From the middle of the mountain range of Rafa, from the mouth of the water from the river Tina, and his portion goes towards the west through the middle of this river, and it extends until it reaches the water of the abysses, out of which this river goes out and pours its waters into the sea Me’at, and this river flows into the great sea.
13. All that is towards the north is Japheth’s, and all that is towards the south belongs to Shem. And it extends until it reaches Karaso, this is in the center of the tongue of land that looks towards the south.
14. His portion extends along the great sea, and it extends in a straight line until it reaches the west of the tongue that looks towards the south, for this sea is named the tongue of the Egyptian Sea.
15. And it turns from here towards the south towards the mouth of the great sea on the shore of its waters, and it extends to the west to Afra, and it extends until it reaches the waters of the river Gihon, and to the south of the waters of Gihon, to the banks of this river.
16. It extends towards the east, until it reaches the Garden of Eden, to the south of it and from the east of the whole land of Eden and of the whole east, it turns to the east and proceeds until it reaches the east of the mountain named Rafa, and it descends to the bank of the mouth of the river Tina.
17. This portion came out by lot for Shem and his sons, that they should possess it forever to his generations forever.
18. Noah rejoiced that this portion came out for Shem and for his sons, and he remembered all that he had spoken with his mouth in prophecy; for he had said, “Blessed be Yah Elohim of Shem and may Yah dwell in the dwelling of Shem.”
19. He knew that the Garden of Eden is the purest place, and the dwelling of Yah, and Mount Sinai the center of the desert, and Mount Zion which is the center of the navel of the earth, these three were created as pure places facing each other.
20. And he blessed the Elohim of elohim, who had put the word of Yah into his mouth.
21. And he knew that a blessed portion and a blessing had come to Shem and his sons and to their generations forever which was the whole land of Eden and the whole land of the Red Sea, and the whole land of the east and India, and on the Red Sea and the mountains of it, and all the land of Bashan, and all the land of Lebanon and the islands of Kaftur, and all the mountains of Sanir and Amana, and the mountains of Asshur in the north, and all the land of Elam, Asshur, and Babel, and Susan and Ma’edai, and all the mountains of Ararat, and all the region beyond the sea, which is beyond the mountains of Asshur towards the north, a blessed and spacious land, and all that is in it is very good.
22. Ham received the second portion, beyond the Gihon towards the south to the right of the Garden, and it extends towards the south and it extends to all the mountains of fire, and it extends towards the west to the sea of ‘atel and it extends towards the west until it reaches the sea of Ma’uk which was that sea into which everything that is not destroyed descends.
23. It goes out towards the north to the limits of Gadir, and it goes out to the coast of the waters of the sea to the waters of the great sea until it draws near to the river Gihon, and goes along the river Gihon until it reaches the right of the Garden of Eden.
24. This is the land that came out for Ham as the portion which he was to occupy forever for himself and his sons to their generations forever.
25. Japheth received the third portion beyond the river Tina to the north of the outflow of its waters, and it extends north-easterly to the whole region of Gog, and to all the country east of it.
26. It extends northerly, and it extends to the mountains of Qelt towards the north, and towards the sea of Ma’uk, and it goes out to the east of Gadir as far as the region of the waters of the sea.
27. It extends until it approaches the west of Fara and it returns towards Aferag, and it extends easterly to the waters of the sea of Me’at.
28. It extends to the region of the river Tina in a northeasterly direction until it approaches the boundary of its waters towards the mountain Rafa, and it turns round towards the north.
29. This is the land that came out for Japheth and his sons as the portion of his inheritance that he should possess five great islands, and a great land in the north, for himself and his sons, for their generations forever.
30. But it is cold, and the land of Ham is hot, and the land of Shem is neither hot nor cold, but it is of blended cold and heat.
CHAPTER 9. Subdivision of the three portions among the grandchildren - oath taken by Noah's sons
1. Ham divided among his sons, and the first portion came out for Cush towards the east, and to the west of him for Mizraim, and to the west of him for Put, and to the west of him on the sea for Canaan.
2. Shem also divided among his sons, and the first portion came out for Elam and his sons, to the east of the river Tigris until it approaches the east, the whole land of India, and on the Red Sea on its coast, and the waters of Dedan, and all the mountains of Mebri and Ela, and all the land of Susan and all that is on the side of Pharnak to the Red Sea and the river Tina.
3. Asshur received the second Portion, all the land of Asshur and Nineveh and Shinar and to the border of India, and it ascends and skirts the river.
4. Arpachshad received the third portion, all the land of the region of the Chaldees to the east of the Euphrates, bordering on the Red Sea, and all the waters of the desert close to the tongue of the sea which looks towards Egypt, all the land of Lebanon and Sanir and Amana to the border of the Euphrates.
5. Aram received the fourth portion, all the land of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates to the north of the Chaldees to the border of the mountains of Asshur and the land of Arara.
6. Lud got the fifth portion, the mountains of Asshur and all surrounding to them until it reaches the Great Sea, and until it reaches the east of Asshur his brother.
7. Japheth also divided the land of his inheritance among his sons.
8. The first portion came out for Gomer to the east from the north side to the river Tina, and in the north there came out for Magog all the inner portions of the north until it reaches to the sea of Me’at.
9. Madai received as his portion that he should possess from the west of his two brothers to the islands, and to the coasts of the islands.
10. Javan got the fourth portion, every island and the islands that are towards the border of Lud.
11. For Tubal there came out the fifth portion in the middle of the tongue that approaches towards the border of the portion of Lud to the second tongue, to the region beyond the second tongue to the third tongue.
12. Meshech received the sixth portion, that is the entire region beyond the third tongue until it approaches the east of Gadir.
13. Tiras got the seventh portion, four great islands in the middle of the sea, which reach to the portion of Ham, and the islands of Kamaturi came out by lot for the sons of Arpachshad as his inheritance.
14. Thus the sons of Noah divided to their sons in the presence of Noah their father, and he bound them all by an oath, and invoked a curse on every one that sought to seize any portion which had not fallen to him by his lot.
15. They all said, “so be it; so be it,” for themselves and their sons forever throughout their generations until the day of judgment, on which Yah Elohim shall judge them with a sword and with fire for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, that they have filled the earth with, which are transgression, uncleanness and fornication and sin.
CHAPTER 10. Evil spirits lead Noah's sons astray - Noah's prayer - Mastema is allowed to keep a tenth of his subject spirits - Noah teaches angels the use of herbs to fight demons - Noah dies - The building of Babel and the confusion of tongues - Canaan takes over Palestine - Madai receives the media
1. In the third week of this jubilee the unclean demons began to lead astray the children of the sons of Noah, and to make them sin and to destroy them.
2. The sons of Noah came to Noah their father, and they told him about the demons that were leading astray and blinding and slaying his sons’ sons.
3. And he prayed before Yah his Elohim, and said, “Elohim of the spirits of all flesh, who have shown mercy to me and have spared me and my sons from the waters of the flood, and have not caused me to die as You did the sons of perdition; For Your grace has been great toward me, and great has been Your mercy to my soul. Let Your grace be lifted up on my sons, and do not let the wicked spirits rule over them or they will destroy them from the earth.
4. But bless me and my sons, so that we may increase and multiply and replenish the earth.
5. You know how Your Watchers, the fathers of these spirits, acted in my day, and as for these spirits which are living, imprison them and hold them fast in the place of condemnation, and let them not bring destruction on the sons of your servant, my Elohim; for these are like cancer and are created in order to destroy.
6. Let them not rule over the spirits of the living; for You alone can exercise dominion over them. And let them not have power over the sons of the righteous from now and forever.”
7. And Yah our Elohim commanded us (messengers) to bind all of them.
8. The chief of the spirits, Mastema, came and said, “Yah, Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them listen to my voice, and do all that I shall say to them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men, for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men.”
9. He said, “Let one-tenth of them remain before him, and let nine-tenths of them descend into the place of condemnation.”
10. He commanded one of us to teach Noah all their medicines, for He knew that they would not walk in uprightness, nor strive in righteousness.
11. We did according to all His words, all the malignant evil ones we bound in the place of condemnation and a tenth part of them we left that they might be subject in the presence of Satan on the earth.
12. We explained to Noah all the medicines of their diseases, together with their seductions, how he might heal them with herbs of the earth.
13. Noah wrote down all things in a book as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine. Thus the evil spirits were precluded from hurting the sons of Noah.
14. He gave all that he had written to Shem, his eldest son, for he loved him greatly above all his sons.
15. And Noah slept with his fathers, and was buried on Mount Lubar in the land of Ararat.
16. Nine hundred and fifty years he completed in his life, nineteen jubilees and two weeks and five years.
17. In his life on earth he was greater than all the children of men except Enoch because of his righteousness he was perfect. For Enoch’s office was ordained for a testimony to the generations of the world, so that he should recount all the deeds of generation to generation, until the day of judgment.
18. In the three and thirtieth jubilee, in the first year in the second week, Peleg took to himself a wife, whose name was Lomna the daughter of Sina’ar, and she gave birth to a son for him in the fourth year of this week, and he called his name Reu, for he said, “Look the children of men have become evil because the building a city and a tower in the land of Shinar was for an evil purpose.”
19. For they departed from the land of Ararat eastward to Shinar, for in his days they built the city and the tower, saying, “Go to, let us rise up thereby into heaven.”
20. They began to build, and in the fourth week they made brick with fire, and the bricks served them for stone, and the clay with which they cemented them together was asphalt which comes out of the sea, and out of the fountains of water in the land of Shinar.
21. They built it, forty-three years were they building it. Its breadth was 203 bricks, and the height of a brick was the third of one; its height amounted to 5433 cubits and 2 palms, and the extent of one wall was thirteen times 600 feet and of the other thirty times 600 feet.
22. And Yah our Elohim said to us, “Look, they are one people, and they begin to do this, and now nothing will be withheld from them. Let us go down and confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech, and they may be dispersed into cities and nations, and they will not be in agreement together with one purpose until the day of judgment.”
23. And Yah descended, and we descended with him to see the city and the tower that the children of men had built.
24. He confounded their language, and they no longer understood one another’s speech, and they then ceased to build the city and the tower.
25. For this reason the whole land of Shinar is called Babel, because Yah confounded all the language of the children of men there, and from that place they were dispersed into their cities, each according to his language and his nation.
26. Then, Yah sent a mighty wind against the tower and it fell to the earth, and behold it was between Asshur and Babylon in the land of Shinar, and they called its name “Overthrow.”
27. In the fourth week in the first year in the beginning of it in the four and thirtieth jubilee, were they dispersed from the land of Shinar.
28. Ham and his sons went into the land that he was to occupy, which he acquired as his portion in the land of the south.
29. Canaan saw the land of Lebanon to the river of Egypt was very good, and he did not go into the land of his inheritance to the west that is to the sea, and he dwelt in the land of Lebanon, eastward and westward from the border of Jordan and from the border of the sea.
30. Ham, his father, and Cush and Mizraim, his brothers, said to him, “You have settled in a land which is not yours, and which did not fall to us by lot, do not do so. If you do you and your sons will be conquered in the land and be accursed through a war. By war you have settled, and by war will your children fall, and you will be rooted out forever.
31. Do not live in the land of Shem, for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot.
32. Cursed are you, and cursed will you be beyond all the sons of Noah, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the pure judge, and in the presence of Noah our father.”
33. But he did not listen to them, and settled in the land of Lebanon from Hamath to the border of Egypt, he and his sons until this day. For this reason that land is named Canaan. And Japheth and his sons went towards the sea and settled in the land of their portion, and Madai saw the land of the sea and it did not please him, and he begged Ham and Asshur and Arpachshad, his wife’s brother for a portion, and he dwelt in the land of Media, near to his wife’s brother until this day.
34. And he called his and his son’s dwellingplace, Media, after the name of their father Madai.
1. In the thirty-fifth jubilee, in the third week, in the first year of it, Reu took to himself a wife, and her name was Ora, the daughter of Ur, the son of Kesed, and she gave birth to a son, and he called his name Seroh, in the seventh year of this week in this jubilee.
2. The sons of Noah began to war with each other, to take captives and kill each other, and to shed the blood of men on the earth, and to eat blood, and to build strong cities, and walls, and towers, and individuals began to exalt themselves above the nation, and to establish kingdoms, and to go to war, people against people, and nation against nation, and city against city, and all began to do evil, and to acquire arms, and to teach their sons war, and they began to capture cities, and to sell male and female slaves.
3. Ur, the son of Kesed, built the city of Ara of the Chaldees, and called its name after his own name and the name of his father.
4. And they made themselves molten images, and they worshipped the idols and the molten image they had made for themselves, and they began to make graven images and unclean and shadowy presence, and malevolent and malicious spirits assisted and seduced them into committing transgression and uncleanness.
5. Prince Mastema exerted himself to do all this, and he sent out other spirits, which were put under his control, to do all manner of wrong and sin, and all manner of transgression, to corrupt and destroy, and to shed blood on the earth.
6. For this reason he called the name of Seroh, Serug, for every one turned to do all manner of sin and transgression.
7. He grew up, and dwelt in Ur of the Chaldees, near to the father of his wife’s mother, and he worshipped idols, and he took to himself a wife in the thirty-sixth jubilee, in the fifth week, in the first year of it, and her name was Melka, the daughter of Kaber, the daughter of his father’s brother.
8. She gave birth to Nahor, in the first year of this week, and he grew and dwelt in Ur of the Chaldees, and his father taught him the sciences of the Chaldees to divine and conjure, according to the signs of heaven.
9. In the thirty-seventh jubilee in the sixth week, in the first year of it, he took to himself a wife, and her name was ‘Ijaska, the daughter of Nestag of the Chaldees.
10. And she gave birth to Terah in the seventh year of this week.
11. Prince Mastema sent ravens and birds to devour the seed that was sown in the land, in order to destroy the land, and rob the children of men of their labors. Before they could plow in the seed, the ravens picked it from the surface of the ground.
12. This is why he called his name Terah because the ravens and the birds reduced them to destitution and devoured their seed.
13. The years began to be barren, because of the birds, and they devoured all the fruit of the trees from the trees, it was only with great effort that they could harvest a little fruit from the earth in their days.
14. In this thirty-ninth jubilee, in the second week in the first year, Terah took to himself a wife, and her name was ‘Edna, the daughter of Abram, the daughter of his father’s sister.
15. In the seventh year of this week she gave birth to a son, and he called his name Abram, by the name of the father of his mother, for he had died before his daughter had conceived a son.
16. And the child began to understand the errors of the earth that all went astray after graven images and after uncleanness, and his father taught him writing, and he was two weeks of years old, and he separated himself from his father, that he might not worship idols with him.
17. He began to pray to the Creator of all things that He might spare him from the errors of the children of men, and that his portion should not fall into error after uncleanness and vileness.
18. The time came for the sowing of seed in the land, and they all went out together to protect their seed against the ravens, and Abram went out with those that went, and the child was a lad of fourteen years.
19. A cloud of ravens came to devour the seed, and Abram ran to meet them before they settled on the ground, and cried to them before they settled on the ground to devour the seed, and said, “Descend not, return to the place from where you came,” and they began to turn back.
20. And he caused the clouds of ravens to turn back that day seventy times, and of all the ravens throughout all the land where Abram was there settled not so much as one.
21. All who were with him throughout all the land saw him cry out, and all the ravens turn back, and his name became great in all the land of the Chaldees.
22. There came to him this year all those that wished to sow, and he went with them until the time of sowing ceased, and they sowed their land, and that year they brought enough grain home to eat and they were satisfied.
23. In the first year of the fifth week Abram taught those who made implements for oxen, the artificers in wood, and they made a vessel above the ground, facing the frame of the plow, in order to put the seed in it, and the seed fell down from it on the share of the plow, and was hidden in the earth, and they no longer feared the ravens.
24. After this manner they made vessels above the ground on all the frames of the plows, and they sowed and tilled all the land, according as Abram commanded them, and they no longer feared the birds.
CHAPTER 12. Abram seeks to turn Terah away from idolatry - He marries Sarai - Haran and Nachor - Abram burns the idols - Haran dies - Terah and his family go to Haran - Abram observes the stars and prays - He is invited to go to Canaan and is blessed - He is given the power to speak Hebrew - He leaves Haran for Canaan
1. In the sixth week, in the seventh year of it, that Abram said to Terah his father, saying, “Father!”
2. He said, “Look, here am I, my son.” He said, “What help and profit have we from those idols which you worship, and in the presence of which you bow yourself?
3. For there is no spirit in them. They are dumb forms, and they mislead the heart.
4. Do not worship them, Worship the Elohim of heaven, who causes the rain and the dew to fall on the earth and does everything on the earth, and has created everything by His word, and all life is from His presence.
5. Why do you worship things that have no spirit in them? For they are the work of men’s hands, and you bear them on your shoulders, and you have no help from them, but they are a great cause of shame to those who make them, and they mislead the heart of those who worship them. Do not worship them.”
6. His father said to him, “I also know it, my son, but what shall I do with a people who have made me serve them?
7. If I tell them the truth, they will kill me, because their soul clings to them so they worship them and honor them.
8. Keep silent, my son, or they will kill you.” And these words he spoke to his two brothers, and they were angry with him and he kept silent.
9. In the fortieth jubilee, in the second week, in the seventh year of it, Abram took to himself a wife, and her name was Sarai, the daughter of his father, and she became his wife.
10. Haran, his brother, took to himself a wife in the third year of the third week, and she gave birth to a son in the seventh year of this week, and he called his name Lot.
11. Nahor, his brother, took to himself a wife.
12. In the sixtieth year of the life of Abram, that is, in the fourth week, in the fourth year of it, Abram arose in the night and burned the house of the idols, and he burned all that was in the house and no man knew it.
13. And they arose and sought to save their deities from the fire.
14. Haran hasted to save them, but the fire flamed over him, and he was burnt in the fire, and he died in Ur of the Chaldees before Terah his father, and they buried him in Ur of the Chaldees.
15. Terah went out from Ur of the Chaldees, he and his sons, to go into the land of Lebanon and into the land of Canaan, and he dwelt in the land of Haran, and Abram dwelt with Terah his father in Haran two weeks of years.
16. In the sixth week, in the fifth year of it, Abram sat up all night on the seventh new month to observe the stars from the evening to the morning, in order to see what would be the character of the year with regard to the rains, and he was alone as he sat and observed.
17. And a word came into his heart and he said, “All the signs of the stars, and the signs of the moon and of the sun are all in the hand of Yah. Why do I search them out?
18. If He desires, He causes it to rain, morning and evening, and if He desires, He withholds it, and all things are in his hand.”
19. He prayed in the night and said, “My Elohim, Elohim Most High, You alone are my Elohim, and You and Your dominion have I chosen. And You have created all things, and all things that are the work of Your hands.
20. Deliver me from the hands of evil spirits who have dominion over the thoughts of men’s hearts, and let them not lead me astray from You, my Elohim. And establish me and my offspring forever so that we do not go astray from now and forever.”
21. He said, “Shall I return to Ur of the Chaldees who are trying to find me? Should I return to them? Am I to remain here in this place? The right path is before You. Make it prosper in the hands of your servant that he may fulfill it and that I may not walk in the deceitfulness of my heart, O my Elohim.”
22. He stopped speaking and stopped praying, and then the word of Yah was sent to him through me, saying, “Get out of your country, and from your kindred and from the house of your father and go to a land which I will show you, and I shall make you a great and numerous nation.
23. And I will bless you and I will make your name great, and you will be blessed in the earth, and in You shall all families of the earth be blessed, and I will bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you.
24. I will be an Elohim to you and your son, and to your son’s son, and to all your offspring, fear not, from now on and to all generations of the earth I am your Elohim.”
25. Yah Elohim said, “Open his mouth and his ears, that he may hear and speak with his mouth, with the language which has been revealed,” for it had ceased from the mouths of all the children of men from the day of the overthrow of Babel.
26. And I opened his mouth, and his ears and his lips, and I began to speak with him in Hebrew in the tongue of the creation.
27. He took the books of his fathers, and these were written in Hebrew, and he transcribed them, and he began from then on to study them, and I made known to him that which he could not understand, and he studied them during the six rainy months.
28. In the seventh year of the sixth week he spoke to his father and informed him, that he would leave Haran to go into the land of Canaan to see it and return to him.
29. Terah his father said to him; “Go in peace. May the eternal Elohim make your path straight. And Yah be with you, and protect you from all evil, and grant to you grace, mercy and favor before those who see you, and may none of the children of men have power over you to harm you. Go in peace.
30. If you see a land pleasant to your eyes to dwell in, then arise and take me with you and take Lot with you, the son of Haran your brother as your own son, Yah be with you.
31. Nahor your brother leave with me until you return in peace, and we go with you all together.”
CHAPTER 13. Abram travels from Haran to Shechem in Canaan, then to Hebron and thence to Egypt - Return to Canaan where Lot separates from him, receives the promise of Canaan and goes to Hebron - Khedorlaomer attacks Sodom and Gomorrah: Lot is taken captive - The law on tithing is promulgated
1. Abram journeyed from Haran, and he took Sarai, his wife, and Lot, his brother Haran’s son and they went to the land of Canaan, and he came into Asshur, and proceeded to Shechem, and dwelt near a tall oak.
2. He saw the land was very pleasant from the border of Hamath to the tall oak.
3. Yah said to him, “To you and to your offspring I will give this land.”
4. He built an altar there, and he offered on it a burnt sacrifice to Yah, who had appeared to him.
5. He left from that place and went to the mountain Bethel on the west and Ai on the east, and pitched his tent there.
6. He saw the land was very wide and good, and everything grew on it, vines, and figs, and pomegranates, oaks, and ilexes, and turpentine and oil trees, and cedars and cypresses, and date trees, and all trees of the field, and there was water on the mountains.
7. And he blessed Yah who had led him out of Ur of the Chaldees, and had brought him to this land.
8. In the first year, in the seventh week, on the first new month, he built an altar on this mountain, and called on the name of Yah and said, “You, the eternal Elohim, are my Elohim.”
9. He offered on the altar a burnt sacrifice to Yah that He should be with him and not forsake him all the days of his life.
10. He left that place and went toward the south, and he came to Hebron and Hebron was built at that time, and he lived there two years, and he went from that place into the land of the south, to Bealoth, and there was a famine in the land.
11. Abram went into Egypt in the third year of the week, and he dwelt in Egypt five years before his wife was torn away from him.
12. Now, Tanais in Egypt was built seven years after Hebron.
13. When Pharaoh seized Sarai, the wife of Abram Yah plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abram’s wife.
14. Abram was celebrated and admired because of his great possessions of sheep, and cattle, and donkeys, and horses, and camels, and menservants, and maidservants, and in silver and gold. Lot and his brother’s son were also wealthy.
15. Pharaoh gave back Sarai, the wife of Abram, and he sent him out of the land of Egypt, and he journeyed to the place where he had pitched his tent at the beginning, to the place of the altar, with Ai on the east, and Bethel on the west, and he blessed Yah his Elohim who had brought him back in peace.
16. In the forty-first jubilee in the third year of the first week, that he returned to this place and offered on it a burnt sacrifice, and called on the name of Yah, and said, “You, the most high Elohim, are my Elohim forever and ever.”
17. In the fourth year of this week Lot parted from him, and Lot lived in Sodom, and the men of Sodom sinned greatly.
18. It grieved him in his heart that his brother’s son had parted from him because Abram had no children.
19. After Lot had parted from him, in the fourth year of this week. In that year when Lot was taken captive, Yah said to Abram, “Lift up your eyes from the place where you are dwelling, northward and southward, and westward and eastward.
20. All the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever, and I will make your offspring as the sand of the sea, though a man may number the dust of the earth, yet your offspring shall not be numbered.
21. Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and the breadth of it, and see it all. To your offspring will I give it.” And Abram went to Hebron, and lived there.
22. And in this year came Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and Amraphel, king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Sellasar, and Tergal, king of nations, and killed the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Sodom fled, and many fell through wounds in the valley of Siddim, by the Salt Sea.
23. They took captive Sodom and Adam and Zeboim, and they took Lot captive, the son of Abram’s brother, and all his possessions, and they went to Dan.
24. One who had escaped came and told Abram that his brother’s son had been taken captive.
25. And Abram equipped his household servants for Abram, and for his offspring, a tenth of the first-fruits to Yah, and Yah ordained it as a law forever that they should give it to the priests who served before Him, that they should possess it forever.
