The stages of demonic possession

Demons' ultimate goal is death. They rebel against God's will and want us to persist in our rebellion to the point of despair, then die prematurely without the possibility of repentance.
Stage 1 - Temptation
Although demons can't read our minds, have no access to our free will and can't touch it or alter our choices, they can see our emotions. And since demons spend their time watching and spying on us (they have nothing better to do), they like to capitalize on a person's personal weaknesses. That's why it's so important to be careful about what we say, look at and read, because it can stir up passions and reactions, or amplify them, and expose us to demonic forces. If, for example, you constantly have intrusive thoughts of resentment, find it hard to forgive and let this be known in your emotions, it's very easy for a demon to attach itself to it, driving you to think obsessively about this resentment and making you believe that you'll never be able to forget it.
Stage 2 - Infestation
Infestation is the demon's first attempt to gain a foothold in the affected person's life. During this phase, the demon reveals its presence through paranormal activities that defy logical explanation. Strange noises, unexplained object movements and sinister phenomena become frequent occurrences, instilling fear and uncertainty.
Stage 3 - Oppression
This phase tests the individual's resilience and can leave him feeling helpless and vulnerable. He gradually loses control of his physical environment and personal situation. The demon begins to exert its influence in a variety of ways, including causing unexplained illnesses, financial problems and other forms of hardship. The affected person may find himself plagued by a series of misfortunes, with no apparent logical explanation.
Stage 4 - Obsession
At this stage, the afflicted person finds it difficult to function, as he or she is constantly preoccupied with the demonic activities that control his or her life. Their psyche is relentlessly tormented, and sleep becomes almost impossible. The affected person is consumed by intrusive, disturbing or suicidal ideas that become so ingrained that they are like a mind virus, as if someone inside them were talking to them; often leading to extreme depression, severe anxiety or loss of mental faculties.
Stage 5 - Possession
Possession is the final and most serious phase of demonic interference. At this stage, the infected person is so weakened physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually as a result of the other three stages that the demon can finally take total control over his or her actions. The infected person can no longer distinguish their own personality from the other personality that inhabits them, and may see their own personality regress or disappear. The infected person then becomes a receptacle through which the demon(s) can enter and manifest behaviors and characteristics very different from his or her own. The infected person is still in his or her own body and retains free will, but may no longer be able to control what he or she does with his or her body, where he or she goes or what he or she says. The telltale signs of possession are superhuman strength, multiple voices emanating from the same person, speaking a language that the victim doesn't know, a profound and disproportionate repulsion for divine symbols, knowledge of events or facts that the victim cannot possibly know, desire to kill, extreme promiscuity, taking part in abominable sexual practices that ELOHIM condemns and reproves, and so on.
Warning: The following video contains a scene of real demonic possession. In order to discern what is going on, you need to read the conversation between Maria and the pastor carefully. Initially it's Maria speaking, but once the demon manifests itself, it begins to control Maria's words and reveals many disturbing things. We recommend that you pray before watching it.
For those who didn't quite understand what happened during Maria's demonic possession, we've included the transcript of the conversation between the pastor and the demon possessing Maria in the pdf file below.
Those who worship and pay homage to demons, or allow themselves to be totally possessed by demons, must realize that they are the legal property of these entities. Upon their death, these entities will come to collect the soul that belongs to them and torture it forever.
"Woe unto him that shall dwell amid those pains, in company with the Devil’s own tribe! Woe unto him that is not ware of that tribe! Woe unto him over whom a vile and savage demon is set in dominion! Woe unto him that shall be hearkening unto the spirits, making moan and complaining unto the Lord,..." |The Vision ofAdamnan, Chap. 30|
May the Holy Spirit guide you in the understanding of this message.
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