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The descendants of Noah


Given that our primary objective is to seek and report the truth by carefully studying Scriptures, in this section we share with you some of the questions that have raised a number of questions with regard to the official narrative and the teachings of traditional Christianity about Noah's descent. 


The Bible reveals spiritual truths about ELOHIM, love, salvation, faith, morality and ethics that surpass the realms of science. Although some spiritual truths are revealed through common literary processes, such as allegory, parable, simile, metaphor, hyperbole and irony, many biblical accounts are historically accurate and must be interpreted literally. In other words, we are to read and understand the Bible clearly and directly.

  • 2 Corinthians 4:2 “Instead, we have renounced secret and shameful ways. We do not practice deceit, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by open proclamation of the truth, we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.”

  • Proverbs 8:7-9 “For my mouth will speak the truth, and wickedness is detestable to my lips. All the words of my mouth are righteous; none are crooked or perverse. They are all plain to the discerning, and upright to those who find knowledge”


Often, those who attempt to establish the table of nations do not provide a direct account, but rather use a religious, metaphorical or cryptic language, while focusing solely on modern societies and cultures. The problem with such an approach is that it creates contradictions because it fails to take account of ancient history, and, to some extent renders a misleading account of God's Word. But The Lord urges people to examine their past in order to build a collective memory that will help guide us into the future and strengthen our relationship with Him. The preservation, study and teaching of ancient historical sources and evidence are biblical prescriptions.

  • Isaiah 46:8-9 "Remember this and be brave; take it to heart, you transgressors! Remember what happened long ago..."

  • Job 8:8 "Please inquire of past generations and consider the discoveries of their fathers."

In this section we share with you the many questions that left us perplexed about the official narrative and the teachings of traditional Christianity concerning Noah's descendants.  Although we've done some meticulous research, it's up to you to deepen your understanding and draw your own conclusions.



Shem is the father of the Hebrews through Abraham, of the Israelites through Jacob and of the Jews through Judah. According to the Bible, Noah originally allotted Asia and part of the Middle East to Shem and his descendants.

Shem's descendants are called Semites. This is a term for those who speak (or spoke) the Semitic languages, such as Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Amharic, Tigrinya, Tigray and Maltese.

Shem begat Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram

Ham's descendants are the Hamites. They are those who populate the whole of the African continent, as well as some of the eastern and southern peoples who originally settled in lower Mesopotamia, then in southern Arabia. 


The oldest known names for Africa are: 

Alkebulan, meaning "mother of mankind", by the Moors and Ethiopians;

Bezecath by the Indians;

Ephrikia by the Turks, 

Ifiriquie by the Arabs

Libya by the Greeks.


Historically, Hamitic populations underwent massive displacements through slavery. They intermingled with local peoples, resulting in significant miscegenation. Today, in many cases, one can hardly tell the difference between a Semite and a Hamite.


Ham begat Cush, Mitsraim, Puth, Canaan and Nimrod.



Japhet's descendants are the Japhetites. They first inhabited the Taurus and Amanus mountains, then migrated to the Caucasus mountains, along Asia to the River Tanais, and along Europe to Cadiz. They gave rise to the Caucasoid, Aryan and Mongolian races, whose first peoples were very tall.​​

Japhet begat Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras.

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