26. There is no limit of days to this law, for He has ordained it for the generations forever that they should give to Yah the tenth of everything, of the seed and of the wine and of the oil and of the cattle and of the sheep.
27. He gave it to His priests to eat and to drink with joy before Him.
28. The king of Sodom came and bowed down to him, and said, “Our Master Abram, give to us the souls which you have rescued, but let the booty be yours.”
29. And Abram said to him, “I lift up my hands to the Most High Elohim, that from a thread to a shoe-latchet I shall not take anything that is yours so that you could never say, I have made Abram rich, except only what the young men, Aner and Eschol, and Mamre have eaten, and the portion of the men who went with me. These shall take their portion.”
CHAPTER 14. Abram receives the promise of a son and countless descendants - He offers a sacrifice and learns that his descendants are in Egypt - God's covenant with Abram - Hagar gives birth to Ishmael
1. After these things, in the fourth year of this week, on the third new month, the word of Yah came to Abram in a dream, saying, “Fear not, Abram, I am your defender, and your reward will be very great.”
2. He said, “Master, Master, what will you give me, seeing I go from here childless, and the son of Maseq, the son of my handmaid, Eliezer of Damascus, he will be my heir, and to me you have given no offspring.”
3. He said to him, “This man will not be your heir, but one that will come out of your own bowels. He will be your heir.”
4. And He brought him out abroad, and said to him, “Look toward heaven and number the stars if you are able to number them.”
5. He looked toward heaven, and beheld the stars. And He said to him, “so shall your offspring be.”
6. And he believed in Yah, and it was counted to him as righteousness.
7. Elohim said to him, “I am Yah that brought you out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give you the land of the Canaanites to possess it forever, and I will be Elohim to you and to your offspring after you.”
8. He said, “Master, Master, how shall I know that I shall inherit it?”
9. Elohim said to him, “Take Me a heifer of three years, and a goat of three years, and a sheep of three years, and a turtle-dove, and a pigeon.”
10. And he took all these in the middle of the month and he dwelt at the oak of Mamre, which is near Hebron.
11. He built an altar there, and sacrificed all these. He poured their blood on the altar, and divided them in half, and laid them over against each other, but the birds he did not divide.
12. Birds came down on the pieces, and Abram drove them away, and did not permit the birds to touch them.
13. It happened, when the sun had set, that an ecstasy fell on Abram, and such a horror of great darkness fell on him, and it was said to Abram, “Know of a surety that your offspring shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and they shall be brought into bondage, and afflicted for four hundred years.
14. The nation also to whom they will be in bondage will I judge, and after that they shall come out from that place with many possessions.
15. You will go to your fathers in peace, and be buried in a good old age.
16. But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.”
17. And he awoke from his sleep, and he arose, and the sun had set; and there was a flame, and a furnace was smoking, and a flame of fire passed between the pieces.
18. On that day Yah made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring will I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates, the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Perizzites, and the Rephaim, the Phakorites, and the Hivites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.
19. The day passed, and Abram offered the pieces, and the birds, and their fruit offerings, and their drink offerings, and the fire devoured them.
20. On that day we made a covenant with Abram, in the same way we had covenanted with Noah in this month; and Abram renewed the festival and laws for himself forever.
21. Abram rejoiced, and made all these things known to Sarai his wife. He believed that he would have offspring, but she did not bear.
22. Sarai advised her husband Abram, and said to him, “Go in to Hagar, my Egyptian maid, it may be that I shall build up offspring to you by her.”
23. Abram listened to the voice of Sarai his wife, and said to her, “Do so.” And Sarai took Hagar, her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to Abram, her husband, to be his wife.
24. He went in to her, and she conceived and gave birth to a son, and he called his name Ishmael, in the fifth year of this week; and this was the eighty-sixth year in the life of Abram.
CHAPTER 15. Abraham celebrates the Feast of Firstfruits - his name changes and circumcision is instituted - Sarai's name changes and Isaac is promised - Abraham, Ishmael and all his family are circumcised - Circumcision becomes an eternal ordination - Israel shares this honor with the highest angels who were created circumcised - Israel alone is subject to God: the other nations to the angels - Israel's future unfaithfulness
1. In the fifth year of the fourth week of this jubilee, in the third month, in the middle of the month, Abram celebrated the feast of the first-fruits of the grain harvest.
2. And he made new offerings on the altar, the first-fruits of the produce to Yah, a heifer, and a goat, and a sheep on the altar as a burnt sacrifice to Yah; their fruit offerings and their drink offerings he offered on the altar with frankincense.
3. Yah appeared to Abram, and said to him, “I am Elohim Almighty. Examine yourself and demonstrate yourself before me and be perfect.
4. I will make My covenant between Me and you, and I will multiply you greatly.”
5. Abram fell on his face, and Elohim talked with him, and said, “My law is with you, and you will be the father of many nations.
6. Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name from now on, even forever, shall be Abraham.
7. For I have made you the father of many nations.
8. I will make you very great, and I will make you into nations, and kings shall come forth from you.
9. I shall establish My covenant between Me and you, and your offspring after you, throughout their generations, for an eternal covenant, so that I may be an Elohim to you, and to your offspring after you.
10. You may possess the land where you have been a sojourner, the land of Canaan, and you will possess it forever, and I will be their Elohim.”
11. Yah said to Abraham, “Keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you, and circumcise every male among you, and circumcise your foreskins, and it shall be a token of an eternal covenant between Me and you.
12. And the eighth day you shall circumcise the child, every male throughout your generations, him that is born in the house, or whom you have bought with money from any stranger, whom you have acquired who is not of your offspring.
13. He that is born in your house shall surely be circumcised, and those whom you have bought with money shall be circumcised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an eternal ordinance.
14. The uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin on the eighth day, that soul shall be cut off from his people, for he has broken My covenant.”
15. Elohim said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, her name shall no more be called Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name.
16. I will bless her, and give you a son by her, and I will bless him, and he shall become a nation, and kings of nations shall proceed from him.”
17. Abraham fell on his face, and rejoiced, and said in his heart, “Shall a son be born to him that is a hundred years old, and shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bring forth?”
18. Abraham said to Elohim, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before you!”
19. Elohim said, “Yea, and Sarah also shall bear you a son, and you will call his name Isaac, and I will establish My covenant with him, an everlasting covenant, and for his offspring after him.
20. And as for Ishmael also have I heard you, and behold I will bless him, and make him great, and multiply him greatly, and he shall beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.
21. But My covenant will I establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you this time next year.”
22. Elohim ceased speaking with him, and Elohim went up from Abraham.
23. Abraham did according as Elohim had said to him, and he took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and whom he had bought with his money, every male in his house, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin.
24. On that same day was Abraham circumcised, and all the men of his house, and all those whom he had bought with money from the children of the stranger were circumcised with him.
25. This law is for all the generations forever, and there is no variance of days, and no omission of one day out of the eight days, for it is an eternal law, ordained and written on the heavenly tablets.
26. Every one that is born, the flesh of whose foreskin is not circumcised on the eighth day, does not belong to the children of the covenant which Yah made with Abraham, but instead they belong to the children of destruction; nor is there any other sign on him that he is Yah’s, but he is destined to be destroyed and killed from the earth, and to be rooted out of the earth, for he has broken the covenant of Yah our Elohim.
27. All the messengers of the presence (of Yah) and all the messengers of sanctification have been created already circumcised from the day of their creation, and before the messengers of the presence (of Yah) and the messengers of sanctification He has sanctified Israel, that they should be with Him and with His pure messengers.
28. Command the children of Israel and let them observe the sign of this covenant for their generations as an eternal law, and they will not be rooted out of the land.
29. For the command is ordained for a covenant, that they should observe it forever among all the children of Israel.
30. For Ishmael and his sons and his brothers, and Esau, Yah did not cause them to come to Him, and he did not choose them. Although they are the children of Abraham, He knew them, but He chose Israel to be His people.
31. He sanctified them, and gathered them from among all the children of men; for there are many nations and many peoples, and all are His, and over all nations He has placed spirits in authority to lead them astray from Him.
32. But over Israel He did not appoint any messenger or spirit, for He alone is their ruler, and He will preserve them and require them at the hand of His messengers and His spirits, and at the hand of all His powers in order that He may preserve them and bless them, that they may be His and He may be theirs from now and forever.
33. I announce to you that the children of Israel will not keep true to this law, and they will not circumcise their sons according to all this law; for in the flesh of their circumcision they will omit this circumcision of their sons, and all of the sons of Beliar will leave their sons uncircumcised as they were born.
34. There will be great wrath from Yah against the children of Israel because they have forsaken His covenant and turned aside from His word, and provoked (Elohim) and blasphemed, because they do not observe the ordinance of this law; for they have treated their genitalia like the Gentiles, so that they may be removed and rooted out of the land. And there will no more be pardon or forgiveness to them for all the sin of this eternal error.
CHAPTER 16. Angels appear to Abraham in Hebron, and Isaac is promised again - Destruction of Sodom and deliverance of Lot - Abraham in Beersheba - Birth and circumcision of Isaac, whose descendants were to be God's portion - Institution of the Feast of Tabernacles
1. On the fourth new month we appeared to Abraham, at the oak of Mamre, and we talked with him, and we announced to him that Sarah, his wife, would give him a son.
2. And Sarah laughed, for she heard that we had spoken these words to Abraham. We warned her, and she became afraid, and denied that she had laughed because of the words.
3. We told her the name of her son, as his name is ordained and written in the heavenly tablets and it is Isaac.
4. We told her that when we returned to her at a set time, she would have conceived a son.
5. In this month Yah executed his judgments on Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Zeboim, and all the region of the Jordan, and He burned them with fire and brimstone, and destroyed them and they are destroyed until this day, because of all their works. They are wicked and vast sinners, and they defile themselves and commit fornication in their flesh, and work uncleanness on the earth as I have told you.
6. In like manner, Elohim will execute judgment on the places where they have done similar to the uncleanness of the Sodomites, and they will suffer a judgment like that of Sodom.
7. But for Lot, we made an exception, for Elohim remembered Abraham, and sent him out from the place of the overthrow.
8. And he and his daughters committed sin on the earth, such as had not been on the earth since the days of Adam until his time, for the man had sex with his daughters.
9. It was commanded and engraved concerning all his offspring, on the heavenly tablets, to remove them and root them out, and to execute judgment on them like the judgment of Sodom, and to leave no offspring of that man on earth on the day of condemnation.
10. In this month Abraham moved from Hebron, and departed and lived between Kadesh and Shur in the mountains of Gerar.
11. In the middle of the fifth month he moved from that place, and lived at the Well of the Oath.
12. In the middle of the sixth month Yah visited Sarah and did to her as He had spoken and she conceived.
13. And she gave birth to a son in the third month. In the middle of the month, at the time of which Yah had spoken to Abraham, on the festival of the first-fruits of the harvest, Isaac was born.
14. Abraham circumcised his son on the eighth day, he was the first that was circumcised according to the covenant that is ordained forever.
15. In the sixth year of the fourth week we came to Abraham at the Well of the Oath, and we appeared to him.
16. We returned in the seventh month, and found Sarah with child before us and we blessed him, and we announced to him all the things that had been decreed concerning him, so that he should not die until he should beget six more sons and saw them before he died.
17. But in Isaac should his name and offspring be called, and that all the offspring of his sons should be Gentiles, and be counted with the Gentiles; but from the sons of Isaac one should become a pure offspring, and should not be counted among the Gentiles.
18. For he should become the portion (dowry) of the Most High, and all his offspring had fallen into the possession of Elohim, that they should be to Yah a people for His possession above all nations and that they should become a kingdom and priests and a pure nation.
19. We went our way, and we announced to Sarah all that we had told him, and they both rejoiced with very great joy.
20. He built there an altar to Yah who had delivered him, and who was causing him to rejoice in the land of his sojourning, and he celebrated a festival of joy in this month for seven days, near the altar which he had built at the Well of the Oath.
21. He built tents for himself and for his servants on this festival, and he was the first to celebrate the feast of tabernacles on the earth.
22. During these seven days he brought a burnt offering to Yah each day to the altar consisting of two oxen, two rams, seven sheep, one male goat, for a sin offering that he might atone thereby for himself and for his offspring.
23. As an offering of thanks he brought, seven rams, seven kids, seven sheep, and seven male goats, and their fruit offerings and their drink offerings; and he burnt all the fat of it on the altar, a chosen offering to Yah for a sweet smelling odor.
24. Morning and evening he burnt fragrant substances, frankincense and incense, and sweet spice, and nard, and myrrh, and spice, and aromatic plants; all these seven he offered, crushed, mixed together in equal parts and pure.
25. And he celebrated this feast during seven days, rejoicing with all his heart and with all his soul, he and all those who were in his house, and there was no stranger with him, nor any that was uncircumcised.
26. He blessed his Creator who had created him in his generation, for He had created him according to His good pleasure. Elohim knew and perceived that from him would arise the plant of righteousness for the eternal generations, and from him a pure offspring, so that it should become like Him who had made all things.
27. He blessed and rejoiced, and he called the name of this festival the festival of Yah, a joy acceptable to the Most High Elohim.
28. And we blessed him forever, and all his offspring after him throughout all the generations of the earth, because he celebrated this festival in its season, according to the testimony of the heavenly tablets.
29. For this reason it is ordained on the heavenly tablets concerning Israel, that they shall celebrate the feast of tabernacles seven days with joy, in the seventh month, acceptable before Yah as a statute forever throughout their generations every year.
30. To this there is no limit of days; for it is ordained forever regarding Israel that they should celebrate it and dwell in tents, and set wreaths on their heads, and take leafy boughs, and willows from the brook.
31. Abraham took branches of palm trees, and the fruit of good and pleasing trees, and every day going round the altar with the branches seven times a day in the morning, he praised and gave thanks to his Elohim for all things in joy.
CHAPTER 17. Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael - Mastema proposes that God require Abraham to sacrifice Isaac in order to test his love and obedience - Abraham's ten trials
1. In the first year of the fifth week Isaac was weaned in this jubilee, and Abraham made a great banquet in the third month, on the day his son Isaac was weaned.
2. Ishmael, the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, was in front of Abraham, his father, in his place, and Abraham rejoiced and blessed Elohim because he had seen his sons and had not died childless.
3. He remembered the words which He had spoken to him on the day that Lot had departed from him, and he rejoiced because Yah had given him offspring on the earth to inherit the earth, and he blessed with all his mouth the Creator of all things.
4. Sarah saw Ishmael playing and dancing, and Abraham rejoicing with great joy, and she became jealous of Ishmael and said to Abraham, “Throw out this bondwoman and her son. The son of this bondwoman will not be heir with my son, Isaac.”
5. And the situation was troubling to Abraham, because of his maidservant and because of his son, because he did not want to drive them from him.
6. Elohim said to Abraham “Let it not be troubling in your sight, because of the child and because of the bondwoman. Listen to Sarah and to all her words and do them, for in Isaac shall your name and offspring be called.
7. But as for the son of this bondwoman I will make him a great nation, because he is of your offspring.”
8. Abraham got up early in the morning, and took bread and a bottle of water, and placed them on the shoulders of Hagar and the child, and sent her away.
9. And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba, and the water in the bottle was spent, and the child was thirsty, and was not able to go on, and fell down.
10. His mother took him and laid him under an olive tree, and went and sat her down over away from him at the distance of a bow-shot; for she said, “Let me not see the death of my child,” and she sat and wept.
11. A messenger of Elohim, one of the pure ones, said to her, “Why do you weep, Hagar? Stand. Take the child, and hold him in your hand, for Elohim has heard your voice, and has seen the child.”
12. She opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water, and she went and filled her bottle with water, and she gave her child a drink, and she arose and went towards the wilderness of Paran.
13. And the child grew and became an archer, and Elohim was with him, and his mother took him a wife from among the daughters of Egypt.
14. She (the wife) gave birth to a son, and he called his name Nebaioth; for she said, “Yah was close to me when I called on him.”
15. In the seventh week, in the first year of it, in the first month in this jubilee, on the twelfth of this month, there were voices in heaven regarding Abraham, that he was faithful in all that He told him, and that he loved Yah, and that in every affliction he was faithful.
16. Prince Mastema came and said before Elohim, “Look, Abraham loves Isaac his son, and he delights in him above all things, tell him to offer him as a burnt-offering on the altar, and You will see if he will do this command, and You will know if he is faithful in everyway that You test him.
17. Yah knew that Abraham was faithful throughout all his afflictions, for He had tried him through his country and with famine, and had tried him with the wealth of kings, and had tried him again through his wife, when she was torn from him, and with circumcision; and had tried him through Ishmael and Hagar, his maid-servant, when he sent them away.
18. In everything that He had tried him, he was found faithful, and his soul was not impatient, and he was not slow to act, because he was faithful and a lover of Yah.
CHAPTER 18. Sacrifice of Isaac - Mastema is put to shame - Abraham blessed again: back to Beersheba
1. Elohim said to him, “Abraham. Abraham.” and he said, “Look, here am I.”
2. He said, “Take your beloved son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the high country, and offer him on one of the mountains which I will point out to you.”
3. He got up early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two young men with him, and Isaac his son, and split the wood of the burnt offering, and he went to the place on the third day, and he saw the place afar off.
4. He came to a well of water (near Mount Moriah), and he said to his young men, “You stay here with the donkey, and I and the lad shall go yonder, and when we have worshipped we shall come back to you.”
5. He took the wood of the burnt-offering and laid it on Isaac his son, and he took the fire and the knife, and they went both of them together to that place.
6. Isaac said to his father, “Father” and he said, “Here am I, my son.” He said to him, “Look, we have the fire, and the knife, and the wood, but where is the sheep for the burnt-offering, father?”
7. He said, “Elohim will provide for himself a sheep for a burnt-offering, my son.” And he neared the place of the mountain of Elohim.
8. He built an altar, and he placed the wood on the altar, and bound Isaac his son, and placed him on the wood that was on the altar, and stretched out his hand to take the knife to kill Isaac, his son.
9. I stood in the presence of him, and before prince Mastema, (and the pure messengers stood and wept over the altar as prince Mastema and his messengers rejoiced and said “Isaac will be destroyed and we will see if Abraham is faithful), and Yah said, “Command him not to lay his hand on the lad, nor to do anything to him, for I have shown that he fears Yah.”
10. I called to him from heaven, and said to him, “Abraham, Abraham.” and he was terrified and said, “Here am I.”
11. I said to him, “Lay not your hand on the lad, neither do anything to him; for now I have shown that you fear Yah, and have not withheld your son, your first-born son, from me.”
12. Prince Mastema was put to shame (and was bound by the messengers); and Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and saw a ram caught by his horns, and Abraham went and took the ram and offered it as a burnt-offering in place of his son.
13. Abraham called that place “Yah has seen,” so that it is said Yah has seen. This is Mount Zion.
14. Yah called Abraham by his name a second time from heaven, as he caused us to appear to speak to him in the name of Yah.
15. He said, “By Myself have I sworn,” said Yah, “Because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your beloved son, from Me, that in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven, and as the sand which is on the seashore.
16. Your offspring shall inherit the cities of its enemies, and in your offspring shall all nations of the earth be blessed. Because you have obeyed My voice, and I have shown to all that you are faithful to Me in all that I have said to you, “Go in peace.”
17. Abraham went back to his young men, and they stood and went back together to Beersheba, and Abraham lived by the Well of the Oath.
18. And he celebrated this festival every year, seven days with joy, and he called it the festival of Yah according to the seven days during which he went and returned in peace.
19. Accordingly, it has been ordained and written on the heavenly tablets regarding Israel and its children that they should observe this festival seven days with the joy of festival.
CHAPTER 19. Abraham's return to Hebron - Death and burial of Sarah - Isaac's marriage and Abraham's second marriage - Birth of Esau and Jacob - Abraham recommends Jacob to Rebekah and blesses him
1. In the first year of the first week in the fortysecond jubilee, Abraham returned and lived across from Hebron, in Kirjath Arba for two weeks of years.
2. In the first year of the third week of this jubilee the days of the life of Sarah were completed, and she died in Hebron.
3. Abraham went to mourn over her and bury her, and we tested him to see if his spirit was patient and he had neither anger nor contempt in the words of his mouth, and he was found patient in this and was not disturbed.
4. In patience of spirit he discussed with the children of Heth that they should give him a place in which to bury his dead.
5. And Yah gave him grace before all who saw him, and he asked the sons of Heth in gentleness, and they gave him the land of the double cave over beside Mamre, that is Hebron, for four hundred pieces of silver.
6. They said to him, “We shall give it to you for nothing,” but he would not take it from them for nothing, for he gave the price of the place and paid the money in full. And he bowed down before them twice, and after this he buried his dead in the double cave.
7. All the days of the life of Sarah were one hundred and twenty-seven years, that is, two jubilees and four weeks and one year, these are the days of the years of the life of Sarah.
8. This is the tenth trial with which Abraham was tested, and he was found faithful and patient in spirit.
9. He did not say a single word regarding the rumor in the land of how Elohim had said that He would give it to him and to his offspring after him, but instead he begged for a place there to bury his dead. Because he was found faithful, it was recorded on the heavenly tablets that he was the friend of Elohim.
10. In the fourth year of it (this jubilee) he took a wife for his son Isaac and her name was Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, the brother of Abraham the sister of Laban and daughter of Bethuel; and Bethuel was the son of Melca, who was the wife of Nahor, the brother of Abraham.
11. Abraham took to himself a third wife from among the daughters of his household servants, for Hagar had died before Sarah, and her name was Keturah,. And she gave birth to six sons, Zimram, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah, in the two weeks of years.
12. In the sixth week, in the second year of it, Rebecca gave birth to two sons of Isaac, Jacob and Esau.
13. And Jacob had no beard and was a straight and tall man who dwelt in tents, and Esau was a powerful man of the field, and was hairy.
14. The youths grew, and Jacob learned to write, but Esau did not learn, for he was a man of the field and a hunter, and he learned war, and all his deeds were fierce.
15. Abraham loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau.
16. And Abraham saw the deeds of Esau, and he knew that in Jacob should his name and offspring be called. He called Rebecca and gave commandment regarding Jacob, for he knew that she too loved Jacob much more than Esau.
17. He said to her, “My daughter, watch over my son Jacob, for he shall take my place on the earth. He shall be a blessing throughout the children of men and for the glory of all the offspring of Shem.
18. I know that Yah will choose him to be a people (nation) and a possession to Himself, above all peoples that are on the face of the earth.
19. Isaac, my son, loves Esau more than Jacob, but I see that you truly love Jacob.
20. Add still further to your kindness to him, and regard him in love, for he shall be a blessing to us on the earth from now on to all generations of the earth.
21. Let your hands be strong and let your heart rejoice in your son Jacob, for I have loved him far beyond all my sons. He shall be blessed forever, and his offspring shall fill the whole earth.
22. If a man can number the sand of the earth, his offspring also shall be numbered.
23. And all the blessings with which Yah has blessed me and my offspring shall belong to Jacob and his offspring always.
24. In his offspring shall my name be blessed, and the name of my fathers, Shem, Noah, Enoch, Mahalalel, Enos, Seth, and Adam. And these shall serve to lay the foundations of the heaven, and to strengthen the earth, and to renew all the stars which are in the sky.
25. He called Jacob and kissed him in front of Rebecca, his mother, and blessed him, and said, “Jacob, my beloved son, whom my soul loves, may Elohim bless you from above the sky, and may He give you all the blessings with which He blessed Adam, Enoch, Noah, and Shem; and all the things of which He told me, and all the things which He promised to give me, may He cause to be yours and your offspring forever, according to the days of heaven above the earth.
26. And the Spirits of Mastema shall not rule over you or over your offspring or turn you from Yah, who is your Elohim from now on forever.
27. May Yah Elohim be a father to you and may you be like His first-born son, and to the people always. Go in peace, my son.”
28. And they both went out together from Abraham.
29. Rebecca loved Jacob, with all her heart and with all her soul, very much more than Esau, but Isaac loved Esau much more than Jacob.
CHAPTER 20. Abraham exhorts his sons and their sons to practice righteousness, observe circumcision, abstain from impurity and idolatry - He sends them away with gifts - Dwelling places of the Ishmaelites and the sons of Keturah
1. In the forty-second jubilee, in the first year of the seventh week, Abraham called Ishmael, and his twelve sons, and Isaac and his two sons, and the six sons of Keturah, and their sons.
