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Chapter 23 - Of the Succession of Generations from the Flood Until Now

Shem was a hundred years old, and begat Arphaxar two years after the flood; the sum of his years was six hundred.
Arphaxad was a 135 years old, and begat Kainan.
Kainan was a 139 years old, and begat Shâlâh: the sum of his years was 438,
Shâlâh was 130 old, and begat Eber; the sum of his years was 433.
Eber was 134 years old, and begat Peleg; the sum of his years was 464.
Peleg was 130 years old, and begat Reu; the sum of his years was 139. In the days of Reu the languages were divided into 72; up to this time there was only one language, which was the parent of them all, namely, Aramean, that is Syriac.
Reu was 132 years old, and begat Serug; the sum of his years was 339.
Serug was a 130 old, and begat Nahor; the sum of his years was a 330. In the days of Serug men worshipped idols and graven images.
Nahor was 79 old, and begat Terah; the sum of his years was one 148. In the days of Nahor magic began in the world. And God opened the storehouse of the winds and whirlwinds, and they uprooted the idols and graven images, and they collected them together and buried them under the earth, and they reared over them these mounds that are in the world. This was called 'the Wind Flood.'
Terah was 70 years old, and begat Abraham; the sum of his years was one 105 years.
So it is 2242 years from Adam to the flood; and 1081 years from the flood to the birth of Abraham; and from Adam to Abraham it is 3313.
And know, my brother readers, that there is a great difference between the computation of Ptolemy and that of the Hebrews and the Samaritans; for the Jews take away one hundred years from the beginning of the years of each (patriarch), and they add them to the end of the years of each of them, that they may disturb the reckoning and lead men astray and falsify the coming of Christ, and may say, 'The Messiah is to come at the end of the world, and in the last times;' and behold, according to their account, He came in the fourth millennium, for so it comes out by their reckoning.
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