Interesting facts about Jesus Christ
At Les Versets Bibliques we love and adore YESHUA HA MASHIACH with all our heart, soul and spirit. To Him alone our respect, allegiance, love, praise, and appreciation. He who never sinned, the sins of all his people have been imputed unto Him. He who never broke the law, all our offenses have been brought against Him.
He is the cause of our existence, for without Him there is no us.
To Him be the glory in eternity, Amen!

Many times people use the phrase "Firstborn" as proof that YESHUA is the first man created by ELOHIM. However, is this truly what the Bible teaches? ...

We pray to a God who is logical, but very often those who try to establish YESHUA's divinity fail to carefully examine the Scriptures and hide ELOHIM in a cloud of confusion and illogicality ...

YAHWEH had previously spoken to the patriarchs and made known through the prophets His intention to visit the earth for a possible reconciliation between Him and mankind...

The Bible teaches that the Word of the Lord was incarnated in human flesh and entered Creation...

Many times people use the phrase "Firstborn" as proof that YESHUA is the first man created by ELOHIM. However, is this truly what the Bible teaches? ...

It is not uncommon to hear some pastors preach that on the cross YESHUA became Sin itself, in other words He became everything that is abominable, vile, despicable, monstrous, repulsive, etc... Is it really what the Bible teaches? ...

Why would YESHUA pray to the Father if he is God. Isn't this a contradiction? No, there is no contradiction...

Due to the fact that YESHUA was fully human: a triune being (body, spirit and soul), Satan was allowed to tempt him on all 3 fronts....

The Day of the Lord is a hope-filled concept for Christians, for on that Great Day, the Lord will appear in his glory and saving power to destroy the ungodly nations. However, the Bible also gives the following warning about the Day of the Lord...