2. And he commanded them that they should observe the way of Yah, that they should work righteousness, and love each his neighbor, and act in this manner among all men, that they should each walk with regard to the ways of Yah to do judgment and righteousness on the earth.
3. He also commanded them that they should circumcise their sons, according to the covenant, which Elohim had made with them, and not deviate to the right or the left of all the paths which Yah had commanded us, and that we should keep ourselves from all fornication and uncleanness.
4. He said, “If any woman or maid commits fornication among you, burn her with fire. And do not let them commit fornication with her with their eyes or their heart; and do not let them take to themselves wives from the daughters of Canaan, because the offspring of Canaan will be rooted out of the land.”
5. He told them about the judgment on the giants, and the judgment on the Sodomites, how they had been judged because of their wickedness, and had died because of their fornication and uncleanness, and corruption through fornication together.
6. He said, “Guard yourselves from all fornication and uncleanness, and from all pollution of sin, or you will make our name a curse, and your whole life a shame, and all your sons to be destroyed by the sword, and you will become accursed like Sodom, and all that is left of you shall be as the sons of Gomorrah.
7. I implore you, my sons, love the Elohim of heaven and cling to all His commandments.
8. Do not walk after their idols and after their ways of uncleanness, and do not make yourselves molten or graven deities. They are empty, and there is no spirit in them, for they are work of men’s hands, and all who trust in them, trust in nothing.
9. Do not serve them, nor worship them, but serve the most high Elohim, and worship Him continually, and hope for His presence always, and work uprightness and righteousness before Him, that He may have pleasure in you and grant you His mercy, and send rain on you morning and evening, and bless all your works which you have performed on the earth, and bless your bread and your water, and bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, and the herds of your cattle, and the flocks of your sheep.
10. You will be for a blessing on the earth, and all nations of the earth will desire you, and bless your sons in my name, that they may be blessed as I am.”
11. He gave to Ishmael and to his sons, and to the sons of Keturah, gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, and he gave everything to Isaac his son.
12. Ishmael and his sons, and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together and settled from Paran to the border of Babylon in all the land that is toward the East facing the desert.
13. These mingled (intermarried) with each other, and their names were called Arabs, and Ishmaelites.
CHAPTER 21. Abraham's last words to Isaac concerning idolatry, the eating of blood, the offering of various sacrifices and the use of salt, as well as the wood used for the sacrifices and the obligation to wash before the sacrifice and to cover the blood
1. In the sixth year of the seventh week of this jubilee Abraham called Isaac his son, and commanded him, saying, “I have become old. I do not know the day of my death but I am full of my days.
2. I am one hundred and seventy-five years old, and throughout all the days of my life I have remembered Yah, and sought with all my heart to do His will, and to walk uprightly in all His ways.
3. My soul has hated idols. I have given my heart and spirit to the observance of the will of Him who created me.
4. For He is the living Elohim, and He is pure and faithful, and He is righteous beyond all, and He is no respecter of men or of their gifts, for Elohim is righteous, and executes judgment on all those who transgress His commandments and despise His covenant.
5. My son, observe His commandments and His law and His judgments, and do not walk after the abominations and after the graven images and after the molten images.
6. And eat no blood at all of animals or cattle, or of any bird that flies in the heaven.
7. If you kill a sacrificial animal as an acceptable peace offering, kill it, and pour out its blood on the altar. Place all the fat of the offering on the altar with fine flour and the meat offering mingled with oil with its drink offering. Place them all together on the altar of burnt offering. It is a sweet odor before Yah.
8. You will offer the fat of the sacrifice of thanks offerings on the fire which is on the altar, and the fat which is on the belly, and all the fat on the inside, behind the two kidneys, and all the fat that is on them, and lobes of the liver you will remove, together with the kidneys.
9. Offer all these for a sweet odor acceptable before Yah, with its meat-offering and with its drink-offering, and the bread of the offering to Yah.
10. Eat its meat on that day and on the second day, but do not let the sun go down on it until it is eaten. Let nothing be left over for the third day, for it is not acceptable. Let it no longer be eaten, and all who eat of it will bring sin on themselves, for thus I have found it written in the books of my forefathers, and in the words of Enoch, and in the words of Noah.
11. On all your offerings you will scatter salt, and do not let the salt of the covenant be lacking in all your offerings before Yah.
12. As regards the wood of the sacrifices, beware to bring only these and no other wood to the altar in addition to these, cypress, bay, almond, fir, pine, cedar, savin, fig, olive, myrrh, laurel, aspalathus.
13. Of these kinds of wood lay on the altar under the sacrifice, such as have been tested as to their appearance, and do not lay on it any split or dark wood, but hard and clean, without fault, a healthy and new growth. Do not lay old wood on it, because there is no longer fragrance in it as before.
14. Besides these kinds of wood there is none other that you will place on the altar, for the fragrance is dispersed, and the smell of its fragrance will not go up to heaven.
15. Observe this commandment and do it, my son, that you may be upright in all your deeds.
16. Be clean in your body at all times. Wash yourself with water before you approach to offer on the altar. Wash your hands and your feet before you draw near to the altar, and when you are done sacrificing, wash your hands and your feet again.
17. Let no blood appear on you or on your clothes. Be on your guard against blood, my son. Be on your guard continually and cover it with dust.
18. Do not eat any blood for it is the soul. Eat no blood whatsoever.
19. Take no payment for shedding the blood of man, or it will cause it to be shed without fear of punishment, without judgment. It is the blood that is shed that causes the earth to sin, and the earth cannot be cleansed from the blood of man except by the blood of he who shed it.
20. Take no present or gift for the blood of man, blood for blood, that you may be accepted before Yah, the Most High Elohim. He is the defense of the good, so that you may be preserved from all evil, and that He may withhold you from every kind of death.
21. I see, my son, all the works of the children of men are sin and wickedness, and all their deeds are uncleanness and an abomination and a pollution, and there is no righteousness in them.
22. Beware, or you will walk in their ways and tread in their paths, and commit a sin worthy of death before the Most High Elohim. He will hide His face from you and give you back into the hands of your transgression, and root you out of the land, and your offspring likewise from under heaven, and your name and your offspring shall perish from the whole earth.
23. Turn away from all their deeds and all their uncleanness, and observe the laws of the Most High Elohim, and do His will and be upright in all things.
24. If you do this, He will bless you in all your deeds, and will raise up from you a plant of righteousness through all the earth, throughout all generations of the earth, and my name and your name shall not be forgotten under heaven forever.
25. Go, my son in peace. May the Most High Elohim, my Elohim and your Elohim, strengthen you to do His will, and may He bless all your offspring and the remainder of your offspring for the generations forever, with all righteous blessings, that you may be a blessing on all the earth.”
26. And he went out from him rejoicing.
CHAPTER 22. Isaac, Ishmael and Jacob celebrate the Feast of Firstfruits in Beersheba with Abraham - Abraham's prayer - Abraham's last words to Jacob and Jacob's blessings
1. In the first week in the forty-fourth jubilee, in the second year, that is, the year in which Abraham died, Isaac and Ishmael came from the Well of the Oath to celebrate the feast of weeks which is the feast of the first-fruits of the harvest to Abraham, their father, and Abraham rejoiced because his two sons had come.
2. Isaac had many possessions in Beersheba, and Isaac desired to go and see his possessions and to return to his father.
3. In those days Ishmael came to see his father, and they both came together, and Isaac offered a sacrifice for a burnt offering, and presented it on the altar of his father that he had made in Hebron.
4. He offered a thanks offering and made a feast of joy in the presence of Ishmael, his brother, and Rebecca made new cakes from the new grain, and gave them to Jacob, her son, to take them to Abraham, his father, from the firstfruits of the land, that he might eat and bless the Creator of all things before he died.
5. Isaac, also, sent Jacob to Abraham with an offering of his best for thanks so that he might eat and drink.
6. He ate and drank, and blessed the Most High Elohim, who has created heaven and earth, who has made all the fat things of the earth, and given them to the children of men that they might eat and drink and bless their Creator.
7. “And now I give thanks to You, my Elohim, because you have caused me to see this day, behold, I am one hundred three score and fifteen years, an old man and full of days, and all my days have been peace to me.
8. The sword of the adversary has not overcome me in all that You have given me and my children all the days of my life until this day.
9. My Elohim, may Your mercy and Your peace be on Your servant, and on the offspring of his sons, that they may be to You a chosen nation and an inheritance from among all the nations of the earth from now on to all the days of the generations of the earth, to all the ages.”
10. He called Jacob and said, “My son Jacob, may the Elohim of all bless you and strengthen you to do righteousness, and His will before Him, and may He choose you and your offspring that you may become a people for His inheritance according to His will always.
11. My son, Jacob, draw near and kiss me.” And he drew near and kissed him, and he said, “Blessed be my son Jacob and all the sons of Elohim Most High, to all the ages. May Elohim give to you an offspring of righteousness; and some of your sons may He sanctify throughout the whole earth. May nations serve you, and all the nations bow themselves before your offspring.
12. Be strong in the presence of men, and exercise authority over all the offspring of Seth. Then your ways and the ways of your sons will be justified, so that they shall become a pure nation.
13. May the Most High Elohim give you all the blessings with which He has blessed me and He blessed Noah and Adam. May they rest on the sacred head of your offspring from generation to generation forever.
14. May He cleanse you from all unrighteousness and impurity so that you may be forgiven all the transgressions, which you have committed ignorantly. May He strengthen you, and bless you.
15. May you inherit the whole earth, and may He renew His covenant with you so that you may be to Him a nation for His inheritance for all the ages, and so that He may be to you and to your offspring an Elohim in truth and righteousness throughout all the days of the earth.
16. My son Jacob, remember my words. Observe the commandments of Abraham, your father, separate yourself from the nations (gentiles), and do not eat with them. Do not emulate their works, and do not associate with them because their works are unclean, and all their ways are a pollution and an abomination and uncleanness.
17. They offer their sacrifices to the dead and they worship evil spirits, and they eat over the graves, and all their works are empty and nothingness.
18. They have no heart to understand and their eyes do not see what their works are, and how they go astray by saying to a piece of wood, “You are my Elohim,” and to a stone, “You are my Master and you are my deliverer,” because the stone and wood have no heart.
19. And as for you, my son Jacob, may the Most High Elohim help you and the Elohim of heaven bless you and remove you from their uncleanness and from all their error.
20. Jacob, be warned. Do not take a wife from any offspring of the daughters of Canaan, for all his offspring are to be rooted out of the earth.
21. Because of the transgression of Ham, Canaan erred, and all his offspring shall be destroyed from the earth including any remnant of it, and none springing from him shall exist except on the day of judgment.
22. And as for all the worshippers of idols and the profane, there shall be no hope for them in the land of the living, and no one on earth will remember them, for they shall descend into the abode of the dead, and they shall go into the place of condemnation. As the children of Sodom were taken away from the earth, so will all those who worship idols be taken away.
23. Fear not, my son Jacob. Be not dismayed, son of Abraham. May the Most High Elohim preserve you from destruction, and may He deliver you from all the paths of error.
24. This house have I built for myself that I might put my name on it in the earth. It is given to you and to your offspring forever, and it will be named the house of Abraham. It is given to you and your offspring forever, for you will build my house and establish my name before Elohim forever. Your offspring and your name will stand throughout all generations of the earth.”
25. He ceased commanding him and blessing him.
26. The two lay together on one bed, and Jacob slept in the embracing arms of Abraham, his father’s father, and he kissed him seven times, and his affection and his heart rejoiced over him.
27. He blessed him with all his heart and said, “The Most High Elohim, the Elohim of all, and Creator of all, who brought me out from Ur of the Chaldees that He might give me this land to inherit forever, that I might establish a pure offspring.
28. Blessed be the Most High forever.”
29. And he blessed Jacob and said, “May Your grace and Your mercy be lift up on my son, over whom I rejoice with all my heart and my affection and on his offspring always.
30. Do not forsake him, nor diminish him from now to the days of eternity, and may Your eyes be opened on him and on his offspring, that You may preserve him, and bless him, and may sanctify him as a nation for Your inheritance. Bless him with all Your blessings from now to all the days of eternity, and renew Your covenant and Your grace with him and with his offspring according to all Your good pleasure to all the generations of the earth.”
CHAPTER 23. Death and burial of Abraham - Decreasing years and increasing corruption of humanity: Messianic woes, struggles everywhere, the faithful gather in arms to bring back the unfaithful - Israel invaded by Gentile sinners - Study of the law received and renewal of humanity - Messianic Kingdom - Immortality blessing of the righteous
1. He placed Jacob’s two fingers on his eyes, and he blessed Elohim, and he covered his face and stretched out his feet and slept the sleep of eternity, and was gathered to his fathers.
2. In spite of all this, Jacob was lying in his embracing arms, and knew not that Abraham, his father’s father, was dead.
3. Jacob awoke from his sleep, and realized Abraham was cold as ice, and he said, “Father, father,” but there was no answer, and he knew that he was dead.
4. He arose from his embracing arms and ran and told Rebecca, his mother, and Rebecca went to Isaac in the night, and told him and they went together, and Jacob with them, and a lamp was in his hand, and when they had gone in they found Abraham lying dead.
5. Isaac fell on the face of his father and wept and kissed him.
6. Ishmael, his son, heard the voices in the house of Abraham, and he arose, and went to Abraham his father, and wept over Abraham his father, he and all the house of Abraham, and they wept greatly.
7. His sons, Isaac and Ishmael, buried him in the double cave, near Sarah his wife, and all the men of his house, and Isaac and Ishmael, and all their sons, and all the sons of Keturah in their places wept for him forty days and then the days of weeping for Abraham were ended.
8. He lived three jubilees and four weeks of years, one hundred and seventy-five years, and completed the days of his life, being old and full of days.
9. For the days of the lives of their forefathers were nineteen jubilees; and after the Flood they began to grow less than nineteen jubilees, and to decrease in jubilees, and to grow old quickly, and to be full of their days because of the many types of hardships and the wickedness of their ways, with the exception of Abraham.
10. For Abraham was perfect in all his deeds with Yah, and well-pleasing in righteousness all the days of his life. Yet, he did not complete four jubilees in his life, when he had grown old because of the wickedness in the world, and was full of his days.
11. All the generations which shall arise from this time until the day of the great judgment shall grow old quickly, before they complete two jubilees, and their knowledge shall forsake them because of their old age and all their knowledge shall vanish away.
12. In those days, if a man lives a jubilee and ahalf of years, they shall say regarding him, “He has lived long,” and the greater part of his days are pain and sorrow and hardship, and there is no peace. For calamity follows on calamity, and wound on wound, and hardship on hardship, and evil deeds on evil deeds, and illness on illness, and all judgments of destruction such as these, piled one on another, illness and overthrow, and snow and frost and ice, and fever, and chills, and mental and physical incapacity, and famine, and death, and sword, and captivity, and all kinds of calamities and pains.
13. All of these shall come on an evil generation, which transgresses on the earth. Their works are uncleanness and fornication, and pollution and abominations.
14. Then they shall say, “The days of the forefathers were many, lasting a thousand years, and were good; but the days of our lives, if a man lives a long life are three score years and ten, and, if he is strong, four score years, and those evil, and there is no peace in the days of this evil generation.”
15. In that generation the sons shall convict their fathers and their elders of sin and unrighteousness, and of the words of their mouths and the great wickedness which they perform, and concerning their forsaking the covenant which Yah made between them and Him. They should observe and do all His commandments and His ordinances and all His laws, without departing either to the right hand or the left.
16. For all have done evil, and every mouth speaks sinfully and all their works are unclean and an abomination, and all their ways are pollution, uncleanness, and destruction.
17. The earth shall be destroyed because of all their works, and there shall be no fruit (seed) of the vine, and no oil; for their actions are altogether faithless, and they shall all perish together, beasts and cattle and birds, and all the fish of the sea, because of the children of men.
18. They shall quarrel with one another, the young with the old, and the old with the young, the poor with the rich, the lowly with the great, and the beggar with the prince, because of the law and the covenant; for they have forgotten the commandments, and covenant, and feasts, and months, and Sabbaths, and jubilees, and all judgments.
19. They shall use swords and war to turn them back to the way, but they shall not return until much blood has been shed on the earth, one by another.
20. Those who have escaped shall not return from their wickedness to the way of righteousness, but they shall all raise themselves to a high status through deceit and wealth, that they may each steal all that belongs to his neighbor, and they shall name the great name (of Elohim), but not in truth and not in righteousness, and they shall defile the purest place with their uncleanness and the corruption of their pollution.
21. A great punishment shall come because of the deeds of this generation, and Yah will give them over to the sword and to judgment and to slavery, and to be plundered and consumed.
22. And He will arouse the Gentile sinners against them, who have neither mercy nor compassion, and who shall respect no one, neither old nor young, nor any one, for they are more wicked, strong, and evil than all the children of men.
23. They shall use violence against Israel and shall violate Jacob, and much blood shall be shed on the earth, and there shall be none to gather the dead and none to bury them.
24. In those days they shall cry aloud, and call and pray that they may be saved from the hand of the sinners, the Gentiles. But none shall be excluded (none shall be saved).
25. The heads of the children shall be white with grey hair, and a child of three weeks shall appear old like a man of one hundred years, and their work and worth shall be destroyed by hardship and oppression.
26. In those days the children shall begin to study the laws, and to seek the commandments, and to return to the path of righteousness.
27. The days shall begin to grow many and increase among those children of men until their days draw close to one thousand years, and to a greater number of years than before age was recorded.
28. There shall be neither old man nor one who is aged, for all shall be as children and youths.
29. All their days shall be full and they shall live in peace and in joy, and there shall be neither Satan nor any evil destroyer because all their days shall be days of blessing and healing.
30. And at that time Yah will heal His servants, and they shall rise up and see great peace, and drive out their adversaries. The righteous shall understand and be thankful, and rejoice with joy forever and ever, and they shall see all their judgments and all their curses enacted on their enemies.
31. Their bones shall rest in the earth, and their spirits shall have much joy, and they shall know that it is Yah who executes judgment, and shows mercy to hundreds and thousands and to all that love Him.
32. Moses, write down these words. Write them and record them on the heavenly tablets for a testimony for the generations forever.
CHAPTER 24. Isaac at the well of vision - Esau sells his birthright - Isaac goes down to Gerar - Isaac's dealings with Abimelech - Isaac curses the Philistines
1. It happened after the death of Abraham, that Yah blessed Isaac his son, who arose from Hebron and went and dwelt at the Well of the Vision in the first year of the third week of this jubilee, seven years.
2. In the first year of the fourth week a famine began in the land, besides the first famine, which had been in the days of Abraham.
3. Jacob made lentil soup, and Esau came from the field hungry. He said to Jacob his brother, “Give me some of this red soup.”
4. Jacob said to him, ”Sell to me your birthright and I will give you bread, and also some of this lentil soup.” And Esau said in his heart, “If I shall die what good is my birthright to me?”
5. He said to Jacob, “I give it to you.” And Jacob said, “Swear to me, this day,” and he swore to him.
6. And Jacob gave his brother Esau bread and soup, and he ate until he was satisfied, and Esau despised his birthright. For this reason was Esau’s name called Edom (red), because of the red soup which Jacob gave him for his birthright.
7. And Jacob became the elder, and Esau was brought down from his dignity.
8. The famine covered the land, and Isaac departed to go down into Egypt in the second year of this week, and went to the king of the Philistines to Gerar, into the presence of Abimelech.
9. Yah appeared to him and said to him, “Do not go down into Egypt. Dwell in the land that I shall tell you of, and sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and bless you.
10. For to you and to your offspring will I give all this land, and I will establish My oath which I swore to Abraham your father, and I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven, and will give to your offspring all this land.
11. And in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because your father obeyed My voice, and kept My ways and My commandments, and My laws, and My ordinances, and My covenant; and now do as you are told and dwell in this land.”
12. And he dwelt in Gerar three weeks of years. And Abimelech commanded concerning him, and concerning all that was his, saying, “Any man that shall touch him or anything that is his shall surely die.”
13. Isaac grew strong among the Philistines, and he got many possessions, oxen and sheep and camels and donkeys and a great household.
14. He sowed in the land of the Philistines and brought in a hundred-fold, and Isaac became very great, and the Philistines envied him.
15. Now all the wells that the servants of Abraham had dug during the life of Abraham, the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham, and filled them with dirt.
16. Abimelech said to Isaac, “Go from us, for you are much mightier than we.” Isaac departed from that place in the first year of the seventh week, and sojourned in the valleys of Gerar.
17. And they dug the wells of water again which the servants of Abraham, his father, had dug, and which the Philistines had filled after the death of Abraham his father, and he called their names as Abraham his father had named them.
18. The servants of Isaac dug a well in the valley, and found fresh, flowing water, and the shepherds of Gerar bickered with the shepherds of Isaac, saying, “The water is ours.” Isaac called the name of the well “Perversity,” because they had been perverse with us.
19. And they dug a second well, and they fought for that also, and he called its name “Enmity.”
20. He left that place and they dug another well, and for that they did not fight, and he called the name of it “Room,” and Isaac said, “Now Yah has made room for us, and we have increased in the land.”
21. And he went up from that place to the Well of the Oath in the first year of the first week in the forty-fourth jubilee.
22. Yah appeared to him in the night of the first new month, and said to him, “I am the Elohim of Abraham your father; fear not, for I am with you, and shall bless you and shall surely multiply your offspring as the sand of the earth, for the sake of Abraham my servant.”
23. And he built an altar there, which Abraham his father had first built, and he called on the name of Yah, and he offered sacrifice to the Elohim of Abraham his father.
24. They dug a well and they found fresh, flowing water.
25. The servants of Isaac dug another well and did not find water, and they went and told Isaac that they had not found water, and Isaac said, “I have sworn this day to the Philistines and this thing has been announced to us.”
26. And he called the name of that place the Well of the Oath, because there he had sworn to Abimelech and Ahuzzath, his friend, and also to Phicol, who was the commander and his host.
27. Isaac knew that day that he had sworn to them under pressure to make peace with them.
28. On that day Isaac cursed the Philistines and said, “Cursed be the Philistines to the day of wrath and indignation from among all nations. May Elohim make them a disdain and a curse and an object of anger and indignation in the hands of the Gentile sinners and in the hands of the Kittim.
29. Whoever escapes the sword of the enemy and the Kittim, may the righteous nation root them out in judgment from under heaven. They shall be the enemies and foes of my children throughout their generations on the earth.
30. No part of them will remain. Not even one shall be spared on the day of the wrath of judgment. The offspring of the Philistines will experience destruction, rooting out, and expulsion from the earth and this is all that is in store for them. There shall not be a name or an offspring left on the earth for these Caphtorim (the seat of the Philistine state).
31. For though he rises up to heaven, he shall be brought down, and though he makes himself strong on earth, from there shall he be dragged out, and though he hide himself among the nations, even from that place shall he be rooted out.
32. Though he descends into the abode of the dead, his condemnation shall be great, and he shall have no peace there.
33. If he goes into captivity by the hands of those that seek his life they shall kill him on the way (to his imprisonment), and neither his name nor offspring shall be left on all the earth. Into an eternal curse shall he depart.”
34. It is written and engraved concerning him on the heavenly tablets, that on the day of judgment he will be rooted out of the earth.
CHAPTER 25 - Rebecca advises Jacob not to marry a Canaanite woman - Jacob promises to marry Laban's daughter despite Esau's insistence that he marry a Canaanite woman - Rebecca blesses Jacob
1. In the second year of this week in this jubilee, Rebecca called Jacob her son, and spoke to him, saying, “My son, do not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan as Esau, your brother, who took two wives of the daughters of Canaan, and they have made my soul bitter with all their unclean acts, for all their actions are fornication and lust, and there is no righteousness in them, because their deeds are evil.
2. I love you greatly, my son, and my heart and my affection bless you every hour of the day and in every night.
3. Now, my son, listen to my voice, and do the will of your mother, and do not take a wife of the daughters of this land, but only from the house of my father, and of those related to my father.
4. If you will take you a wife of the house of my father, the Most High Elohim will bless you, and your children shall be a righteous generation and a pure offspring.” And then spoke Jacob to Rebecca, his mother, and said to her, “Look, mother, I am nine weeks of years old, and I have neither been with nor have I touched any woman, nor have I engaged myself to any, nor I have even thought of taking me wife of the daughters of Canaan.
