Problem 6
The True Meaning of "The Curse of Canaan"
From the moment he was born, Noah, his father, called Cham “black”. In other words, black skin was never a curse, since Ham was born black, long before Noah pronounced any curse. In fact, contrary to popular belief, there was never a “curse of Ham”, for it was not he who received the curse, but Canaan, the son of Ham.
Noah declared that Canaan would be "a servant of servants"; in other versions of the Bible this is translated: "The lowest of slaves".
The word "slave" used for Canaan is the Hebrew term "Ehbed" which expresses "possession", and is often used to describe a servant or slave who has been freed by his owner, but chooses to stay and continue to serve out of love and devotion. "Servant of servants" is translated as "Ehbed of ehbed" which means "one who is spiritually enslaved to a deity". This implies that the consequences of Canaan's transgression will be such that he'll remain in a state of spiritual slavery which will compel him to serve the "ehbed" not by love or choice, but rather by imposition and obligation, making him lower than the "ehbed" he serves.
According to many historical records, the Canaanites had become polytheists enslaved to idolatry, and whose main gods were Ba'als, Astarte, Molech, Dagon... They erected sacrificial altars before whom they performed Canaanite magic, snake worship and child sacrifice. The Canaanite fertility ritual was characterized by the presence of male and female prostitutes in temples and sanctuaries. As a result of their moral depravity or slavery to idols worship, ELOHIM brought them to their destruction by means of the numerous wars they waged against the sons of Jacob.
Numbers 21:3 "And the LORD listened to the voice of Israel and delivered up the Canaanites, and they utterly destroyed them and their cities. So the name of that place was called Hormah."
Deuteronomy 9:5 "It is not because of your righteousness or uprightness of heart that you are going in to possess their land, but it is because of their wickedness that the LORD your God is driving out these nations before you, to keep the promise He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
Exodus 23:28 "I will send the hornet before you to drive the Hivites and Canaanites and Hittites out of your way."
**Note that Jezebel was a Canaanite princess, daughter of the priest-king Ethbaal, ruler of the coastal Phoenician (present-day Lebanon) cities of Tyre and Sidon (Ṣaydā or Arabia). Raised in Sidon, she married Ahab of Israel for diplomatic reasons. She introduced the Canaanite religion to the Israelites by bringing in its foreign gods and goddesses, in particular Baal and his wife Astarte.
Consequently, the curse of Canaan does not concern the enslavement of the black race, but rather the spiritual servitude imposed upon Canaan's descendants, to serve other gods under pressure and coercion.
In other words, Canaan and his descendants will never serve the true Elohim but will be servants / slaves to those who do not serve ELOHIM, i.e. the devil and demons.
Genesis 9:26 "And he said: Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem; And let Canaan be their servant."
Interestingly, there are biblical verses and passages from occulted texts that seem to reveal that dominion has been bestowed upon Western nations so that they would submit to the devil and serve him.
And יהוה said unto Adam: "O Adam, what seekest thou on the western border? And why hast thou left of thine own accord the eastern border, in which was thy dwelling-place? "Now, then, turn back to thy cave, and remain in it, that Satan do not deceive thee, nor work his purpose upon thee. "For in this western border, O Adam, there will go from thee a seed, that shall replenish it; and that will defile themselves with their sins, and with their yielding to the behests of Satan, and by following his works. |The conflict of Adam and Eve, Chapter 1-53|
And He said: “This is the human world, this is Adam, and this is their desire upon the earth, this is Eve; but he who is between them representeth ungodliness, their beginning (on the way) to perdition, even Azazel.” ... And He said to me: “They who will (to do) evil—and how much I hated (it) in those who do it!—over them I gave him power, and to be beloved of them.” |The Apocalypse of Abraham, Chap 23:6-8|
The Bible also testifies that malevolent, diabolical entities rule the world's greatest powers, namely Persia and Greece; and that the Goat presides over Greece, yet historically the Goat has always symbolized the devil.
Daniel 10:20 "Do you know why I have come to you?” he said. “I must return at once to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I have gone forth, behold, the prince of Greece will come."
Daniel 8:21 "The shaggy goat represents the king of Greece, and the large horn between his eyes is the first king.
According to the historical account, the ancient Greek world was made up of city-states that encompassed the whole of present-day Greece and southern Italy, as well as the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea coastline, including the coastal regions of Spain, France, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc. In its prime, the Ancient Persian Empire was the most powerful in the world. At its height, the ancient Persian Empire comprised the regions of Iran, Egypt, Turkey and parts of present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan
Could the “Curse of Canaan” be related to a completely different reality from what the world has been conditioned to believe? You be the judge, and we encourage you to do your own research.
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