2. The Remains of the Antediluvian Giants?
Interestingly, there are biblical verses that seem to allude to the fact that there were 2 types of transformations on those who underwent biblical divine punishments:
Firstly, they were petrified, that is to say:
► They were either stunned or paralyzed due to a strong emotion.
Exodus 15:16 "and terror and dread will fall on them. By the power of Your arm they will be as still as a stone"
► Their remains were transformed into mineral bodies, which occurs when a body has been submerged in hard water for a long time.
Genesis 19:26 "But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."
► Their remains were changed into a stony substance.
Exodus 15:5 "The floods covered them; they went down into the depths like a stone."
Secondly a fusion of their corpses with mountains, valleys and ravines.
Ezekiel 32:4-6 "I will leave you on the land; I will cast you on the open field, And I will cause all the birds of the heavens to dwell on you, And I will satisfy the beasts of the whole earth with you. I will lay your flesh on the mountains, And fill the valleys with your refuse. I will also make the land drink the discharge of your blood, As far as the mountains, And the ravines will be full of you."
Strangely enough, there are real places all over the world, very mysterious, mind-boggling and troubling, that strongly resemble antediluvian, prehistoric or giants who preceded our era, and which seem to support the writings of Ezra' concerning the reduction in size of human kind and of what has existed.
"He answered me, and said, Ask a woman who bears children, and she shall tell you. Say to her, Why are to they whom you have now brought forth not like those that were before, but smaller of stature? And she herself shall answer you, They that be born in the the strength of youth are of one fashion, and they that are born in the time of age, when the womb fails, are different. Consider you therefore also, how that you and your contemporaries are smaller in stature than those that were before you. And those who come after you will be smaller than you, as the creatures which now begin to be old, and have passed over the strength of youth". |The Second Book of Ezra / Esdras, Chap 5:53-55|
OIn 79 AD, Roman historian Flavius Josephus reported: "There were giants. Much bigger and different from normal people. It’s horrible to look at. Who has not seen with his own eyes, cannot believe that they have been so huge."
Here are a few examples of real places that seem to corroborate the presence of giants and the reality of a great flood at some point in the history of mankind. Note that these sites, which should attract flocks of tourists, are hardly advertised or talked about. It also seems that those who were building cities near these sites were very careful to preserve them in remote areas, difficult to access and out of the public eye. All these elements put together could also imply the following facts:
1 - These could be the remains of the sons of fallen angels, however, due to their extraordinary size, it isn't possible to conceal them. As such, they are discreetly preserved in remote locations, either difficult to access or off-limits. And they are also preserved by organizations such as UNESCO.
2 - ELOHIM allowed these sights to endure as a testimony to this historic event.
Isaiah 46:8-9 "Remember this, and be assured; Cause it to return to your heart, you transgressors. Remember the former things long past"
Job 8:8 "Inquire of the former generations, pay attention to the experience of their ancestors."
Some call these rocks, boulders and mountains Pareidolia or Mimetoliths, in other words they are just natural rock formations and what we think we are seeing is just a figment of our imagination. You be the judge.
Throughout the world, we also find some humans who are much taller than the norm and who in themselves testify that the existence of giants at a given time in the history of the world is not an impossibility.
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