5. For I remember, mother, the words of Abraham, our father, for he commanded me not to take a wife of the daughters of Canaan, but to take me a wife from the offspring of my father’s house and from my kind folks.
6. I have heard before that daughters have been born to Laban, your brother, and I have set my heart on them to take a wife from among them.
7. For this reason I have guarded myself in my spirit against sinning or being corrupted in any way throughout all the days of my life; for with regard to lust and fornication, Abraham, my father, gave me many commands.
8. Despite all that he has commanded me, these two and twenty years my brother has argued with me, and spoken frequently to me and said, “My brother, take a wife that is a sister of my two wives,” but I refused to do as he has done.
9. I swear before you mother, that all the days of my life I will not take me a wife from the daughters of the offspring of Canaan, and I will not act wickedly as my brother has done.
10. Do not be afraid mother, be assured that I shall do your will and walk in uprightness, and not corrupt my ways forever.”
11. When she heard this, she lifted up her face to heaven and extended the fingers of her hands, and opened her mouth and blessed the Most High Elohim, who had created the heaven and the earth, and she gave Him thanks and praise.
12. She said, “Blessed be Yah Elohim, and may His pure name be blessed forever and ever. He has given me Jacob as a pure son and a pure offspring; for he is Yours, and Yours shall his offspring be continually, throughout all the generations forever.
13. Bless him, O Master, and place in my mouth the blessing of righteousness, that I may bless him.”
14. At that hour, when the spirit of righteousness descended into her mouth, she placed both her hands on the head of Jacob, and said, “Blessed are You, Master of righteousness and Elohim of the ages, and may You bless him beyond all the generations of men.
15. My Son, may He give you the path of righteousness, and reveal righteousness to your offspring.
16. May He make your sons many during your life, and may they arise according to the number of the months of the year. And may their sons become many and great beyond the stars of heaven, and may their numbers be more than the sand of the sea.
17. May He give them this good and pleasing land, as He said He would give it to Abraham and to his offspring after him always, and may they hold it as a possession forever.
18. My son, may I see blessed children born to you during my life, and may all your offspring be blessed and pure.
19. And as you have refreshed your mother’s spirit during her life, the womb of her that gave birth to you blesses you now. My affection and my heart bless you and my mouth and my tongue greatly praise you.
20. Increase and spread over the earth. May your offspring be perfect in the joy of heaven and earth forever. May your offspring rejoice, and on the great day of peace may they have peace.
21. May your name and your offspring endure to all the ages, and may the Most High Elohim be their Elohim, and may the Elohim of righteousness dwell with them, and may His sanctuary be built by you all the ages.
22. Blessed be he that blesses you, and all flesh that curses you falsely, may it be cursed.”
23. And she kissed him, and said to him, “May Yah of the world love you as the heart of your mother and her affection rejoice in you and bless you.” And she ceased from blessing.
CHAPTER 26. Isaac sends Esau to fetch venison - Rebekah instructs Jacob to get the blessing - Jacob obtains it by pretending to be Esau - Esau brings his venison and, by his insistence, obtains a blessing and threatens Jacob
1. In the seventh year of this week Isaac called Esau, his elder son, and said to him, “ I am old, my son, and my sight is dim, and I do not know the day of my death.
2. Now, take your hunting weapons, your quiver, and your bow, and go out to the field, and hunt and catch me venison, my son, and make me flavorful meat, like my soul loves, and bring it to me that I may eat, and that my soul may bless you before I die.”
3. But Rebecca heard Isaac speaking to Esau.
4. Esau went out early to the field to hunt and catch and bring home meat to his father.
5. Rebecca called Jacob, her son, and said to him, “Look, I heard Isaac, your father, speak to Esau, your brother, saying, "Hunt for me, and make me flavorful meat, and bring it to me that I may eat and bless you before Yah before I die."
6. Now, my son, do as you are told and do as I command you. Go to your flock and fetch me two good kids of the goats, and I will make them good tasting meat for your father, like he loves, and you will bring it to your father that he may eat and bless you to Yah before he dies.”
7. Jacob said to Rebecca his mother, “Mother, I shall not withhold anything which my father would eat and which would please him, but I am afraid that he will recognize my voice and wish to touch me.
8. And you know that I am smooth, and Esau, my brother, is hairy, and I he will see me an evildoer because I am doing something that he has not told me to do and he will be very angry with me, and I shall bring on myself a curse, and not a blessing.”
9. Rebecca, his mother, said to him, “Your curse be on me, my son, just do as you are told.”
10. Jacob obeyed the voice of Rebecca, his mother, and went and brought back two good and fat goat kids, and brought them to his mother, and his mother made them tasty meat like he loved.
11. Rebecca took the good and pleasing clothes of Esau, her elder son, which was with her in the house, and she clothed Jacob, her younger son, with them, and she put the skins of the kids on his hands and on the exposed parts of his neck.
12. And she gave the meat and the bread, which she had prepared, to her son Jacob.
13. Jacob went in to his father and said, “I am your son. I have done as you asked me. Arise and sit and eat of that which I have caught, father, that your soul may bless me.”
14. Isaac said to his son, “How have you found game so quickly, my son?“
15. Jacob said, “Because Yah your Elohim caused me to find.”
16. Isaac said to him, “Come closer, that I may feel you, my son, and know if you are my son Esau or not.”
17. Jacob went near to Isaac, his father, and he felt him and said, “The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau,” and he did not recognize him, because it was a decision from heaven to remove his power of perception and Isaac discerned not, because his hands were hairy as his brother Esau’s, so Isaac blessed him.
18. He said, “Are you my son Esau? “ and Jacob said, “I am your son,” and Isaac said, “Bring it to me that I may eat of that which you have caught, my son, that my soul may bless you.”
19. And Jacob brought it to him, and he ate, and Jacob brought him wine and he drank.
20. Isaac, his father, said to him, “Come close and kiss me, my son.”
21. He came close and kissed Isaac. And he smelled the smell of his raiment, and he blessed Jacob and said, “Look, the smell of my son is as the smell of a full field which Yah has blessed.
22. May Yah give you of the dew of heaven and of the dew of the earth, and plenty of corn and oil. Let nations serve you and peoples bow down to you.
23. Be ruler over your brothers, and let your mother’s sons bow down to you; and may all the blessings that Yah has blessed me and blessed Abraham, my father be imparted to you and to your offspring forever. Cursed be he that curses you, and blessed be he that blesses you.”
24.. It happened as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing his son Jacob, that Jacob had went away from Isaac his father and hid himself.
25. Esau, his brother, came in from his hunting. And he also made flavorful meat, and brought it to his father and Esau said to his father, “Let my father arise, and eat of my venison that your soul may bless me.”
26. Isaac, his father, said to him, “Who are you?” Esau said to him, “I am your first born, your son Esau. I have done as you have commanded me.”
27. Isaac was very greatly surprised, and said, “Who is he that has hunted and caught and brought it to me, and I have eaten of all before you came, and have blessed him, and he shall be blessed, and all his offspring forever.”
28. It happened when Esau heard the words of his father Isaac that he cried with a very loud and bitter cry, and said to his father, “Bless me also, father!”
29. Isaac said to him, “Your brother came with trickery, and has taken away your blessing.”
30. He said, “Now I know why his name is Jacob. Behold, he has supplanted me these two times, he took away my birth-right, and now he has taken away my blessing.”
31. Esau said, “Have you not reserved a blessing for me, father?” and Isaac answered and said to Esau, “Look, I have made him your master, and all his brothers have I given to him for servants. I have strengthened him with plenty of corn and wine and oil. Now what shall I do for you, my son?”
32. Esau said to Isaac, his father, “Have you only one blessing, father? Please. Bless me, also, father.”
33. Esau lifted up his voice and wept. And Isaac answered and said to him, “Far from the dew of the earth shall be your dwelling, and far from the dew of heaven from above.
34. By your sword will you live, and you will serve your brother.
35. It shall happen that when you become great, and do shake his yoke from off your neck, you will sin completely and commit a sin worthy of death, and your offspring shall be rooted out from under heaven.”
36. Esau kept threatening Jacob because of the blessing his father blessed him with, and he said in his heart, “May the days of mourning for my father come now, so that I may kill my brother Jacob.”
CHAPTER 27. Rebecca, alarmed by Esau's threats, persuades Isaac to send Jacob to Laban - Isaac comforts Rebecca when Jacob leaves - Jacob's dream and vow at Bethel
1. Rebecca was told Esau’s words in a dream, and Rebecca sent for Jacob her younger son, and said to him, “Look Esau, your brother, will take vengeance on you and kill you.
2. Now, therefore, my son, do as you are told, and get up and flee to Laban, my brother, to Haran, and stay with him a few days until your brother’s anger fades away, and he removes his anger from you, and forgets all that you have done. Then I will send for you to come from that place.”
3. Jacob said, “I am not afraid. If he wishes to kill me, I will kill him.”
4. But she said to him, “Let me not be bereft of both my sons on one day.”
5. Jacob said to Rebecca, his mother, “Look, you know that my father has become old, and does not see because his eyes are dull. If I leave him he will think it is wrong. If I leave him and go away from you, my father will be angry and will curse me.
6. I will not go. When he sends me, only then will I go.”
7. Rebecca said to Jacob, “I will go in and speak to him, and he will send you away.”
8. Rebecca went in and said to Isaac, “I hate my life because of the two daughters of Heth, whom Esau has taken as wives. If Jacob take a wife from among the daughters of the land such as these, I could not live with it, because the daughters of Canaan are evil.”
9. Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and warned him and said to him, “Do not take you a wife of any of the daughters of Canaan. Arise and go to Mesopotamia, to the house of Bethuel, your mother’s father, and take a wife from that place of the daughters of Laban, your mother’s brother.
10. And Elohim Almighty bless you and increase and multiply you that you may become a company of nations, and give you the blessings of my father, Abraham, to you and to your offspring after you, that you may inherit the land that you travel in and all the land which Elohim gave to Abraham. Go in peace, my son.”
11. Isaac sent Jacob away, and he went to Mesopotamia, to Laban the son of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebecca, Jacob’s mother.
12. It happened after Jacob had departed to Mesopotamia that the spirit of Rebecca was grieved for her son, and she wept.
13. Isaac said to Rebecca, “My sister, weep not because of Jacob, my son, for he goes in peace, and in peace will he return.
14. The Most High Elohim will preserve him from all evil and will be with him. He will not forsake him all his days, for I know that his ways will be made to prosper in all things wherever he goes, until he return in peace to us, and we see him in peace. Fear not on his account, my sister, for he is on the upright path and he is a perfect man, and he is faithful and will not perish. Weep not.”
15. Isaac comforted Rebecca because of her son Jacob, and blessed him.
16. Jacob went from the Well of the Oath to go to Haran on the first year of the second week in the forty-fourth jubilee, and he came to Luz on the mountains, that is, Bethel, on the first new month of this week, and he came to the place at dusk and turned from the way to the west of the road that is close, and that night he slept there, for the sun had set.
17. He took one of the stones of that place (as a pillow) and laid down under the tree, and he was journeying alone, and he slept.
18. Jacob dreamt that night, and saw a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven, and he saw the messengers of Yah ascended and descended on it, and behold, Yah stood on it.
19. And He spoke to Jacob and said, “I am Yah Elohim of Abraham, your father, and the Elohim of Isaac. The land you are sleeping on I will give to you and to your offspring after you.
20. Your offspring shall be as the dust of the earth, and you will increase to the west and to the east, to the north and the south, and in you and in your offspring shall all the families of the nations be blessed.
21. Behold, I will be with you, and will keep you wherever you go. I will bring you into this land again in peace. I will not leave you until I do everything that I told you.”
22. Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Truly this place is the house of Yah, and I did not know it.”
23. He was afraid and said, “I am afraid because this place is none other than the house of Elohim, and this is the gate of heaven, and I did not know it.”
24. Jacob got up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar for a sign. And he poured oil on the top of it. And he called the name of that place Bethel, but the name of the place was previously Luz.
25. And Jacob vowed a vow to Yah, saying, “If Yah will be with me, and will keep me in the way that I go, and give me bread to eat and clothes to put on, so that I come again to my father’s house in peace, then Yah shall be my Elohim, and this stone which I have set up as a pillar for a sign in this place shall be Yah’s house, and of all that you gave me, I shall give the tenth to you, my Elohim.”
CHAPTER 28. Jacob marries Leah and Rachel - His children with Leah and Rachel and with their maids - Jacob seeks to leave Laban but stays for a salary - Jacob becomes wealthy
1. He went on his journey, and came to the land of the east, to Laban, the brother of Rebecca, and he was with him, and Jacob served Laban for Rachel his daughter one week of years. In the first year of the third week of years he said to him, “Give me my wife, for whom I have served you seven years,” and Laban said to Jacob, “I will give you your wife.”
2. Laban made a feast, and took Leah his elder daughter, and gave her to Jacob as a wife, and gave Leah Zilpah for a handmaid; and Jacob did not know, for he thought that she was Rachel.
3. He went in to her, and saw she was Leah; and Jacob was angry with Laban, and said to him, “Why have you done this to me?
4. Did I not serve you for Rachel and not for Leah? Why have you wronged me?
5. Take your daughter, and I will go. You have done evil to me.” For Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah because Leah’s eyes were weak, but her form was very beautiful. Rachel had beautiful eyes and a beautiful and very voluptuous form.
6. Laban said to Jacob, “It is not done that way in our country, we do not to give the younger before the elder.” And it is not right to do this; for thus it is ordained and written in the heavenly tablets, that no one should give his younger daughter before the elder; but the elder one is given first and after her the younger. The man who does so will have guilt placed against him in heaven, and none is righteous that does this thing, for this deed is evil before Yah.
7. Command the children of Israel that they not do this thing. Let them neither take nor give the younger before they have given the elder, for it is very wicked.
8. And Laban said to Jacob, “Let the seven days of the feast pass by, and I shall give you Rachel, that you may serve me another seven years, that you may pasture my sheep as you did in the former week (of years).”
9. On the day when the seven days of the feast of Leah had passed, Laban gave Rachel to Jacob, that he might serve him another seven years, and he gave Rachel, Bilhah, the sister of Zilpah, as a handmaid.
10. He served yet other seven years for Rachel, for Leah had been given to him for nothing, since it was Rachel he wanted.
11. And Yah opened the womb of Leah, and she conceived and gave birth to a son for Jacob, and he called his name Reuben, on the fourteenth day of the ninth month, in the first year of the third week.
12. But the womb of Rachel was closed, for Yah saw that Leah was hated and Rachel loved.
13. Again Jacob went in to Leah, and she conceived, and gave birth to a second son for Jacob, and he called his name Simeon, on the twenty-first of the tenth month, and in the third year of this week.
14. Again Jacob went in to Leah, and she conceived, and gave birth to a third son, and he called his name Levi, in the first new month in the sixth year of this week.
15. Again Jacob went in to her, and she conceived, and gave birth to a fourth son, and he called his name Judah, on the fifteenth of the third month, in the first year of the fourth week.
16. Because of all this Rachel envied Leah, for she did not bear a child, and she said to Jacob, “Give me children”; and Jacob said, “Have I withheld from you the fruits of your womb? Have I left you?”
17. And when Rachel saw that Leah had given birth to four sons for Jacob: Reuben and Simeon and Levi and Judah, she said to him, “Go in to Bilhah my handmaid, and she will conceive, and bear a son for me.”
18. She gave him Bilhah, her handmaid, to wife. And he went in to her, and she conceived, and gave birth to a son, and he called his name Dan, on the ninth of the sixth month, in the sixth year of the third week.
19. Jacob went in again to Bilhah a second time, and she conceived, and gave birth to another son for Jacob, and Rachel called his name Napthali, on the fifth of the seventh month, in the second year of the fourth week.
20. When Leah saw that she had become sterile and could no longer have children, she envied Rachel, and she also gave her handmaid Zilpah to Jacob to wife, and she conceived, and gave birth to a son, and Leah called his name Gad, on the twelfth of the eighth month, in the third year of the fourth week.
21. He went in to her again, and she conceived and gave birth to a second son, and Leah called his name Asher, on the second of the eleventh month, in the fifth year of the fourth week.
22. Jacob went in to Leah, and she conceived, and gave birth to a son, and she called his name Issachar, on the fourth of the fifth month, in the fourth year of the fourth week, and she gave him to a nurse.
23. Jacob went in again to her, and she conceived, and gave birth to two children, a son and a daughter, and she called the name of the son Zabulon, and the name of the daughter Dinah, in the seventh day of the seventh month, in the sixth year of the fourth week.
24. Yah was gracious to Rachel, and opened her womb, and she conceived, and gave birth to a son, and she called his name Joseph, on the fourth new month, in the sixth year in this fourth week.
25. In the days when Joseph was born, Jacob said to Laban, “Give me my wives and sons, and let me go to my father Isaac, and let me make a household for myself; for I have completed the years in which I have served you for your two daughters, and I will go to the house of my father.”
26. Laban said to Jacob, “Stay with me and I will pay you wages, and pasture my flock for me again, and take your wages.”
27. They agreed with one another that he should give him as his wages those of the lambs and kids which were born spotted black and white, these were to be his wages.
28. All the sheep brought out spotted and speckled and black, variously marked, and they brought out again lambs like themselves, and all that were spotted were Jacob’s and those which were not spotted were Laban’s.
29. Jacob’s possessions multiplied greatly, and he possessed oxen and sheep and donkeys and camels, and men-servants and maid-servants.
30. Laban and his sons envied Jacob, and Laban took back his sheep from him, and he envied him and watched him for an opportunity to do evil.
CHAPTER 29. Jacob secretly withdraws - Laban chases after him - Covenant between Jacob and Laban - The dwellings of the Amorites (formerly Rephaim) are destroyed in the writer's time - Laban leaves, Jacob reconciles with Esau - Jacob sends food to his parents four times a year in Hebron - Esau remarries
1. It happened when Rachel had given birth to Joseph, that Laban went to shear his sheep; for they were distant from him, a three-day journey.
2. Jacob saw that Laban was going to shear his sheep, and Jacob called Leah and Rachel, and spoke sweetly to them in order to convince them to come with him to the land of Canaan.
3. For he told them how he had seen everything in a dream. All that Elohim had spoken to him that he should return to his father’s house, and they said, “To every place where you go we will go with you.”
4. Jacob blessed the Elohim of Isaac his father, and the Elohim of Abraham his father’s father, and he arose and placed his wives and his children on donkeys, and took all his possessions and crossed the river, and came to the land of Gilead, and Jacob hid his intention from Laban and did not tell him.
5. In the seventh year of the fourth week Jacob turned his face toward Gilead in the first month, on the twenty-first of it.
6. Laban pursued and overtook Jacob in the mountain of Gilead in the third month, on the thirteenth of it. And Yah did not permit him to injure Jacob for he appeared to him in a dream by night.
7. Laban spoke to Jacob. On the fifteenth of those days Jacob made a feast for Laban, and for all who came with him, and Jacob swore to Laban that day, and Laban also swore to Jacob, that neither should cross the mountain of Gilead to do evil to the other.
8. He made a heap (of stones) for a witness there; wherefore the name of that place is called, “The Heap of Witness,” after this heap.
9. But before they used to call the land of Gilead the land of the Rephaim. The Rephaim were born giants whose height was ten, nine, eight, down to seven cubits.
10. Their dwelling place was from the land of the children of Ammon to Mount Hermon, and the seats of their kingdom were Karnaim and Ashtaroth, and Edrei, and Misur, and Beon.
11. Yah destroyed them because of the evil of their deeds, for they were malevolent, and the Amorites were wicked and sinful. There is no people today which has committed the full range of their sins, and their life on the earth was shortened.
12. Jacob sent Laban away, and he departed into Mesopotamia, the land of the East, and Jacob returned to the land of Gilead.
13. He passed over the Jabbok in the ninth month, on the eleventh of it. On that day Esau, his brother, came to him, and he was reconciled to him, and departed from him to the land of Seir, but Jacob dwelt in tents.
14. In the first year of the fifth week in this jubilee he crossed the Jordan, and dwelt beyond the Jordan. He pastured his sheep from the sea of the heap to Bethshan, and to Dothan and to the forest of Akrabbim.
15. He sent his father Isaac all of his possessions such as clothing, and food, and meat, and drink, and milk, and butter, and cheese, and some dates of the valley.
16. Four times a year, he sent gifts to his mother Rebecca who was living at the tower of Abraham. He sent the gifts between the times of the months between plowing and reaping, and between autumn and the rain season, and between winter and spring.
17. For Isaac had returned from the Well of the Oath and gone up to the tower of his father Abraham, and he dwelt there apart from his son Esau.
18. For in the days when Jacob went to Mesopotamia, Esau took to himself a wife Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael, and he gathered together all the flocks of his father and his wives, and went up and dwelt on Mount Seir, and left Isaac his father at the Well of the Oath alone.
19. And Isaac went up from the Well of the Oath and dwelt in the tower of Abraham his father on the mountains of Hebron, and that is where Jacob sent all that he did send to his father and his mother from time to time, all they needed, and they blessed Jacob with all their heart and with all their soul.
CHAPTER 30. Dinath is raped - Massacre of the Shechemites - Laws against mixed marriages between Israel and pagans - Levi is chosen for priesthood on account of his slaughter of the Shechemites - Dinah is rescued - Jacob's rebuke.
1. In the first year of the sixth week he went up to Salem, to the east of Shechem, in the fourth month, and he went in peace. Shechem, the son of Hamor, the Hivite, the prince of the land carried off Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, into the house, and he had sex with her and defiled her. She was a little girl, a child of twelve years.
2. He begged his father and her brothers that she might be given to him as a wife.
3. Jacob and his sons were very angry because of the men of Shechem, for they had defiled Dinah, their sister. They spoke to them while planning evil acts and they dealt deceitfully with them and tricked them.
4. Simeon and Levi came unexpectedly to Shechem and executed judgment on all the men of Shechem, and killed all the men whom they found in it. They did not leave a single one remaining in it. They killed all in hand to hand battle because they had dishonored their sister Dinah.
5. Let it not again be done from now on that a daughter of Israel be defiled. Judgment is ordained in heaven against them that they should destroy all the men of the Shechemites with the sword because they had committed shame in Israel.
6. Yah delivered them into the hands of the sons of Jacob that they might exterminate them with the sword and execute judgment on them. That it might not again be done in Israel that a virgin of Israel should be defiled.
7. If there is any man in Israel who wishes to give his daughter or his sister to any man who is of the offspring of the Gentiles he shall surely die. They shall stone him, for he has committed shame in Israel. They shall burn the woman with fire, because she has dishonored the name of the house of her father, and she shall be rooted out of Israel.
8. Do not let an adulteress and let no uncleanness be found in Israel throughout all the days of the generations of the earth. For Israel is pure to Yah, and every man who has defiled it shall surely die. They shall stone him.
9. For it has been ordained and written in the heavenly tablets regarding all the offspring of Israel. He who defiles it shall surely die. He shall be killed by stoning. There is no limit of days for this law. There is no remission, and no atonement.
10. The man who has defiled his daughter shall be rooted out from every corner of all Israel, because he has given of his offspring to Moloch (a pagan deity, the worship of which involved burning the child alive), and committed impurity and defiled his child.
11. Moses, command the children of Israel and exhort them not to give their daughters to the Gentiles, and not to take for their sons any of the daughters of the Gentiles, for this is abominable before Yah.
12. It is because of this that I have written all the deeds of the Shechemites, which they committed against Dinah, and placed them in the words of the Law for you. I have also written how the sons of Jacob spoke, saying, “We will not give our daughter to a man who is uncircumcised, for that is a reproach to us.”
13. It is a reproach to Israel that anyone take the daughters of the Gentiles, for this is unclean and abominable to Israel.
14. Israel will not be free from this uncleanness if it has a wife of the daughters of the Gentiles, or has given any of its daughters to a man who is of any of the Gentiles.
15. There will be plague upon plague, and curse upon curse, and every judgment and plague and curse will come if he does this thing, or if they ignore those who commit uncleanness, or defile the sanctuary of Yah, or those who profane His pure name. If any of these happen the whole nation together will be judged for all the uncleanness and profanation of this man.
