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Mount Zion?


The Bible reveals spiritual truths about ELOHIM, love, salvation, faith, morality and ethics that surpass the realms of science, and throughout Scripture The Lord instructs people to examine ancient history in order to build a foundation from written records. 

  • Isaiah 46:8-9 "Remember this and be brave; take it to heart, you transgressors! Remember what happened long ago..."

  • Job 8:8 "Please inquire of past generations and consider the discoveries of their fathers."

The more you will seek to deepen your knowledge and understanding, the more you begin to notice the existence of two realities: the Truth which is no longer known to mankind, and the falsehoods we have long been taught, and that have become our altered version of Reality and Truth, and upon which the whole world relies on. Although our human identity remains elusive, our conscience speaks to us. Let the Truth be told in accordance with the Word of God and historical evidence.

Click on the links below to discover some interesting facts about Mount Zion.

Connection between Cham and Mount Zion

Why is the Center of the Earth so important?

The Center: An Unknown Land

The Mountains of the Moon at the Center

How the location of Mount Zion was occulted

We encourage you to do your own research, and may the Holy Spirit guide you in understanding this message.

©2019 by Les Versets Bibliques - Secrets of Heaven. 

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