16. There will be no judging people by their position and no receiving fruits, or offerings, or burnt-offerings, or fat, or the fragrance of sweet odor from his hands. It will be unacceptable and so warn every man and woman in Israel who defiles the sanctuary.
17. For this reason I have commanded you, saying, “Give this testimony to Israel, see how the Shechemites and their sons fared? See how they were delivered into the hands of two sons of Jacob, and they killed them under torture? It was counted to them for righteousness, and it is written down to them for righteousness.
18. The offspring of Levi were chosen for the priesthood, and to be Levites, that they might minister before Yah, as we do, continually. Levi and his sons will be blessed forever, for he was zealous to execute righteousness and judgment and vengeance on all those who arose against Israel.
19. So they wrote a testimony in his favor of blessing and righteousness on the heavenly tablets in the presence of the Elohim of all.
20. We remember the righteousness that the man fulfilled during his life, throughout the years, until a thousand generations they will record it. It will come to him and to his descendants after him, and he has been recorded on the heavenly tablets as a friend and a righteous man.
21. All this account I have written for you, and have commanded you to tell the children of Israel, so that they will not commit sin nor transgress the laws nor break the covenant which has been ordained for them. They should fulfill it and be recorded as friends (of Elohim).
22. But if they transgress and work uncleanness in any way, they will be recorded on the heavenly tablets as adversaries (of Elohim), and they will be blotted out of the book of life. Instead, they will be recorded in the book of those who will be destroyed and with those who will be rooted out of the earth.
23. On the day when the sons of Jacob killed Shechem it was written in the record in their favor in heaven that they had executed righteousness and uprightness and vengeance on the sinners, and it was written for a blessing.
24. They brought Dinah, their sister, out of the house of Shechem. They took everything that was in Shechem captive. They took their sheep and their oxen and their donkeys, and all their wealth, and all their flocks, and brought them all to Jacob their father.
25. He reproached them because they had put the city to the sword for he feared those who dwelt in the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzites.
26. The dread of Yah was on all the cities that are near Shechem. They did not fight or chase after the sons of Jacob, for terror had fallen on them.
CHAPTER 31. Jacob goes to Bethel to offer a sacrifice - Isaac blesses Levi and Judah - Jacob tells Isaac how God made him prosper - Jacob goes to Bethel with Rebekah and Deborah - Jacob blesses the God of his fathers
1. On the new month, Jacob spoke to all the people of his house, saying, “Purify yourselves and change your clothes, and let us get up and go to Bethel where I vowed a vow to Him on the day when I fled from Esau my brother. Let us do this because Elohim has been with me and brought me into this land in peace. You must put away the strange deities that you raise among you.”
2. They gave up the strange deities and that which was in their ears and which was on their necks and the idols which Rachel stole from Laban her father she gave wholly to Jacob. And he burnt and broke them to pieces and destroyed them, and hid them under an oak, which is in the land of Shechem.
3. He went up on the seventh new month to Bethel. And he built an altar at the place where he had slept, and he set up a pillar there, and he sent word to his father, Isaac, and his mother, Rebecca. He asked to come to Isaac. There, Jacob wished to offer his sacrifice.
4. Isaac said, “Let my son, Jacob, come, and let me see him before I die.”
5. Jacob went to his father, Isaac, and his mother, Rebecca, to the house of his father Abraham, and he took two of his sons with him, Levi and Judah.
6. Rebecca came out from the tower to the front of it to kiss Jacob and embrace him, for her spirit had revived when she heard, “Look Jacob your son has come,” and she kissed him.
7. She saw his two sons and she recognized them. She said to him, “Are these your sons, my son?” and she embraced them and kissed them, and blessed them, saying, “In you shall the offspring of Abraham become illustrious, and you shall prove a blessing on the earth.”
8. Jacob went in to Isaac his father, to the room where he lay, and his two sons were with him. He took his father’s hand, stooped down, and he kissed him. Isaac held on to the neck of Jacob his son, and wept on his neck.
9. The darkness left the eyes of Isaac, and he saw the two sons of Jacob, Levi, and Judah. And he said, “Are these your sons, my son? Because they look like you.”
10. He said to Isaac, “They were truly my sons, and you have clearly seen that they are truly my sons.”
11. They came near to him, and he turned and kissed them and embraced them both together.
12. The spirit of prophecy came down into his mouth, and he took Levi by his right hand and Judah by his left.
13. He turned to Levi first, and began to bless him first, and said to him, “May the Elohim of all, the very Master of all the ages, bless you and your children throughout all the ages.
14. May Yah give to you and your offspring greatness and great glory from among all flesh. May Yah cause you and your offspring to draw near to Him to serve in His sanctuary like the messengers of the presence (of Yah) and as the pure ones. The offspring of your sons shall be for the glory and greatness and purity of Elohim. May He make them great throughout all the ages. They shall be judges and princes, and chiefs of all the offspring of the sons of Jacob. They shall speak the word of Yah in righteousness, and they shall judge all His judgments in righteousness.
15. They shall declare My ways to Jacob and My paths to Israel. The blessing of Yah shall be given in their mouths to bless all the offspring of the beloved.
16. Your mother has called your name Levi, and rightly has she called your name. You will be joined to Yah and be the companion of all the sons of Jacob. Let His table be your table, and let your sons eat from it. May your table be full throughout all generations, and let your food not fail in all the ages.
17. Let all who hate you fall down before you, and let all your adversaries be rooted out and perish. Blessed be he that blesses you, and cursed be every nation that curses you.”
18. To Judah he said, “May Yah give you strength and power to put all that hate you under your feet. You and one of your sons will be a prince over the sons of Jacob. May your name and the name of your sons go out across every land and region.
19. Then shall the Gentiles fear you, and all the nations and people shall shake (with fear of you). In you will be the help of Jacob, and in you will be found the salvation of Israel.
20. When you sit on the throne, which honors of your righteousness, there shall be great peace for all the offspring of the sons of the beloved. Blessed be he that blesses you, and cursed be all that hate you, afflict you, or curse you. They shall be rooted out and destroyed from the earth.”
21. He turned, kissed him again, and embraced him, and rejoiced greatly because he had seen the sons of his son, Jacob, clearly and truly.
22. He stepped out from between his feet and fell down. He bowed down to him, and blessed them. He rested there with Isaac, his father, that night, and they ate and drank with joy.
23. He made the two sons of Jacob sleep, the one on his right hand and the other on his left. It was counted to him for righteousness
24 Jacob told his father everything during the night about how Yah had shown him great mercy, and how he had caused him to prosper in all his ways, and how he protected him from all evil.
25. Isaac blessed the Elohim of his father Abraham, who had not withdrawn his mercy and his righteousness from the sons of his servant Isaac.
26. In the morning, Jacob told his father, Isaac, the vow, which he had vowed to Yah. He told him of the vision which he had seen, and that he had built an altar. He told him that everything was ready for the sacrifice to be made before Yah as he had vowed. He had come to set him on a donkey.
27. Isaac said to Jacob his son, “I am not able to go with you, for I am old and not able to endure the way. Go in peace, my son. I am one hundred and sixty-five years this day. I am no longer able to journey. Set your mother on a donkey and let her go with you.
28. I know that you have come on my account, my son. May this day be blessed on which you have seen me alive, and I also have seen you, my son.
29. May you prosper and fulfill the vow that you have vowed. Do not put off your vow, for you will be called to account for the vow. Now hurry to perform it, and may He who has made all things be pleased. It is to Him you have vowed the vow.”
30. He said to Rebecca, “Go with Jacob your son,” and Rebecca went with Jacob her son, and Deborah with her, and they came to Bethel.
31. Jacob remembered the prayer with which his father had blessed him and his two sons, Levi and Judah. He rejoiced and blessed the Elohim of his fathers, Abraham and Isaac.
32. He said, “Now I know that my sons and I have an eternal hope in the Elohim of all.” Thus is it ordained concerning the two. They recorded it as an eternal testimony to them on the heavenly tablets how Isaac blessed his sons.
CHAPTER 32. Jacob's visions in which he reads on the heavenly tablets his own future and that of his descendants - Celebration of the eighth day of the feast of tabernacles - Death of Deborah - Birth of Benjamin and death of Rachel
1.That night he stayed at Bethel, and Levi dreamed that they had ordained and made his sons and him the priests of the Most High Elohim forever. Then he awoke from his sleep and blessed Yah.
2. Jacob rose early in the morning, on the fourteenth of this month, and he gave a tithe for all that came with him, both of men and cattle, both of gold and every vessel and garment. Yes, he gave tithes of all.
3. In those days Rachel became pregnant with her son Benjamin. Jacob counted his sons starting from him and going to the oldest and Levi fell to the portion of Yah. (Levi was the third son – three is the number of spiritual completeness.) His father clothed him in the garments of the priesthood and filled his hands.
4. On the fifteenth of this month, he brought fourteen oxen from among the cattle, and twenty-eight rams, and forty-nine sheep, and seven lambs, and twenty-one kids of the goats to the altar as a burnt-offering on the altar of sacrifice. The offering was well pleasing and a sweet odor before Elohim.
5. This was his offering, done in acknowledgement of the vow in which he had promised that he would give a tenth, with their fruit-offerings and their drink- offerings.
6. When the fire had consumed it, he burnt incense over the fire, and for a thank-offering he sacrificed two oxen and four rams and four sheep, four male goats, and two sheep of a year old, and two kids of the goats. This he did daily for seven days.
7. He, his men, and all his sons were eating this with joy during seven days and blessing and thanking Yah, who had delivered him out of all his tribulation and had given him His promise.
8. He tithed all the clean animals, and made a burnt sacrifice, but he did not give the unclean animals to Levi his son. He gave him (responsibility for) all the souls of the men. Levi acted in the priestly office at Bethel in the presence of Jacob his father, in preference to his ten brothers. He was a priest there, and Jacob gave his vow, and he gave a tithe to Yah again and sanctified it, and it became pure to Him.
9. For this reason it is ordained on the heavenly tablets as a law for the offering of the tithe should be eaten in the presence of Yah every year, in the place where it is chosen that His name should live and reside. This law has no limit of days forever.
10. This law is written so that it may be fulfilled every year. The second tithe should be eaten in the presence of Yah, in the place where it has been chosen, and nothing shall be left over from it from this year to the following year.
11. In its year shall the seed be eaten until the days of the gathering of the seed of the year. The wine shall be consumed until the days of the wine, and the oil until the days of its season.
12. All that is left of it and all that becomes old will be regarded as spoiled, let it be burnt with fire, for it is unclean.
13. Let them eat it together in the sanctuary, and let them not permit it to become old.
14. All the tithes of the oxen and sheep shall be pure to Yah, and shall belong to his priests. They will eat before Him from year to year, for thus is it ordained and written on the heavenly tablets regarding the tithe.
15. On the following night, on the twentysecond day of this month, Jacob resolved to build that place and to surround the court with a wall, and to sanctify it and make it pure forever, for himself and his children after him.
16. Yah appeared to him by night and blessed him and said to him, “Your name shall not be called Jacob, but they will call your name Israel.”
17. And He said to him again, “I am Yah who created the heaven and the earth, and I will increase you and multiply you greatly, and kings shall come forth from you, and they shall be judges everywhere the foot of the sons of men have walked.
18. I will give to your offspring all the earth that is under heaven. They shall judge all the nations, as they desire. After that they shall possess the entire earth and inherit it forever.”
19. And He finished speaking with him, and He went up from him.
20. Jacob watched until He had ascended into heaven.
21. In a vision at night he saw a messenger descend from heaven with seven tablets in his hands, and he gave them to Jacob, and he read them and knew all that was written on it that would happen to him and his sons throughout all the ages.
22. He showed him all that was written on the tablets, and said to him, “Do not build on this place, and do not make it an eternal sanctuary, and do not live here. This is not the place. Go to the house of Abraham your father and live with Isaac, your father, until the day he dies.
23. For in Egypt you will die in peace, and in this land you will be buried with honor in the sepulcher of your fathers, with Abraham and Isaac.
24. Do not fear. As you have seen and read it shall all be. Write down everything that you have seen and read.”
25. Jacob said, “Master, how can I remember all that I have read and seen?” He said to him, “I will bring all things to your remembrance.”
26. He ascended from Jacob, and Jacob awoke from his sleep. He remembered everything that he had read and seen, and he wrote down all the words.
27. He celebrated there yet another day, and he sacrificed on that day as he had sacrificed on all the former days. He called its name “Addition,” because this day was added, and the former days he called “The Feast.”
28. It was made known and revealed to him and it is written on the heavenly tablets that he should celebrate the day, and add it to the seven days of the feast.
29. Its name was called “Addition,” because that it was recorded among the days of the feast days, according to the number of the days of the year.
30. In the night, on the twenty-third of this month, Deborah, Rebecca’s nurse died, and they buried her beneath the city under the oak of the river. He called the name of this place, “The river of Deborah,” and he called the oak, “The oak of the mourning of Deborah.”
31. Rebecca departed and returned to her house, to his father Isaac. Jacob sent rams and sheep and male goats by her so that she should prepare a meal for his father such as he desired.
32. He followed his mother until he came to the land of Kabratan, and he lived there.
33. Rachel gave birth to a son in the night, and called his name “son of my sorrow,” for she broke down while giving birth to him, but his father called his name Benjamin. This happened on the eleventh day of the eighth month in the first of the sixth week of this jubilee.
34. Rachel died there and she was buried in the land of Ephrath, the same is Bethlehem, and Jacob built a pillar on the grave of Rachel, on the road above her grave.
CHAPTER 33. Reuben sins with Bilhah - Laws concerning incest - Jacob's children
1. Jacob went and lived to the south of Magdaladra’ef. He and Leah, his wife, went to his father, Isaac, on the tenth new month.
2. Reuben saw Bilhah, Rachel’s maid, the concubine of his father, bathing in water in a secret place, and he loved her.
3. He hid himself at night, and he entered the house of Bilhah at night. He found her sleeping alone on a bed in her house.
4. He had sex with her. She awoke and saw that it was Reuben lying with her in the bed. She uncovered the border of her covering and grabbed him and cried out when she discovered that it was Reuben.
5. She was ashamed because of him and released her hand from him, and he fled.
6. Because of this, she mourned greatly and did not tell it to any one.
7. When Jacob returned and sought her, she said to him, “I am not clean for you. I have been defiled in regard to you. Reuben has defiled me, and has had sex with me in the night. I was asleep and did not realize he was there until he uncovered my skirt and had sex with me.”
8. Jacob was very angry with Reuben because he had sex with Bilhah, because he had uncovered his father’s skirt.
9. Jacob did not approach her again because Reuben had defiled her. And as for any man who uncovers his father’s skirt his deed is wicked greatly, for he is disgusting to Yah.
10. For this reason it is written and ordained on the heavenly tablets that a man should not lie with his father’s wife, and should not uncover his father’s skirt. This is unclean and they shall surely die together, the man who lies with his father’s wife and the woman also, for they have committed uncleanness on the earth.
11. There shall be nothing unclean before our Elohim in the nation that He has chosen for Himself as a possession.
12. Again, it is written a second time, “Cursed be he who lies with the wife of his father, for he has uncovered his father’s shame.” All the pure ones of Yah said, “So be it. So be it.”
13. “Moses, command the children of Israel so that they observe this word. It entails a punishment of death. It is unclean, and there is no atonement forever for the man who has committed this. He is to be put to death. Kill him by stoning. Root him out from among the people of our Elohim.
14. No man who does so in Israel will be permitted to remain alive a single day on the earth. He is abominable and unclean.
15. Do not let them say, “Reuben was granted life and forgiveness after he had sex with his father’s concubine, although she had a husband, and her husband, Jacob, his father, was still alive.”
16. Until that time the ordinance and judgment and law had not been revealed in its completeness for all. In your days it has been revealed as a law of seasons and of days. It is an everlasting law for all generations forever. For this law has no limit of days, and no atonement for it.
17. They must both be rooted out of the entire nation. On the day they committed it they shall be killed.
18. Moses, write it down for Israel that they may observe it, and do according to these words, and not commit a sin punishable by death. Yah our Elohim is judge, who does not respect persons (position) and accepts no gifts.
19. Tell them these words of the covenant, that they may hear and observe, and be on their guard with respect to them, and not be destroyed and rooted out of the land; for an uncleanness, and an abomination, and a contamination, and a pollution are all they who commit it on the earth before our Elohim.
20. There is no greater sin on earth than fornication that they commit. Israel is a pure nation to Yah its Elohim, and a nation of inheritance. It is a priestly and royal nation and for His own possession. There shall appear no such uncleanness among the pure nation.
21. In the third year of this sixth week, Jacob and all his sons went and lived in the house of Abraham, near Isaac his father and Rebecca his mother.
22. These were the names of the sons of Jacob, the first-born Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon, which are the sons of Leah. The sons of Rachel are Joseph and Benjamin. The sons of Bilhah are Dan and Naphtali; and the sons of Zilpah, Gad and Asher. Dinah is the daughter of Leah, the only daughter of Jacob.
23. They came and bowed themselves to Isaac and Rebecca. When they saw them they blessed Jacob and all his sons, and Isaac rejoiced greatly, for he saw the sons of Jacob, his younger son and he blessed them.
CHAPTER 34. War of the Amorite kings against Jacob and his sons - Jacob sends Joseph to visit his brothers - Joseph is sold and taken to Egypt - Death of Bilhah and Dinah - Jacob mourns Joseph - Institution of the Day of Atonement on the day the news of Joseph's death is announced - Wives of Jacob's sons
1. In the sixth year of this week of the fortyfourth jubilee Jacob sent his sons and his servants to pasture their sheep in the pastures of Shechem.
2. The seven kings of the Amorites assembled themselves together (to fight) against them and kill them. They hid themselves under the trees, to take their cattle as booty.
3. Jacob, Levi, Judah and Joseph were in the house with Isaac their father, for his spirit was sorrowful, and they could not leave him. Benjamin was the youngest, and for this reason he remained with his father.
4. The king of Taphu, the king of Aresa, the king of Seragan, the king of Selo, the king of Ga’as, the king of Bethoron, the king of Ma’anisakir, and all those who dwell in these mountains and who dwell in the woods in the land of Canaan came.
5. They announced to Jacob saying, “Look, the kings of the Amorites have surrounded your sons, and plundered their herds.”
6. And he left his house, he and his three sons and all the servants of his father, and his own servants, and he went against them with six thousand men, who carried swords.
7. He killed them in the pastures of Shechem, and pursued those who fled, and he killed them with the edge of the sword, and he killed Aresa and Taphu and Saregan and Selo and Amani sakir and Gaga’as, and he recovered his herds.
8. He conquered them, and imposed tribute on them that they should pay him five fruit products of their land. He built (the cities of) Robel and Tamnatares.
9. He returned in peace, and made peace with them, and they became his servants until the day that he and his sons went down into Egypt.
10. In the seventh year of this week he sent Joseph from his house to the land of Shechem to learn about the welfare of his brothers. He found them in the land of Dothan.
11. They dealt treacherously with him, and formed a plot against him to kill him, but they changed their minds and sold him to Ishmaelite merchants. They brought him down into Egypt, and they sold him to Potiphar, the eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief of the cooks and priest of the city of Elew.”
12. The sons of Jacob slaughtered a kid, and dipped Joseph’s coat in the blood and sent it to Jacob their father on the tenth of the seventh month.
13. They brought it to him in the evening and he mourned all that night. He became feverish with mourning for Joseph’s death, and he said, “An evil beast has devoured Joseph.” All the members of his house mourned and grieved with him that day.
14. His sons and his daughter got up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted for his son.
15. On that day Bilhah heard that Joseph had perished, and she died mourning him. She was living in Qafratef, and Dinah his daughter, died after Joseph had perished.
16. There were now three reasons for Israel to mourn in one month. They buried Bilhah next to the tomb of Rachel, and Dinah his daughter. They were (all) buried there.
17. He mourned for Joseph one year, and did not cease, for he said, “Let me go down to my grave mourning for my son.”
18. For this reason it is ordained for the children of Israel that they should remember and mourn on the tenth of the seventh month. On that day the news came which made Jacob weep for Joseph. On this day they should make atonement for their sins for themselves with a young goat on the tenth of the seventh month, once a year, for they had grieved the sorrow of their father regarding Joseph his son.
19. This day, once a year, has been ordained that they should grieve on it for their sins, and for all their transgressions and for all their errors, so that they might cleanse themselves.
20. After Joseph perished, the sons of Jacob took to themselves wives. The name of Reuben’s wife is Ada; and the name of Simeon’s wife is Adlba’a, a Canaanite. The name of Levi’s wife is Melka, of the daughters of Aram, of the offspring of the sons of Terah. The name of Judah’s wife is Betasu’el, a Canaanite. The name of Issachar’s wife is Hezaqa, and the name of Zabulon’s wife is Ni’iman. The name of Dan’s wife is Egla. The name of Naphtali’s wife is Rasu’u, of Mesopotamia. The name of Gad’s wife is Maka. The name of Asher’s wife is Ijona. The name of Joseph’s wife is Asenath, the Egyptian. The name of Benjamin’s wife is Ijasaka.
21. And Simeon repented, and took a second wife from Mesopotamia as his brothers had done.
CHAPITRE 35. Rebecca donne des instructions à Jacob et à Ésaü
1. La première année de la première semaine du quarante-cinquième jubilé, Rebecca appela Jacob, son fils, et lui donna des instructions au sujet de son père. et lui prescrivit, à l'égard de son père et à l'égard de son frère qu'il devait les honorer tous les jours de sa vie.
2. Jacob répondit: Je ferai tout ce que tu as ordonné. Je les honorerai. Ce sera pour moi un honneur et une noblesse à mes yeux, et une droiture devant Yah.
3. Mère, tu connais, depuis ma naissance jusqu'à ce jour, toutes mes actions et tout ce qui est dans mon cœur. J'ai toujours de bonnes pensées à l'égard de to4 Pourquoi ne ferais-je pas ce que tu m`as ordonné, d`honorer mon père et mon frère?
5. Dis-moi, mère, quelle perversité as-tu vue en moi, et je m`en détournerai, afin que la miséricorde soit sur moi.
6. Elle lui dit: Mon fils, pendant toute ma vie, je n`ai vu en toi aucune perversité, mais seulement des oeuvres justes. Mais je vais te dire la vérité, mon fils. Je vais mourir cette année, je ne survivrai pas à cette année de ma vie. J'ai vu en rêve le jour de ma mort. Je ne devrais pas vivre plus de 150 ans. J'ai accompli tous les jours de ma vie.
7. Jacob éclata de rire en entendant les paroles de sa mère, car sa mère avait dit qu'elle devait mourir. Elle était assise en face de lui, en pleine possession de toutes ses forces, et elle était encore très vigoureuse. Elle se déplaçait à sa guise. Sa vue était excellente et ses dents étaient solides. Aucune maladie ne l'avait atteinte durant tous les jours de sa vie.
8. Jacob lui dit: Si les jours de ma vie sont semblables aux tiens, et si ma force reste en moi comme la tienne, je serai heureux, ma mère. Tu ne mourras pas. Tu es en train de me faire une blague au sujet de ta mort.
9. Elle alla trouver Isaac et lui dit: "Je te demande une faveur: Fais jurer à Ésaü qu'il ne fera pas de mal à Jacob et qu'il ne le pourchassera pas dans l'intention de le tuer. Tu sais que les pensées d'Ésaü sont perverses depuis sa jeunesse, et qu'il n'y a pas de bonté en lui. Il désire le tuer après ta mort.
10. Tu sais tout ce qu'il a fait depuis le jour où Jacob, son frère, est allé à Haran, jusqu'à ce jour. Il nous a abandonnés de tout son coeur, et il nous a fait beaucoup de mal. Il a volé tes troupeaux et s'est emparé de tous tes biens, sous tes yeux.
11. Quand nous lui avons demandé et supplié de nous donner ce qui nous appartenait, il a agi comme un inconnu qui avait pitié de nous, en donnant un gage, comme on donne une aumône à un mendiant.
12. Il est aigri envers toi parce que tu as béni Jacob, ton fils parfait et intègre. Il n'y a pas de mal, mais seulement de la bonté en Jacob. Depuis son départ de Haran jusqu'à aujourd'hui, il ne nous a rien volé. En toute saison, il nous apporte toujours tout ce qui est nécessaire. Il se réjouit et nous bénit de tout son cœur lorsque nous lui prenons les mains. Il ne s'est pas séparé de nous depuis qu'il est revenu de Haran jusqu'à ce jour, et il reste continuellement avec nous à la maison afin de nous honorer."
13. Isaac lui dit: "Je connais et je vois les actions de Jacob, qui est avec nous, et comment il nous honore de tout son coeur. Auparavant, j'aimais Ésaü plus que Jacob, parce qu'il est le premier né; mais maintenant j'aime Jacob plus qu'Ésaü, car Ésaü a commis un grand nombre de mauvaises actions, et il n'y a pas de justice en lui. Toutes ses voies sont l'iniquité et la violence.
14. Mon cœur est troublé à cause de toutes ses actions; ni lui ni ses descendants ne seront épargnés, car ce sont eux qui seront détruits de la terre et qui seront extirpés de dessous les cieux. Lui et ses enfants ont abandonné l'Elohim d'Abraham et sont allés après les divinités de ses femmes, après leur impureté et après leur égarement.
15. Tu m'as dit de lui faire jurer de ne pas tuer Jacob, son frère, même s'il jure, il ne tiendra pas son serment. Il ne fera pas le bien, mais seulement le mal.
16. S'il veut tuer Jacob, son frère, il sera livré entre les mains de Jacob. Il n'échappera pas à la main de Jacob.
17. Ne crains pas pour Jacob, car le gardien de Jacob est grand, puissant, honoré et loué plus que le gardien d'Ésaü.
18. Rebecca appela Ésaü, qui vint à elle, et elle lui dit: J`ai une demande à te faire, mon fils; promets-moi de la faire, mon fils. Promets-moi de la faire, mon fils."
19. Il répondit: Je ferai tout ce que tu me diras, et je ne rejetterai pas ta demande.
20. Elle lui dit: "je te demande que, le jour de ma mort, tu me recueilles et que tu m'enterres près de Sarah, la mère de ton père, et que toi et Jacob vous vous aimiez mutuellement, et qu'aucun de vous ne désire le mal contre l'autre, mais que vous entreteniez seulement un amour réciproque. Fais cela pour que tu prospères, mon fils, et que tu sois honoré dans tout le pays, et qu'aucun ennemi ne se réjouisse à ton sujet. Tu seras alors une bénédiction et une miséricorde pour tous ceux qui t'aiment.
qui t'aiment.
21. Il dit: Je ferai tout ce que tu m'as dit. A ta mort, je t'enterrerai auprès de Sarah, la mère de mon père, selon ton désir, afin que ses os soient près de tes os.
22. J'aimerai Jacob, mon frère, plus que toute autre chair. Je n'ai pas d'autre frère sur terrre que lui. Ce n'est que ce que l'on attend de moi. Cela n'est pas extraordinaire si je l'aime, car il est mon frère, et nous avons été semés ensemble dans ton corps, et c'est ensemble que nous sommes sortis de ton sein. Si je n'aime pas mon frère, qui aimerai-je?
23. Je te prie d'exhorter Jacob à mon égard et à l'égard de mes fils, car je sais qu'il régnera sur moi et sur mes fils; puisque, le jour où mon père l'a béni, il l'a élevé et m'a abaissé.
24. Je te jure que je l'aimerai, et que je ne lui ferai aucun mal tous les jours de ma vie, mais seulement du bien.
25. Et il lui jura tout cela. Et elle appela Jacob, et devant Ésaü, elle lui donna les mêmes instructions qu'elle avait données à Ésaü.
26. Il dit: Je ferai ce que tu voudras; crois-moi, aucun mal ne sortira de moi ni de mes fils contre Ésaü. Je ne serai le premier en rien, si ce n'est en amour."
27. Le soir même, elle mangea et but avec ses fils, et elle mourut, âgée de trois jubilés et d'une semaine et un an, cette nuit-là. Ses deux fils, Ésaü et Jacob, l'enterrèrent dans la double grotte, près de Sarah, la mère de leur père.
CHAPITRE 36. Isaac donne des instructions à ses fils concernant sa sépulture, les exhorte à s'aimer les uns les autres et leur fait adjurer la destruction de celui qui fait du mal à son frère - Il partage ses biens, donnant la plus grande part à Jacob, et meurt - Léa meurt - Les fils de Jacob viennent pour le réconforter
1. La 6e année de cette semaine, Isaac appela ses deux fils, Ésaü et Jacob, et ils vinrent à lui, et il leur dit: "Mes fils, je m'en vais par le chemin de mes pères, vers la maison éternelle où sont mes pères".
2. C'est pourquoi, enterrez-moi près d'Abraham, mon père, dans la double grotte du champ d'Ephron le Héthien, où Abraham acheta un sépulcre pour y être enterré; enterrez-moi dans le tombeau que je me suis creusé.
3. Voici ce que je vous commande, mes fils, de pratiquer la justice et la droiture sur la terre, afin que le Seigneur fasse venir sur vous tout ce qu'Il a dit qu'il ferait à Abraham et à sa postérité.
4. Mes fils, aimez-vous les uns les autres comme un homme qui aime sa propre âme, que chacun cherche en quoi il peut être utile à son frère, agissez conjointement sur la terre, et que chacun aime l'autre comme son âme.
5. Concernant la question des idoles, je vous ordonne et vous exhorte à les rejeter, à les haïr et à ne pas les aimer, car elles sont pleines de tromperie pour ceux qui les adorent et pour ceux qui se prosternent devant elles.
6. Souvenez-vous, mes fils, du Seigneur ELOHIM d'Abraham, votre père, et comment moi aussi je l'ai adoré et servi dans la droiture et la joie, afin que le Seigneur vous multiplie et augmente votre postérité comme les étoiles du ciel en abondance, et vous établisse sur la terre comme la plante de la justice qui ne sera pas déracinée dans toutes les générations à perpétuité.
7. A présent, je vous ferai prêter un grand serment, car il n'y a pas de serment plus grand que celui-ci: par le nom du glorieux, honorable, suprême, majestueux, merveilleux et tout puissant, qui a créé les cieux et la terre et toutes choses ensemble, que vous le craindrez et que vous l'adorerez.
8. Et que chacun aimera son frère avec affection et loyauté, et que ni l'un ni l'autre ne désirera le mal contre son frère, dès maintenant et pour toujours, tous les jours de votre vie, afin que vous puissiez prospérer dans toutes vos actions et ne soyez pas détruits.
9. Et si l'un de vous conçoit du mal contre son frère, sachez que désormais quiconque meditera le mal contre son frère tombera entre ses mains, sera retranché de la terre des vivants, et sa postérité sera détruite de dessous le ciel.
10. Et au jour de l'agitation, de la fureur, de l'indignation et de la colère, Il le brûlera par un feu dévorant. Et, tout comme Il brûla Sodome, Il brûlera également son territoire, et sa ville, et tout ce qui lui appartient. Celui-ci sera effacée du livre de la justice des fils de l'homme, et ne sera plus inscrit dans le livre de vie, mais dans celui qui est destiné à la destruction, et il s'en ira dans une destruction éternelle.
11. Afin que sa condamnation soit sans cesse renouvelée dans la haine, dans l'exécration, dans la colère, dans les tourments, dans l'indignation, dans les fléaux et dans les maladies, pour l'éternité. Mes fils, je vous le déclare et vous l'atteste, voici le jugement qui frappera l'homme qui désire faire du mal à son frère.
12. Ce jour-là, il partagea tous ses biens entre les deux, il donna une plus large portion à celui qui était le premier-né, ainsi que la tour et tout ce qui l'entoure, et tout ce qu'Abraham possédait au puits du serment.
13. Il dit: "Je donnerai la plus grande part au premier-né".
14. Alors Ésaü dit: "J'ai vendu à Jacob et lui ai cédé mon droit d'aînesse; que cela lui soit donné, et je n'ai pas un seul mot à dire à ce sujet, car cela lui revient."
15. Isaac dit: "Qu'une bénédiction repose aujourd'hui sur vous, mes fils, et sur vos postérités, car vous m'avez donné du repos, et mon cœur n'a pas été peiné concernant le droit d'aînesse, craignant que vous ne commettiez une méchanceté à cause de cela.
16. "Que le ELOHIM Très-Haut bénisse l'homme qui pratique la justice, lui et sa postérité, à perpétuité."
17. Il acheva de les commander et de les bénir, puis ils mangèrent et burent ensemble devant lui, et il se réjouit de ce qu'il y avait entre eux un seul esprit, puis ils le quittèrent et il se reposa ce jour et dormit.
18. Isaac se coucha sur son lit ce jour-là en se réjouissant; et il dormit du sommeil éternel, et mourut à l'âge de 180 ans. Il avait accompli 25 semaines et 5 années; ses deux fils, Ésaü et Jacob, l'ensevelirent.
19. Ésaü retourna au pays d'Édom, dans les montagnes de Séir, et il y demeura.
20. Jacob habita dans les montagnes d'Hébron, dans la tour de la terre de séjour de son père Abraham, et il se prosterna devant le Seigneur de tout son cœur et conformément aux commandements visibles, tels que le Seigneur avait réparti les jours de ses générations.
21. Léa, sa femme, mourut dans la 4e année de la 2e semaine du 45e jubilé, et il l'enterra dans la double grotte près de Rébecca, sa mère, à gauche de la tombe de Sara, la mère de son père.
22. Tous ses fils et les siens vinrent pleurer avec lui Léa, sa femme, et le consoler à son sujet, car il se lamentait pour elle.
23. En effet, après le décès de Rachel, sa sœur, il l'aima énormément, car elle était parfaite et droite dans toutes ses voies et honorait Jacob, et pendant tout le temps qu'elle vécut avec lui, il n'entendit pas de sa bouche une parole dure, car elle était douce et pacifique, droite et honorable.
24. Il se souvint de toutes les actions qu'elle avait faites durant sa vie et il la pleura abondamment, car il l'aimait de tout son cœur et de toute son âme.
CHAPITRE 37. Les fils d'Ésaü lui reprochent sa subordination à Jacob, et le contraignent à faire la guerre contre Jacob avec l'aide de 4000 mercenaires - Jacob fait des reproches à Ésaü
1. Le jour où Isaac, le père de Jacob et d'Ésaü, mourut, les fils d'Ésaü apprirent qu'Isaac avait donné la part de l'aîné à son fils cadet Jacob et ils furent très en colère.
2. Ils se disputèrent avec leur père en disant: "Pourquoi ton père a-t-il donné à Jacob la part de l'aîné et t'a-t-il oublié, alors que tu es l'aîné et Jacob le cadet?"
3. Il leur répondit: "Parce que j'ai vendu mon droit d'aînesse à Jacob pour une petite quantité de lentilles, et que le jour où mon père m'envoya chasser, faire une prise et lui apporter de quoi manger et me bénir, il a agi avec ruse en apportant à mon père à manger et à boire, et mon père le bénit et me mit sous sa domination.
4. "Et voilà que notre père nous a fait jurer, lui et moi, de ne pas nous faire mutuellement du mal, ni l'un ni l'autre contre son frère, et de persévérer dans l'amour et la paix chacun avec son frère, afin de ne pas corrompre nos voies."
5. Ils lui dirent: "Nous ne t'écouterons pas au sujet de cette paix avec lui, car nous sommes plus forts et plus puissants que lui; nous le combattrons, nous le tuerons et nous le détruirons, lui et ses fils. Et si tu ne viens pas avec nous, nous te ferons également du mal.
6. "Et maintenant, écoute-nous: Nous dépêcherons auprès d'Aram, de Philistie, de Moab et d'Ammon, et nous nous choisirons des hommes d'élite, ardents au combat, et nous irons contre lui, nous lui livrerons bataille, et nous l'exterminerons de la terre avant qu'il ne devienne plus fort."
7. Leur père leur dit: "Ne vous y rendez pas et ne lui faites pas la guerre, de peur que vous ne tombiez devant lui."
8. Ils lui dirent: "C'est exactement la façon dont tu as agi depuis ta jeunesse jusqu'à aujourd'hui, en mettant ton cou sous son joug. Nous n'écouterons pas tes paroles."
9. Ils dépêchèrent vers Aram et vers Aduram, l'ami de leur père, et ils engagèrent à leurs côtés 1 000 combattants, des hommes de guerre de choix.
10. Depuis Moab et des fils d'Ammon, il leur parvint 1 000 hommes d'élite, de Philistie 1 000 hommes de guerre d'élite, d'Edom et des Horites 1 000 combattants d'élite, et de Kittim des hommes de guerre puissants.
11. Ils dirent à leur père: Viens avec eux et conduis-les, sinon nous te tuerons".
12. Il entra dans une grande colère et une grande indignation en voyant que ses fils le forçaient à les précéder pour les conduire contre son frère Jacob. Mais par la suite, il se rappela tout le mal qui était caché dans son cœur contre Jacob, son frère.
13. Il oublia le serment qu'il avait fait à son père et à sa mère de ne pas méditer le mal tout au long de sa vie contre Jacob, son frère.
14. En dépit de tout cela, sans savoir qu'ils venaient contre lui pour combattre, Jacob était en deuil pour Léa, sa femme, jusqu'à ce qu'ils s'approchent tout près de la tour avec 4 000 guerriers et hommes de guerre d'élite.
15. Les habitants d'Hébron lui envoyèrent dire: "Voici ton frère qui vient contre toi pour te combattre, avec 4 000 hommes armés d'épées, portant des boucliers et des armes", car ils aimaient Jacob plus qu'Ésaü. Ils le lui firent savoir, car Jacob était un homme plus tolérant et plus compatissant qu'Ésaü.
16. Mais Jacob ne voulut pas le croire jusqu'à ce qu'ils arrivent à proximité de la tour.
17. Alors, il ferma les portes de la tour, se plaça sur les remparts, parla à son frère Ésaü et dit: "Noble est le réconfort avec lequel tu es venu me consoler à l'égard de ma femme qui est morte. Est-ce là le serment que tu as juré à ton père et à ta mère avant leur mort? Tu as rompu le serment, et tu es condamné du moment où tu l'as juré à ton père.
18. Ésaü prit la parole et lui dit: "Ni les enfants des hommes ni les animaux de la terre n'ont prêté un serment de justice éternellement; mais chaque jour ils élaborent des projets maléfiques les uns contre les autres, et comment chacun peut frapper son adversaire et son ennemi".
19. Et toi, tu nous hais, à tout jamais, moi et mes enfants. Et il n'y a pas de respect du lien de fraternité avec toi.
20. Maintenant, écoute bien ces paroles que je te dis: Lorsque le sanglier pourra changer sa peau et rendre ses poils doux comme de la laine, ou lorsqu'il poussera sur sa tête des cornes comme celles d'un cerf ou d'un mouton, ou si les mamelles se détachent de la femme, alors j’observerais le lien de fraternité avec toi, car tu n’as pas été un frère pour moi.
21. Si les loups font la paix avec les agneaux pour ne plus les dévorer ni leur faire violence, et que leur cœur leur devienne favorable, alors il y aura la même paix dans mon cœur à ton égard.
22. Si le lion devient l'ami du bœuf et fait la paix avec lui, s'il se lie à lui sous un même joug et laboure avec lui, alors je ferai la paix avec toi.
23. Quand le corbeau deviendra blanc comme le raza, sache alors que je t'ai aimé et que je ferai la paix avec toi. Tu seras détruit, ainsi que tes fils, et il n'y aura pas de paix pour toi.
28. Lorsque Jacob constata qu'il était si mal disposé envers lui, de tout son cœur et de toute son âme, qu'il voulait le tuer, et qu'il était venu en surgissant tel un sanglier sauvage qui fonce sur la lance qui le transperce et le tue, et ne recule pas devant elle
29. Alors il parla aux siens et à ses serviteurs pour qu'ils le combattent, lui et tous ses compagnons.
CHAPITRE 38. La guerre entre Jacob et Esaü à la tour d'Hébron. La mort d'Esaü et le renversement de ses forces - Les rois d'Edom
1. Après cela, Juda parla à Jacob, son père, et lui dit: "Baisse ton arc, père, et dirige tes flèches pour abattre l'adversaire et tuer l'ennemi; et que tu aies le pouvoir, voilà nous ne tuerons pas ton frère, car il est semblable à toi, et il est comme toi, alors nous lui donnerons cet honneur.
2. Jacob tendit son arc, décocha la flèche, frappa son frère Ésaü ( sur le côté droit de sa poitrine ) et le tua.
3. Il décocha de nouveau une flèche, frappa Adoran, l'Araméen, sur le côté gauche de sa poitrine, le fit reculer et le tua.
4. Puis les fils de Jacob sortirent, ainsi que leurs serviteurs, se répartissant en troupes sur les quatre côtés de la tour.
5. Juda sortit en tête, avec Nephtali et Gad, et 50 serviteurs avec lui, sur le côté Sud de la tour; ils tuèrent tous ceux qu'ils trouvèrent devant eux, et pas un seul n'échappa.
6. Lévi, Dan et Asher sortirent sur le côté Est de la tour, avec 50 hommes, et ils tuèrent les combattants de Moab et d'Ammon.
7. Ruben, Issacar et Zabulon sortirent sur le côté Nord de la tour, avec 50 hommes, et ils tuèrent les combattants Philistins.
8. Siméon, Benjamin et Hénoc, fils de Ruben, sortirent du côté Ouest de la tour, avec 50 hommes, et ils tuèrent 400 hommes d'Édom et des Horites, des guerriers robustes; 600 prirent la fuite, et 4 des fils d'Ésaü s'enfuirent avec eux, laissant leur père mort, tel qu'il était couché sur la colline qui se trouve à Aduram.
9. Les fils de Jacob les poursuivirent jusqu'aux montagnes de Séir.
10. Jacob enterra son frère sur la colline d'Aduram, puis il retourna dans sa maison.
11. ELes fils de Jacob frappèrent les fils d'Ésaü sur les montagnes de Séir et leur firent baisser la tête, de sorte qu'ils devinrent les esclaves des fils de Jacob. Et ils envoyèrent demander à leur père s'ils devaient faire la paix avec eux ou les tuer.
12. Jacob fit savoir à ses fils qu'ils devaient faire la paix, et ces derniers firent la paix avec eux, et leur imposèrent le joug de la servitude, de sorte qu'ils ne cessent de payer un tribut à Jacob et à ses fils.
13. Et ils continuèrent de payer le tribut à Jacob jusqu’au jour où il partit en Égypte.
14. Or, les fils d'Édom continiuent a etre sous le joug de la servitude que les douze fils de Jacob leur avaient imposée depuis lors.
15. Voici les noms des rois qui régnèrent à Édom avant que ne règne un quelconque roi sur les enfants d'Israël [jusqu'à ce jour] dans la terre de Edom.
16. Balaq, fils de Beor, régna en Édom, et le nom de sa ville était Danaba.
17. Balaq mourut, et Jobab, fils de Zara de Boser, régna à sa place.
18. Johab mourut et Asam, du pays de Théman, régna à sa place.
19. Asam mourut et Adath, fils de Barad, qui avait tué Madian dans le champ de Moab, régna à sa place, et le nom de sa ville fut Avith..
20. Adath mourut et Salman de Amaseqa régna à sa place.
21. Salman mourut et Saul de Raaboth [par la] rivière régna à sa place.
22. Saul mourut et Baelunan le fils de Achbor régna à sa place.
23. Baelunan le fils de Achbor mourut et Adath régna à sa place et le nom de sa femme était Maitabith, fille de Matarat, fille de Metabedzaab.
24. Ce sont là les rois qui ont régné dans le pays d'Édom.
CHAPITRE 39. Joseph est établi dans la maison de Potiphar - Sa chasteté et son emprisonnement - L'emprisonnement du chef des majordomes et du chef des boulangers de Pharaon dont Joseph interprète les rêves
1. Jacob s'établit dans le pays où résidait son père, au pays de Canaan. Voici les descendants de Jacob.
2. Joseph avait 17 ans lorsqu'on le transporta au pays d'Égypte. Et Potiphar, eunuque de Pharaon, chef cuisinier, l'acheta.
3. Il plaça Joseph à la tête de toute sa maison et la bénédiction de ELOHIM se répandit sur la maison de l'Égyptien à cause de Joseph, et le Seigneur le rendit prospère dans tout ce qu'il entreprenait.
4. L'Égyptien confia toutes ses affaires à Joseph, car il vit que le Seigneur était avec lui et que le Seigneur le faisait prospérer dans tout ce qu'il faisait.
5. Joseph était très beau et très élégante était son apparence. La femme de son maître leva les yeux et vit Joseph; elle le désira et le supplia de coucher avec elle.
6. Mais il ne céda pas son âme, et il se souvint du Seigneur et des paroles que Jacob, son père, avait l'habitude de lire parmi les écrits d'Abraham, à savoir que nul ne doit commettre de fornication avec une femme qui a un mari; que pour cette personne, la punition de la mort sera prononcée dans les cieux devant le ELOHIM Très-Haut, et que cette faute sera enregistrée contre lui dans les livres éternels, continuellement devant le Seigneur.
7. Joseph se souvint de ces paroles et refusa de coucher avec elle.
8. Elle le supplia pendant toute une année, mais il refusa et ne voulut pas l'écouter.
9. Pour le forcer à coucher avec elle, elle l'embrassa et le retint dans la maison; elle ferma les portes de la maison et le bloqua; mais il laissa son vêtement entre ses mains, défonça la porte et s'enfuit loin de sa présence.
10. La femme voyant qu'il ne voulait pas coucher avec elle, le diffama devant son maître, en disant: "Ton serviteur hébreu, que tu aimes, a cherché à me forcer pour coucher avec moi; et quand j'ai élevé la voix, il s'est enfui, a laissé son vêtement dans mes mains quand je le retenais, et il a cassé la porte.
11. L'Égyptien vit le vêtement de Joseph et la porte brisée, et il écouta les paroles de sa femme; alors il jeta Joseph en prison dans le lieu où l'on gardait les condamnés que le roi faisait emprisonner.
12. Il se trouvait là, dans la prison, et ELOHIM accorda à Joseph la faveur du chef des gardiens de la prison et la compassion à son égard, car il avait compris que le Seigneur était avec lui et que le Seigneur faisait prospérer tout ce qu'il faisait.
13. Il confia tout entre ses mains, alors que le chef des gardiens de la prison ne savait rien sur lui, car Joseph exécutait toutes ses tâches, et le Seigneur les perfectionnait.
14. Il resta là 12 ans. En ces jours-là, Pharaon, roi d'Égypte, fut irrité contre ses deux eunuques, le chef des majordomes et le chef des boulangers, et il les plaça dans la prison où Joseph était enfermé, dans la maison du chef des cuisiniers.
15. Le chef des gardiens de la prison chargea Joseph de les servir, et il les servait.
16. Ils eurent tous deux un songe, le chef des majordomes et le chef des boulangers, et ils le racontèrent à Joseph.
17. Pharaon rétablit le chef des majordomes dans ses fonctions, et il tua le le chef des boulangers, comme Joseph le leur avait annoncé.
18. Mais le chef des majordomes oublia Joseph dans la prison, malgré qu'il lui avait fait connaître ce qui lui arriverait, et il ne se souvint pas d'informer Pharaon de ce que Joseph lui avait révélé, car il avait oublié.
CHAPITRE 40. Les rêves de Pharaon et leur interprétation - L'élévation et le mariage de Joseph
1. En ces jours-là, Pharaon eut deux songes en une seule nuit, au sujet d'une famine qui devait sévir dans tout le pays. Il se réveilla de son sommeil et appela tous les interprètes des rêves qui se trouvaient en Égypte, ainsi que les magiciens, et leur raconta ses deux songes; mais ils ne furent pas capable de les expliquer.
2. Alors le chef des majordomes se souvint de Joseph et parla de lui au roi, qui le fit sortir de la prison, et il lui raconta ses deux rêves.
3. Il expliqua en présence de Pharaon que ses deux rêves n'en faisaient qu'un, et il lui dit: "Il y aura 7 ans d'abondance dans tout le pays d'Égypte, et après cela 7 ans de famine, une famine telle qu'il n'y en a jamais eu dans tout le pays.
4. Et maintenant, que Pharaon nomme des intendants dans tout le pays d'Égypte, et qu'ils stockent des vivres dans chaque ville durant tous les jours des années d'abondance, ainsi il y aura assez de nourriture pour les 7 années de famine, et le pays ne périra pas par la famine, car elle sera très sévère."
5. Le Seigneur accorda à Joseph faveur et grâce aux yeux de Pharaon, et celui-ci dit à ses serviteurs: "Il n'y a pas d'homme plus sage et plus prudent que cet homme, car l'esprit du Seigneur est avec lui"
6. Il l’appointa second dans tout son royaume, lui donna autorité sur toute l'Égypte et le fit conduire le second char de Pharaon.
7. Il le revêtit de vêtements en byssus, lui mit un collier d'or au cou, et un hérald proclamait devant lui: El, El wa abirer. Il plaça un anneau sur sa main et l'établit intendant de toute sa maison, le magnifia et lui dit: "Ce n'est que sur le trône que je serai plus grand que toi"
8. Joseph régnait sur tout le pays d'Égypte, sur tous les princes de Pharaon, et sur tous ses serviteurs, et tous ceux qui s'occupaient des affaires du roi l'aimaient, car il marchait en toute droiture, sans orgueil ni arrogance, il ne faisait pas acception de personnes et n'acceptait pas de présents, mais il jugeait en toute droiture tous les gens du pays.
9. À cause de Joseph, le pays d'Égypte était en paix sous le règne de Pharaon, car ELOHIM était avec lui et lui accordait faveur et grâce sur toutes les générations, aux yeux de tous ceux qui le connaissaient et de ceux qui entendaient parler de lui. Et le royaume de Pharaon était en ordre, il n'y avait pas de Satan ni de personne malveillante (en son sein).
10. Le roi donna à Joseph le nom de Séphantiphans, et il lui donna pour femme la fille de Poti-phera, la fille du prêtre d'Héliopolis.
11. Le jour où Joseph se présenta devant Pharaon, il était âgé de 30 ans [lorsqu'il fut amené devant Pharaon].
12. Cette année-là, Isaac mourut. Comme Joseph l'avait annoncé dans l'interprétation de ses deux rêves, il y eut 7 années d'abondance sur tout le pays d'Égypte, et le pays d'Égypte produisit abondamment, une mesure ( produisait ) jusqu'à 1 800 mesures.
13. Et Joseph engrangeait des vivres dans toutes les villes jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient pleines de blé, au point de ne plus pouvoir le compter et le mesurer en raison de son abondance.
CHAPITRE 41. Les fils de Juda et Tamar - L'inceste de Juda avec Tamar - Tamar porte des jumeaux - Juda est pardonné parce qu'il a péché par ignorance et s'est repenti lorsqu'il a été condamné, et parce que le mariage de Tamar avec ses fils n'avait pas été consommé
1. Dans la 2e année de la 2e semaine du 45e jubilé, Juda prit pour son premier-né Er, une femme des filles d'Aram, nommée Tamar.
2. Mais il la détestait et ne couchait pas avec elle, car il désirait prendre une femme de la parenté de sa mère, du fait que sa mère était des filles de Canaan, mais son père ne le lui permit pas.
3. Et ce Er, le premier-né de Juda était méchant et ELOHIM le tua.
4. EPuis Juda dit à Onan, son frère: "Va dans la femme de ton frère, accomplis le devoir du frère du mari avec elle, et suscite une progéniture à ton frère.
5. Onan savait que la postérité ne serait pas à lui, mais seulement à son frère, alors il entrait dans la maison de la femme de son frère mais il répandait sa semence sur le sol. Il fut considéré comme méchant aux yeux de ELOHIM qui le fit mourir.
6. Juda dit à Tamar, sa belle-fille: "Retourne dans la maison de ton père en tant que veuve, jusqu'à ce que mon fils Shéla grandisse, et je te donnerai à lui comme femme."
7. Il grandit, or Bedsu'el, la femme de Juda, ne permit pas à son fils Shéla de la marier. Puis, Bedsu'el, femme de Juda, mourut dans la 5e année de cette semaine.
8. Dans la 6e année, Juda se rendit à Timna pour tondre ses moutons. On dit à Tamar: "Voici ton beau-père qui part à Timna pour tondre ses moutons".
9. Elle enleva ses vêtements de veuve, mit un voile, se para, et s'assit à la porte adjacente à la route de Timna.
10. Comme Juda était sur son chemin, il la vit et la prit pour une prostituée, et il lui dit: "Laisse-moi entrer dans toi"; elle lui dit: "Entre", et il entra.
11. Ensuite, elle lui dit: "Donne-moi mon salaire"; et il lui répondit: "Je n'ai rien dans les mains, à part l'anneau qui est sur mon doigt, mon bandeau et la houlette que j'ai à la main".
12. Elle lui dit: "Donne-les-moi jusqu'à ce que tu me remettes mon salaire", et il lui dit: "Je t'enverrai un chevreau"; il les lui donna, et elle devint enceinte de lui.
13. Juda retourna à ses brebis, et elle partit à la maison de son père.
14. Juda fit envoyer un chevreau par la main de son berger, un Adullamite, mais il ne la trouva pas; alors il interrogea les gens du coin, en disant: "Où est la prostituée qui était là?". Ils lui répondirent: "Il n'y a pas de prostituée chez nous".
15. Il revint l'informer, et lui dit qu'il ne l'avait pas trouvée: "J'ai interrogé les gens du lieu, et ils m'ont dit: "Il n'y a pas de prostituée ici."
16. Il dit alors: "Qu'elle les garde, de peur que nous ne devenions un sujet de dérision." Au bout de trois mois, on s'aperçut qu'elle était enceinte, et l'on en informa Juda en disant: "Voici Tamar, ta belle-fille, qui est enceinte par prostitution."
17. Juda se rendit à la maison de son père, et dit à son père et à ses frères: "Amenez-la, et qu'on la brûle, car elle a commis une impureté en Israël."
18. Lorsqu'ils l'emmenèrent pour la brûler, elle envoya à son beau-père l'anneau, le bandeau et la houlette, en disant: "A qui appartiennent ces objets, car c'est de lui que je suis enceinte".
19. Juda les reconnaissant, dit: "Tamar est plus juste que moi, qu'on ne la brûle donc pas".
20. Pour cette raison, elle ne fut plus donnée à Shélah, et il ne s'approcha plus d'elle.
21. Après quoi dans la 7e année de la 2e semaine, elle enfanta deux fils, Pérez et Zérah.
22. Et c’est alors que les 7 années d’abondance dont Joseph parla à pharaon furent accomplies.
23. Juda comprit que l'acte qu'il avait commis était mauvais, car il avait couché avec sa belle-fille, et il le jugea détestable à ses yeux; il se rendit compte qu'il avait transgressé et s'était égaré, car il avait découvert la jupe de son fils. Alors, et il se mit à se lamenter et à supplier le Seigneur à cause de sa transgression.
24. Et nous lui avons révélé en songe que cela lui était pardonnée, car il avait supplié avec force, s'était lamenté et ne l’avait plus refait.
25. Il obtint le pardon parce qu'il se détourna de son péché et de son ignorance, car il avait grandement transgressé devant notre ELOHIM. Que celui qui agit ainsi et celui qui couche avec sa belle-mère, qu'on le jette au feu pour qu'il y brûle, car il y a sur eux impureté et pollution, que le feu les consume.
26. Et toi, commande aux enfants d'Israël afin qu'il n'y ait pas parmi eux cette souillure, car quiconque couche avec sa belle-fille ou avec sa belle-mère a commis un acte impur; que les flammes brûlent l'homme qui a couché avec elle, et également la femme, et ELOHIM détournera d'Israël la colère et le châtiment.
27. Nous avons expliqué à Juda que ses deux fils n'avaient pas couché avec elle et que, pour cette raison, sa descendance était établie pour une seconde génération et ne sera pas déracinée.
28. Car, dans l’unicité de l’œil il était allé et en l'occurrence avait voulu la punir, conformément au jugement d'Abraham, qu'il avait ordonné à ses fils, ainsi Juda avait cherché à la brûler par le feu.
CHAPITRE 42. En raison de la famine, Jacob envoie ses fils en Égypte pour chercher du maïs - Joseph les reconnaît et retient Siméon, et leur demande d'amener Benjamin à leur retour - Malgré la réticence de Jacob, ses fils emmènent Benjamin avec eux lors de leur second voyage et sont reçus par Joseph
1. Dans la 1e année du la 3e semaine du 45e jubilé, la famine commença à sévir dans le pays, et la pluie refusa de tomber sur la terre, car il ne pleuvait pas du tout.
2. Alors la terre devint stérile, mais dans le pays d'Égypte il y avait de la nourriture, car Joseph avait recueilli les graines du pays pendant les 7 années d'abondance et les avait préservées.
3. Les Égyptiens se présentèrent à Joseph afin qu'il leur donne de la nourriture; il ouvrit les greniers qui contenaient le grain de la première année, et il le vendit aux gens du pays pour de l'or.
4. Jacob apprit qu'il y avait de la nourriture en Égypte, et il envoya ses 10 fils pour qu'ils lui rapportent de la nourriture d'Égypte; mais il n'envoya pas Benjamin, pour que ce dernier n'aille pas avec ceux qui s'y rendaient.
5. Joseph les reconnut, mais ils ne le reconnurent pas. Il leur parla, les interrogea et leur dit: "N'êtes-vous pas des espions et n’êtes-vous pas venus explorer les abords du pays? Et il les mit en prison.
6. Ensuite, il les remit en liberté, mais il retint Siméon seul et renvoya ses neuf frères.
7. Il remplit leurs sacs de blé et y glissa leur or, sans qu'ils ne s'en aperçoivent.
8. Puis, il leur ordonna de lui amener leur jeune frère, car ils lui avaient dit que leur père et leur jeune frère étaient encore en vie.
9. Ils quittèrent le pays d'Égypte et retournèrent au pays de Canaan; ils racontèrent à leur père tout ce qui leur était arrivé, et comment le gouverneur du pays leur avait parlé durement et avait saisi Siméon jusqu'à ce qu'ils lui amènent Benjamin.
10. Jacob dit: "Vous m'avez privé de mes enfants! Joseph n'est plus, Siméon non plus, et vous voulez me prendre Benjamin. C'est sur moi qu'est tombée votre méchanceté.
11. Il dit: "Mon fils ne descendra pas avec vous, de peur qu'il ne tombe malade; leur mère a donné naissance à deux fils, dont l'un a péri, et ce dernier, vous voulez aussi me l'enlever. Si par hasard il devenait fiévreux en chemin, vous réduiriez ma vieillesse au chagrin jusqu'à la mort.
12. Voyant que leur argent avait été rendu à chacun dans son sac, il craignait de l'envoyer. Car il vit que leur argent avait été remis dans le sac de chaque homme et pour cette raison il craignait de l’envoyer.
13. La famine augmenta et devint sévère dans le pays de Canaan et dans tous les autres territoires, sauf dans le pays d'Égypte; car un grand nombre de fils des Égyptiens avaient emmagasiné leur semence en vue de se nourrir, depuis qu'ils avaient vu Joseph faire des réserves de grains, les mettre dans des entrepôts et les conserver pour les années de famine.
14. Et les habitants de l'Égypte s'en nourrirent pendant la première année de leur famine.
15. Mais lorsqu'Israël vit que la famine était très forte dans le pays et qu'il n'y avait pas de relâche, il dit à ses fils: "Partez de nouveau, et procurez-vous de la nourriture pour nous, afin que nous ne mourions pas.
16. Ils répondirent: "Nous ne partirions pas; si notre plus jeune frère ne vient pas avec nous, nous ne partirons pas.
17. Et Israël vit que s’il ne l’envoyait pas avec eux, ils périraient tous par cause de famine.
18. Ruben dit: "Remets-le entre mes mains, et si je ne te le ramène pas, tue mes deux fils à la place de son âme.
19. Et il lui dit: "Il ne partira pas avec toi." Juda s'approcha et dit: "Envoie-le avec moi, et si je ne te le ramène pas, je porterai la faute devant toi tous les jours de ma vie."
20. Et dans le 1er jour du mois de la 2e année de cette semaine, il l’envoya avec eux et ils partirent vers la terre d’Égypte avec tous ceux qui y allaient. Ils avaient des présents dans leurs mains, du nataf, des amandes et noix de térébinthe, et du miel pur.
21. Ils vinrent se présenter devant Joseph, et voyant Benjamin, son frère, il le reconnut, et leur dit: Est-ce là votre plus jeune frère? Ils lui répondirent: "C'est lui". Et il dit: "Que ELOHIM te fasse grâce, mon fils!"
22. Puis il le fit entrer dans sa maison et il leur amena Siméon; ensuite, il leur fit preparer un festin, et ils lui offrirent les cadeaux qu'ils avaient apportés avec eux.
23. Ils mangèrent en sa présence et il leur donna à tous une part, mais la part de Benjamin dépassa de 7 fois celle de tous les autres.
24. Ils mangèrent et burent, puis se levèrent et regagnèrent leurs ânes.
21. Alors Joseph élabora un plan qui lui permettrait de savoir si des pensées de paix les habitaient, et il dit à l'intendant qui était responsable de sa maison: "Remplis complètement leurs sacs de nourriture, remets-leur leur argent dans leurs bagages, et ma coupe, la coupe d'argent dans laquelle je bois, mets-la dans le sac du plus jeune, et laisse les partir."
CHAPITRE 43. Le plan de Joseph pour retenir ses frères - la supplication de Juda - Joseph se fait connaître auprès de ses frères et les renvoie chercher son père
1. Il fit ce que Joseph lui avait dit, remplit de nourriture tous leurs sacs, remit leur argent dans leurs sacoches, et mit la coupe dans le sac de Benjamin.
2. Ils partirent de bon matin, et lorsqu'ils commencèrent à s'éloigner, Joseph dit à l'intendant de sa maison: "Poursuis-les, cours et saisis-toi d'eux, en disant: "Pour avoir fait du bien, vous me rendez le mal; vous m'avez volé la coupe d'argent dans laquelle mon seigneur boit." Puis, ramène-moi leur plus jeune frère. Hâte-toi d'aller le chercher avant que je n'aille sur mon siège de jugement.
3. Celui-ci courut après eux et leur dit selon ces paroles.
4. Ils lui répondirent: "Que ELOHIM garde tes serviteurs de faire cela, et de voler dans la maison de ton seigneur un ustensile quelconque, et de plus l'argent que nous avons trouvé dans nos sacs la première fois, nous, tes serviteurs, l'avons rapporté du pays de Canaan".
5. Comment donc volerions-nous un ustensile? Tiens, nous voici et que nos sacs soient fouillés, et si tu trouves la coupe dans le sac de l'un d'entre nous, qu'il soit tué, et nous servirons ton seigneur avec nos ânes".
6. Et il leur dit: "Non, l'homme chez qui je trouverai la coupe, je le prendrai comme serviteur, et vous retournerez en paix dans votre maison.
7. Et comme il fouillait dans leurs sacs, en commençant par le plus âgé et en terminant par le plus jeune, elle fut trouvée dans le sac de Benjamin.
8. Ils déchirèrent leurs vêtements, mirent le harnais sur leurs ânes, retournèrent dans la ville et se présentèrent à la maison de Joseph, où ils se prosternèrent tous, la face contre terre, devant lui.
9. Alors Joseph leur dit: "Vous avez mal agi." Ils répondirent: "Que pouvons-nous dire et comment pouvons-nous nous défendre? Notre seigneur a découvert la culpabilité dans ses serviteurs; voici que nous sommes les serviteurs de notre seigneur, et nos ânes également.
10. Et Joseph leur dit: 'Moi aussi, je crains le ELOHIM; quant à vous, rentrez chez vous et laissez votre frère être mon serviteur, car vous avez commis un acte mauvais. Ne savez-vous pas qu'un homme prend plaisir à sa coupe, comme moi à cette coupe? Et pourtant, vous me l'avez volée!"
11. Juda dit: "Ô mon seigneur, je te prie, que ton serviteur dise un mot à l'oreille de mon seigneur. La mère de ton serviteur enfanta deux frères à notre père ; l'un d'eux s'en alla et se perdit, et on ne l'a pas retrouvé; celui-là est resté seul de sa mère, et ton serviteur notre père le chérit, et sa vie est attachée à celle de ce garçon.
12. Lorsque nous retournerons chez ton serviteur notre père, et que le garçon ne sera pas avec nous, il mourra, et c'est dans le chagrin que nous ferons tomber notre père dans la mort.
13. Maintenant, permet plutôt que moi, ton serviteur, je reste à la place du garçon comme esclave de mon seigneur, et que le garçon retourne avec ses frères, car je me suis porté garant pour lui auprès de ton serviteur notre père, et si je ne le ramène pas, ton serviteur écoutera le blâme de notre père toute sa vie."
14. Joseph vit qu'ils étaient tous accordés en bonté les uns avec les autres, et il ne put se retenir, et leur avoua qu'il était Joseph.
15. Il s'entretint avec eux en langue hébraïque, se jeta à leur cou et pleura.
16. Mais eux ne l'avaient pas reconnut et ils se mirent à pleurer. Alors il leur dit: "Ne pleurez point sur moi, mais hâtez-vous de me ramener mon père; comme vous le voyez, c'est ma bouche qui parle et les yeux de mon frère Benjamin qui voient."
17. Car voici, c'est la 2e année de famine, et il y aura encore 5 années sans récolte, ni fruit des arbres, ni labourage.
18. Revenez ici rapidement vous et vos maisonnées, afin que vous ne périssiez pas par la famine, et ne vous affligez pas pour vos possessions, car ELOHIM a voulu m'envoyer devant vous pour mettre tout en ordre afin que plusieurs peuples puissent vivre.
19. Dites à mon père que je suis encore en vie, et vous, vous voyez comment ELOHIM m'a établi tel un père pour Pharaon, et comme le chef de sa maison et de tout le pays d'Égypte.E
20. Racontez à mon père toute ma grandeur, et toutes les richesses et la gloire que le Seigneur m'a données."
21. Et Par ordre de la bouche de Pharaon, il leur donna des chars et des provisions pour le chemin, et il leur donna à tous des vêtements de différentes couleurs et de l'argent.
22. Il envoya également à leur père des vêtements et de l'argent, ainsi que 10 ânes qui portaient du blé, et il les renvoya.
23. Ils partirent et annoncèrent à leur père que Joseph était vivant, qu'il distribuait du blé à toutes les nations de la terre et qu’il était intendant sur toute la terre d’Égypte.
24. Leur père ne le crut pas, car il était bouleversé dans son esprit; mais quand il vit les chariots que Joseph avait envoyés, la vigueur de son esprit se ranima, et il dit: "Il me suffit que Joseph vive; je descendrai le voir avant que je meure.
CHAPITRE 44. Jacob célèbre la Fête des Prémices et, encouragé par une vision, descend en Égypte - Noms de ses descendants
1. Et à la nouvelle lune du 3e mois partit de sa maison d’Haran, et il prit le chemin du puits du serment, ou il présenta une offrande au ELOHIM de son père Isaac, le 7 de ce mois..
2. Jacob se souvint du songe qu'il avait vu à Béthel, et il craignit de se rendre en Égypte.
3. Et comme il songeait à envoyer un message à Joseph pour qu'il vienne le rejoindre, et qu'il n'y descende pas, il resta là pendant 7 jours, pour voir s’il n’aurait pas une vision lui permettant de savoir s'il devait rester ou partir.
4. Il célébra la fête de la récolte des prémices avec du vieux grain, car dans tout le pays de Canaan il n'y avait pas la moindre poignée de semence [dans le pays], à cause de la famine qui frappait toutes les bêtes, le bétail et les oiseaux, ainsi que les hommes.
5. Au 16e jour, ELOHIM lui apparut et lui dit: "Jacob, Jacob", et il répondit: "Me voici".
6. Il lui dit: "Je suis ELOHIM de tes pères, ELOHIM d'Abraham et d'Isaac. Ne crains pas de descendre en Égypte, car là, je ferai de toi une grande nation. Je descendrai avec toi, et je te relèverai. C'est dans ce pays que tu seras enterré, et Joseph posera ses mains sur tes yeux. Ne crains pas, va en Égypte."
7. Alors ses fils et les fils de ses fils se levèrent, et ils placèrent leur père et leurs possessions sur les chariots.
8. Ainsi Israël quitta le puits du serment au 16e du 3e mois, et il partit pour le pays d'Égypte.
9. Mais Israël envoya Juda devant lui auprès de son fils Joseph afin d'explorer le pays de Gosen, car Joseph avait dit à ses frères qu'ils devaient venir y habiter afin d'être à proximité de lui.
10. Ce territoire était le meilleur du pays d'Égypte, et le plus proche de lui, pour eux tous, et aussi pour le bétail.
11. Et ce sont là les noms des fils de Jacob qui sont allés en Égypte avec Jacob, leur père:
12. Ruben, le premier-né d'Israël; et voici les noms de ses fils : Hénoc, Pallu, Hetsron et Carmi - 5 au total.
13. Siméon et ses fils. Voici les noms de ses fils: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar et Shaul, fils de la femme zéphasite - 7 au total.
14. Lévi et ses fils. Voici les noms de ses fils: Gershon, Kohas et Merari - 4 au total.
15. Juda et ses fils. Voici les noms de ses fils: Shela, Pérez et Zérach - 4 au total.
16. Issacar et ses fils. Voici les noms de ses fils: Tola, Phua, Jasub et Shimron - 5 au total.
17. Zabulon et ses fils. Voici les noms de ses fils: Sered, Elon et Jahleel - 4 au total.
18. Voici les 6 fils de Jacob et leurs fils que Léa enfanta à Jacob à Paddan-Aram, plus leur sœur unique, Dina. Toutes les âmes issuent de Léa et de ses fils, qui partirent avec Jacob, leur père, en Égypte, étaient au nombre de 29. Jacob, leur père, étant avec eux, ils étaient au nombre de 30.
19. Les fils de Zilpa, servante de Léa, femme de Jacob, qui enfanta à celui-ci sont Gad et Aser.
20. Voici les noms des fils de Gad qui partirent avec lui en Égypte: Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Areli et Arodi - 8 au total.
21. Les fils de Aser: Imnah, Ishvah, (Ishvi), Beriah, et Serah, leur soeur unique - 6 au total.
22. Toutes les âmes (issuent de Zilpa) étaient au nombre de 14. Ainsi, le total des âmes appartenant à Léa était de 44.
23. Les fils de Rachel, femme de Jacob: Joseph et Benjamin.
24. Il naquit à Joseph, en Égypte, avant que son père ne vienne en Égypte: Manassé et Éphraïm, ceux qu'Asenath, fille de Poti-phera, prêtre d'Héliopolis, lui enfanta - 3 au total.
25. Les fils de Benjamin: Bela, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim et Ard - 11 au total.
26. Toutes les âmes issuent de Rachel furent au nombre de 14.
27. Les fils de Bilha, servante de Rachel, femme de Jacob, qu'elle enfanta à Jacob, furent Dan et Nephtali.
28. Voici les noms de leurs fils qui partirent avec eux en Égypte. Les fils de Dan étaient Hushim, Samon, Asudi, Ijaka et Salomon - 6 au total.
29. Mais Ils moururent au cours de l'année de leur entrée en Égypte, et il ne resta à Dan que Hushim.
30. Voici les noms des fils de Nephtali: Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, Shallum et Iv - 6 au total.
31. Mais Iv, qui naquit après les années de famine, mourut en Égypte.
32. Toutes les âmes appartenant à Rachel furent au nombre de 26.
33. La totalité des âmes de Jacob qui se rendirent en Égypte fut de 70 âmes. Ce sont ses fils et les enfants de ses fils, 70 en tout, mais 5 moururent en Égypte durant le règne de Joseph, et n'eurent pas d'enfants.
34. Au pays de Canaan, deux fils de Juda moururent, Er et Onan, et ils n'eurent pas d'enfants. Les enfants d'Israël enterrèrent ceux qui avaient péri, et qui furent comptés parmi les 70 nations païennes.
CHAPITRE 45. Joseph reçoit Jacob - La Terre d'Egypte est acquise pour Pharaon - La mort et l'enterrement de Jacob
1. A la nouvelle lune du 4e mois de la 2e année de la 3e semaine du 45e jubilé, Israël entra en Égypte, dans le pays de Gosen.
2. Joseph alla à la rencontre de son père Jacob, au pays de Gosen, il se jeta au cou de son père et pleura.
3. Israël dit à Joseph: "Maintenant, laisse-moi mourir, puisque je t'ai vu, et que le Seigneur ELOHIM d'Israël soit béni, ELOHIM d'Abraham et ELOHIM d'Isaac qui n'a pas privé son serviteur Jacob de sa miséricorde et de sa grâce".
4. C’est assez pour moi d’avoir vu ton visage de mon vivant, car cette vision que j'ai eue à Béthel était vraie. Béni soit le Seigneur mon ELOHIM, pour les siècles des siècles, et béni soit son nom!"
5. Puis Joseph et ses frères mangèrent du pain et burent du vin en présence de leur père, et Jacob se réjouit d'une joie immense parce qu'il voyait à nouveau Joseph manger avec ses frères et boire devant lui, et il bénit le Créateur de toutes choses qui l'avait préservé, et qui lui avait préservé ses 12 fils.
6. Joseph donna en cadeau à son père et à ses frères le droit d'habiter dans le pays de Gosen, à Ramsès et dans toute la région environnante, qu'il gouvernait sous l'autorité de Pharaon. Israël et ses fils habitèrent le pays de Gosen, la meilleure partie du pays d'Égypte, et Israël était âgé de 130 ans lorsqu'il entra en Égypte.
7. Joseph nourrit son père et ses frères, ainsi que leurs familles, avec du pain en quantité suffisante durant les 7 années de famine.
8. Et le pays d'Égypte connut des souffrances à cause de la famine, or Joseph acquit toute la terre d'Égypte au compte de Pharaon, en échange de nourriture, et pour le bénéfice de pharaon il prit possession du peuple, de son bétail et de tout ce qui était.
9. Lorsque les années de famine furent accomplies, Joseph donna aux habitants du pays des semences et des vivres pour qu'ils puissent ensemencer (le pays) la 8e année, car le fleuve avait commencé a déborder dans tout le pays d'Égypte.
10. En effet, pendant les 7 années de famine, il n'avait pas débordé et n'avait irrigué que quelques endroits sur les rives du fleuve, mais maintenant il débordait et les Égyptiens ensemençaient le pays, qui donna du blé en abondance cette année-là.
11. Ce fut la première année de la quatrième semaine du quarante-cinquième jubilé.
12. Joseph préleva sur le blé de la moisson un 5e pour le roi et en laissa quatre pour les habitants, pour la nourriture et pour la semence, et il institua cette règle pour le pays d'Égypte jusqu'à ce jour.
13. Israël vécut en Égypte pendant 17 ans, et tous les jours qu'il vécut furent de trois jubilés, soit 147 ans, et il mourut dans la 4e année de la 5e semaine du 45e jubilé.
14. Israël bénit ses fils avant de mourir et leur raconta tout ce qui leur arriverait au pays d'Égypte; il leur fit connaître ce qui les attendrait dans les derniers jours, il les bénit et remit à Joseph deux parts du pays.
15. Et iI dormit auprès de ses pères, et fut enterré dans la double caverne du pays de Canaan, près d'Abraham, son père, dans le tombeau qu'il s'était creusé dans la double caverne à Hébron.
16. Il confia tous ses livres et les livres de ses pères à Lévi, son fils, afin qu'il les conserve et les renouvelle pour ses enfants jusqu'à ce jour.
CHAPITRE 46. La mort de Joseph - Les ossements des fils de Jacob (sauf Joseph) enterrés à Hébron - L'oppression d'Israël par l'Egypte
1. Après la mort de Jacob, les enfants d'Israël se multiplièrent dans le pays d'Égypte, et ils devinrent une grande nation; ils étaient unis dans un même cœur, de sorte que les frères aimaient leurs frères et qu'ils s'entraidaient les uns les autres; ils se multiplièrent abondamment durant 10 semaines d’années, au cours de la vie de Joseph.
2. Il n'y avait ni Satan ni aucun mal durant tous les jours de la vie de Joseph, qu'il vécut après son père Jacob, car tous les Égyptiens honoraient les fils d'Israël du vivant de Joseph.
3. Joseph mourut à l'âge de 110 ans ; il vécut 17 ans au pays de Canaan, 1 an comme serviteur, 12 ans en prison, et 80 ans sous le règne du roi, gouvernant toute l'Égypte.
4. Il mourut, ainsi que tous ses frères et toute leur génération.
5. Avant de mourir, il commanda aux fils d'Israël de porter ses os avec eux lorsqu'ils sortiraient du pays d'Égypte.
6. Il leur fit jurer concernant ses ossements, car il savait que les Égyptiens ne leur laisseraient pas l’emporter et l’enterrer dans la terre de Canaan, car Makamaron, roi de Canaan, pendant qu'il habitait au pays d'Assyrie, combattit le roi d'Égypte dans la vallée et le tua là, puis il poursuivit les Égyptiens jusqu'aux portes d'Ermon.
7. Mais il ne put entrer, car un autre, un nouveau roi, était devenu roi d'Égypte, et il était plus fort que lui, alors il retourna au pays de Canaan, et les portes de l'Égypte furent fermées, et personne ne pouvait sortir ni entrer en Égypte.
8. Joseph mourut dans la 2e année de la 6e semaine du 46e jubilé, et on l'enterra en Égypte, et tous ses frères moururent après lui.
9. Dans la 2e année de la 2e semaine du 47e jubilé, le roi d'Égypte partit en guerre contre le roi de Canaan, alors les fils d'Israël firent sortir tous les ossements des fils de Jacob, à l'exception des ossements de Joseph, et ils les enterrèrent dans les champs, dans la double caverne de la montagne.
10. La plupart d'entre eux retournèrent en Égypte, mais quelques-uns s'installèrent dans les montagnes d'Hébron, et Amram, ton père, resta avec eux.
11. Le roi de Canaan vainquit le roi d'Égypte, et il referma les portes de l'Égypte.
12. Or, il conçut contre les enfants d'Israël un mauvais dessein pour les affliger, et il dit au peuple d'Égypte: "Voici que le peuple des fils d'Israël a augmenté et s'est multiplié plus que nous".
13. Venez et traitons-les intelligemment avant qu'ils ne deviennent trop nombreux, et affligeons-les par l'esclavage avant que le conflit ne nous tombe dessus et qu'ils nous combattent à leur tour, autrement ils pourront se joindre à nos ennemis et les faire sortir de notre pays, car leur cœur et leur regard sont tournés vers le pays de Canaan.
14. Il établit sur eux des intendants pour les soumettre à l'esclavage, et ils construisirent ils construisirent Pithom et Ramsès, de fortes villes pour pharaon. Ils rebâtirent tous les remparts et toutes les murailles qui étaient tombés dans les villes d'Égypte.
15. Ils les firent servir avec rigueur, mais plus ils les traitaient avec méchanceté, plus ceux-ci augmentaient et se multipliaient.
16. Ainsi, le peuple d'Égypte détesta les fils d'Israël.
CHAPITRE 47. La naissance et les premières années de Moïse
1. Dans dans la 7e année de la 7e semaine du 47e jubilé, ton père sortit du pays de Canaan, et tu naquis dans la 6e année de la 4e semaine du 48e jubilé; ceci marqua le début des tribulations sur les enfants d'Israël.
2. Pharaon, roi d'Égypte, ordonna à leur sujet de jeter dans le fleuve tous leurs enfants mâles qui naissaient.
3. Ils les y jetèrent pendant 7 mois, jusqu'au jour où tu naquis.
4. Ta mère te cacha pendant 3 mois, et les gens en parlèrent à son sujet. Alors, elle fabriqua pour toi une arche, qu'elle couvrit de poix et d'asphalte, et la déposa dans les étendues au bord du fleuve. Elle t'y plaça pendant 7 jours, et ta mère venait t'allaiter pendant la nuit, et durant le jour, Miriam, ta sœur, te protégeait des oiseaux.
5. En ces jours-là, Tharmuth, la fille de Pharaon, vint se baigner dans le fleuve, et elle entendit ta voix qui pleurait; elle dit à ses servantes de t’apporter, et elles t'amenèrent auprès d'elle.
6. Elle te retira de l'arche, et elle eut pitié de toi
7. Ta sœur lui dit: "Dois-je aller appeler une des femmes hébraïques pour qu'elle nourrisse et allaite ce bébé pour toi?".
8. Et elle lui dit: " Vas-y. Or, cette dernière alla appeler ta mère, Jochebed, a qui on remit un salaire, et qui prit soin de toi.
9. Ensuite, quand tu devins assez grand, on t'amena chez la fille de Pharaon, et tu devins son fils, alors Amram, ton père, t'enseigna l'écriture, et quand tu eus complété 3 semaines, on te fit entrer dans la cour royale.
10. Tu demeuras à la cour du roi pendant trois semaines d’années, jusqu'au moment où, en sortant de la cour royale, tu vis un Égyptien frapper ton ami qui était des enfants d'Israël, tu le tuas et tu cachas son corps dans le sable.
11. Le 2e jour, ayant vu deux enfants d'Israël se battre entre eux, tu dis à celui qui était dans le tord: "Pourquoi frappes-tu ton frère?
12. Alors, il se mit en colère et s'indigna, disant: "Qui t'a fait prince et juge sur nous? Penses-tu pouvoir me tuer comme tu as tué l’égyptien hier? À ces mots, tu pris peur et tu t'enfuis.
CHAPITRE 48. De la fuite de Moïse à l'Exode
1. Dans la 6e année de la 3e semaine du 49e jubilé, tu partis et tu habitas (dans le pays de Madian, pendant 5 semaines et un an). Et tu rentras en Égypte dans la 2e semaine de la 2e année du 50e jubilé.
2. Toi-même, tu connais les paroles qu'Il t'a adressées sur le mont Sinaï, et ce que le prince Mastema désirait te faire, lorsque tu retournas en Égypte.
3. N'a-t-il pas cherché de toute sa force à te tuer et à délivrer les Égyptiens de ta main, lorsqu'il a vu que tu avais été envoyé pour exercer le jugement et la vengeance sur les Égyptiens?
4. Je t'ai délivré de sa main, pour que tu accomplisses les signes et les prodiges que tu avais été mandaté d'accomplir en Égypte contre Pharaon, contre toute sa maison, contre ses serviteurs et son peuple.
5. L'Éternel exerça sur eux une grande vengeance à cause d'Israël, et les frappa par les fléaux suivants: le sang et les grenouilles, les poux et les sauterelles, les ulcères virulents qui éclataient en brûlures, la mort de leur bétail, des pierres de grêle, avec lesquelles Il détruisit tout ce qui croissait en leur faveur, des sauterelles qui dévoraient les résidus laissés par la grêle, l'obscurité, la mort des premiers-nés des hommes et des animaux, et sur toutes leurs idoles, le Seigneur se vengea et les brûla par le feu.
6. Et chaque fleau fut envoyé par ta main, afin que tu déclares (ces choses) avant qu'elles n'arrivent, et tu parlas au roi d'Égypte devant tous ses serviteurs et devant son peuple.
7. Tout arriva selon tes paroles: 10 jugements grands et terribles s'abattirent sur le pays d'Égypte, afin que tu exerçasses sur lui ta vengeance en faveur d'Israël.
8. ELOHIM accomplit toutes choses à cause d'Israël, et conformément à son alliance, qu'il avait établie avec Abraham, et qu’il allait exercer sa vengeance sur eux, car ils les avaient contraints à l'esclavage.
9. Alors, le prince Mastema se dressa contre toi et chercha à te livrer entre les mains de Pharaon, en aidant les sorciers égyptiens.
10. Ceux-ci se levèrent et mirent a opérer devant toi des miracles diaboliques que nous leur avions permis d'accomplir, mais pour lesquels nous n'avions pas permis l'exécution des guérisons à travers leurs mains.
11. Alors, Le Seigneur les frappa d'ulcères virulents, et ils furent incapables de se tenir debout, de sorte que nous les détruisîmes sans qu'ils puissent accomplir un seul miracle.
12. Mais malgré tous les signes et les phénomènes, le prince Mastema ne fut pas déconcerté, car il prit courage et cria aux Égyptiens de vous poursuivre avec toutes les forces des Égyptiens, avec leurs chariots, avec leurs chevaux, et avec toutes les armées du peuple d'Égypte.
13. Et Je me suis dressé entre les Égyptiens et Israël, et nous délivrâmes Israël de sa main et de la main de son peuple, et le Seigneur leur fit traverser le milieu de la mer comme si c'était la terre sèche.
14. Or, tous ceux qu'il avait amenés à poursuivre Israël, le Seigneur notre ELOHIM les précipita au milieu de la mer, dans les profondeurs de l'abîme, sous les pieds des fils d'Israël, de la même manière que le peuple d'Égypte avait jeté ses enfants dans le fleuve. Il se vengea sur 1 000 000 d'entre eux, et pour un seul des enfants de ton peuple qu'ils avaient jeté dans le fleuve, Il détruisit 1000 hommes robustes et énergiques.
15. Au 14e jour, au 15e jour, au 16e jour, au 17e jour et au 18e jour, le prince Mastema fut lié et emprisonné en retrait des enfants d'Israël, afin qu'il ne puisse pas les accuser.
16. Et le 19e jour, nous les relâchâmes pour qu'ils aident les Égyptiens et qu'ils se lancent à la poursuite des enfants d'Israël.
17. Il endurcit leur cœur et les rendit obstinés, et le Seigneur notre ELOHIM conçut un stratagème pour frapper les Égyptiens et les précipiter dans la mer.
18. Le 14e jour, nous le ligotâmes afin qu’il ne puisse pas accuser les enfants d’Israël le jour où ils demandaient aux Égyptiens des objets et des vêtements, des vases d'argent, des vases d'or et des vases de bronze, de façon à dépouiller les Égyptiens en échange de la servitude qu'ils leur avaient imposée.
19. Ainsi, nous ne fîmes pas sortir les enfants d'Israël hors d'Égypte les mains vides.
CHAPITRE 49. Règlements concernant la Pâque
1. Souviens-toi du commandement que le Seigneur vous a prescrit au sujet de la Pâque: vous la célébrerez en son temps, le 14e jour du Ier mois, vous l'immolerez avant la nuit, et on la mangera de nuit le 15e soir, dès le coucher du soleil.
3. Ce soir là, en effet, qui est le début de la fête et de la joie, vous mangiez la Pâque en Égypte, lorsque toutes les puissances de Mastema s'étaient déchaînées pour égorger tous les premiers-nés du pays d'Égypte, depuis le premier-né de Pharaon jusqu'au premier-né de la servante en captivité dans un moulin, et jusqu'au bétail.
4. Voici le signe que le Seigneur leur donna: dans toute maison sur les linteaux desquels ils verraient le sang d'un agneau d'un an, ils ne devaient pas entrer pour tuer mais devaient passer par dessus, afin que tous ceux qui se trouveraient dans la maison soient sauvés, parce que le signe du sang était sur ses linteaux.
5. Les puissances de l'Éternel firent tout ce que l'Éternel leur avait ordonné, et elles passèrent par-dessus tous les enfants d'Israël, et le fléau ne les atteignit pas pour faire périr parmi eux la moindre âme, ni bétail, ni homme, ni chien.
6. Mais le fléau fut très très sévèresur l'Égypte, et il n'y avait pas de maison en Égypte où il n'y eût un mort, des pleurs et des lamentations.
6. Alors qu'Israël tout entier mangeait la chair de l'agneau pascal et buvait le vin, louant, bénissant et rendant grâces au Seigneur, le ELOHIM de leurs pères, et qu'il se préparait à sortir du le joug de l'Égypte et de la méchante servitude.
7. Souviens-toi de ce jour tous les jours de ta vie, et observe-le d'année en année tous les jours de ta vie, une fois par an, à son jour, conformément à toute la loi qui le concerne, et ne le reporte pas non plus d'un jour à l'autre, ni d'un mois à l'autre.
8. Car c'est une ordonnance éternelle, gravée sur les tables célestes à l'égard de tous les enfants d'Israël, et qu'ils l'observent chaque année, dans son jour, une fois par an, à travers toutes leurs générations, et il n’y a pas de limite de jours, car cela est ordonné pour toujours.
9. L'homme qui est sans impureté et qui ne viendrait pas l’observer en son jour, afin d'apporter une offrande acceptable devant l'Éternel, et manger et boire devant l'Éternel le jour de cette fête, cet homme qui est pur et à proximité sera retranché parce qu'il n'a pas offert d’oblation à l'Éternel au temps fixé, il portera la faute sur lui-même.
10. Que les enfants d'Israël viennent et observent la Pâque au jour fixé, le 14e jour du 1er mois, entre les deux soirs, de la 3e partie du jour à la troisième partie de la nuit, car deux parties du jour sont données à la lumière, et une troisième partie au crépuscule.
11. C'est ce que le Seigneur a ordonné, afin que vous l'observiez entre les deux soirs.
12. Et il n'est pas permis de l'égorger pendant une quelconque période du jour, mais durant la période qui précède le crépuscule, et qu'ils le mangent au soir, jusqu'à la troisième partie de la nuit, et ce qui restera de toute sa chair après la troisième partie de la nuit, qu'ils le brûlent au feu.
13. Ils ne le feront pas cuire à l'eau, ils ne le mangeront pas cru, mais ils le feront rôtir au feu. Ils le mangeront avec diligence, sa tête avec ses entrailles et ses pieds, ils les feront rôtir au feu, et ils n'en briseront aucun os; car parmi les enfants d'Israël, aucun os ne sera brisé.
14. C'est pourquoi le Seigneur a ordonné aux enfants d'Israël d'observer la Pâque au jour fixé, et ils n'en briseront pas un os; car c'est un jour de fête et un jour consacré, et il ne doit pas y avoir de dérogation d'un jour à l'autre, ni d'un mois à l'autre, mais le jour de sa fête, la Pâque doit être observée.
15. Ordonne aux enfants d'Israël d'observer la Pâque tout au long de leurs jours, chaque année, une fois par an, le jour de sa fête, et elle sera un mémorial bien agréable devant ELOHIM, et aucun fléau ne viendra sur eux pour faire mourir ou frapper dans l'année où ils célébreront la Pâque en son jour fixé, en respect dû à son commandement.
16. Ils ne la mangeront pas en hors du Temple de l'Éternel, mais devant le temple de l'Éternel, et tout le peuple de la congrégation d'Israël la célébrera au temps fixé.
17. Et tout homme dont les jours atteignent 20 ans et plus, ce jour-là en mangera dans le sanctuaire de ton ELOHIM, devant le Seigneur; car c'est ainsi qu'il a été écrit et ordonné qu'on le consommera dans le Temple du Seigneur.
18. Lorsque les enfants d'Israël entreront dans le pays qu'ils doivent posséder, le pays de Canaan, qu'ils y dressent le tabernacle de l'Éternel au milieu du pays, dans chacune de leurs tribus, jusqu'à ce que le Temple de l'Éternel soit érigé dans le pays, alors ils viendront célébrer la Pâque au milieu du tabernacle de l'Éternel, et ils l'immoleront devant l'Éternel d’année en année.
19. Aux jours où le Temple de l'Éternel aura été bâti dans le pays de leur héritage, ils iront là et immoleront la Pâque le soir, au coucher du soleil, à la 3e partie du jour.
20. Ils offriront son sang sur le seuil de l'autel, ils mettront sa graisse sur le feu qui est sur l'autel, et ils mangeront sa chair rôtie au feu dans le parvis du Temple qui a été sanctifié au nom du Seigneur.
21. Et ils ne célébreront plus la Pâque dans leurs villes, ni en aucun lieu, si ce n'est devant le tabernacle de l'Éternel, ou devant le Temple où son nom aura été consacré; et ils ne se détourneront de l'Éternel.
22. Toi, Moïse, commande aux enfants d'Israël d'observer les ordonnances de la Pâque, comme cela t'a été ordonné; tu leur annonceras la fête et ses jours chaque année, ainsi que que la fête des pains sans levain, afin qu'ils mangent des pains sans levain pendant 7 jours, (et) qu'ils observent sa fête, et qu'ils apportent chaque jour, pendant ces 7 jours, une oblation de joie devant le Seigneur, sur l'autel de votre ELOHIM.
23. Car vous aviez célébré cette fête en hâte lorsque vous êtes sortis d'Égypte jusqu'à votre entrée dans le désert de Shur, et c'est sur le rivage de la mer que vous l'avez accomplie.
CHAPITRE 50. Lois concernant les jubilés et le sabbat
1. Après cette loi, je vous ai fait connaître les jours des sabbats dans le désert de Sin[ai], qui est entre Elim et Sinaï.
2. Je vous ai fait connaître les sabbats du pays sur la montagne de Sinaï, et je vous ai fait connaître les années jubilaires dans les sabbats d'années; mais je ne vous ai pas fait connaître son année jusqu'à ce que vous entriez dans la terre que vous allez posséder.
3. Le pays gardera aussi ses sabbats pendant qu'ils y habiteront, et ils apprendront l'année jubilaire.
4. C'est pourquoi je vous ai fixé les années-semaines, les années et les jubilés: il y a 49 jubilés depuis les jours d'Adam jusqu'à ce jour, et 1 semaine et 2 ans; et il y a encore 40 ans à venir pour connaître les commandements du Seigneur, jusqu'à ce qu'ils entrent dans le pays de Canaan, en traversant le Jourdain à l'ouest.
5. Et les jubilés passeront, jusqu'à ce qu'Israël soit purifié de toute culpabilité de fornication, d'impureté, de pollution, de péché et d'égarement, et qu'il habite en toute confiance dans l'ensemble de la terre, et qu'il n'y ait plus ni Satan ni aucun diable, et que la terre soit désormais pure à tout jamais.
6. Et voici les commandements concernant les sabbats, je l'ai mis par écrit pour vous - ainsi que toutes les ordonnances de ses lois:
7. Tu travailleras pendant 6 jours, mais le 7e jour est le jour du Sabbat du Seigneur ton Dieu. Tu ne feras aucun travail, ni toi, ni tes fils, ni tes serviteurs, ni tes servantes, ni tout ton bétail, ni l'étranger qui est avec toi.
8. Quiconque fera un travail de quelque nature en ce jour mourra: celui qui profanera ce jour, celui qui couchera avec sa femme, celui qui dira qu'il va y faire quelque chose en partant en voyage pour acheter ou vendre, celui qui boira en ce jour de l'eau qu'il n'aura pas préparée le 6e jour, celui qui prendra un chargement pour le porter hors de sa tente ou de sa maison, celui-là mourra.
9. Vous ne ferez aucun ouvrage le jour du sabbat, si ce n'est ce que vous vous aurez préparé le 6e jour, afin de manger, de boire et de vous reposer, et de vous abstenir de tout travail ce jour-là, pour bénir le Seigneur votre ELOHIM, qui vous a donné un jour de fête et un jour saint; et ce jour est un jour du Saint Royaume pour tout Israël, parmi leurs jours à perpétuité.
11. Car c'est un grand honneur que l'Éternel a fait à Israël que de manger, de boire et de se rassasier en ce jour de fête, et de se reposer de tout travail qui incombe aux enfants des hommes, sauf de brûler de l'encens et d'apporter des oblations et des sacrifices devant l'Éternel pendant les jours et les sabbats.
12. Ce travail seul sera accompli les jours de sabbat dans le temple de l'Éternel, ton ELOHIM, afin de faire pour Israël l'expiation par des immolations continuelles de jour en jour, comme un mémorial agréable à l'Éternel, et afin qu'il les reçoive perpétuellement jour après jour, comme il t'a été ordonné.
13. Et tout homme qui y fera un travail quelconque, ou qui partira en voyage, ou qui labourera (sa) ferme, que ce soit dans sa maison ou un autre endroit, et quiconque allumera un feu, ou chevauchera une bête, ou voyagera en bateau sur la mer, et quiconque frappera ou tuera quoi que ce soit, ou égorgera une bête ou un oiseau, ou quiconque capturera une bête ou un oiseau ou un poisson, ou quiconque jeûnera ou fera la guerre pendant les sabbats.
14. L'homme qui fera l'une de ces choses le jour du sabbat mourra, de sorte que les enfants d'Israël observent les sabbats selon les commandements relatifs aux sabbats du pays, tel que cela a été écrit dans les tablettes qu'Il a remises entre mes mains pour que j'écrive pour vous les lois des saisons, et les saisons selon la division de leurs jours.
Ceci complète le compte de la partition des dates.