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1. Historical Archives


Myths and legends from around the world tell of giants living on our planet, and historical records seem to corroborate this reality. Also, we find throughout the world numerous historical remains, frescoes, hieroglyphs and engravings representing giants. Here are a few pictures.


Over a period of two hundred years, more than 1,000 discoveries of skeletons seven feet and taller have been reported in ancient burial sites, stone crypts, caves, ancient battlefields and gigantic mounds. Strange anatomical abnormalities, such as colossal maxillae and elongated skulls, have been reported in almost every state:

  • The greatest concentration of these giant skeletons was found in the western part of North America, northern Europe and Asia.

  • In the Ohio River Valley, a local newspaper report, supported by Scientific American, mentioned the discovery of the bodies of several giants buried under a 10-feet-high mound. A woman's skeleton was found carrying a 4 foot long infant. In another mound, giant skeletons were buried in a clay coffin and an engraved stone tablet was also recovered. This particular mound was 64 foot long by 34 foot wide.

  • The Chichasawba mound in Arkansas is another example of the discovery of a giant skeleton in similar circumstances. The 12 square mile mound is named after the chief of the Shawnee tribe, who was essentially known as a giant with incredible strength. When the mound was discovered, the skeleton of a massive human being was found there. They later discovered other skeletons measuring up to 10 feet in that same area, all buried with similar funerary objects. Some reports stated that the length of the skeleton's legs alone was 5 foot.

Here's a quote from 1848 by Abraham Lincoln regarding the Mounds of America.

  • "The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, looked upon Niagara, as ours do to-day. Contemporary with the whole human race, and older than the first man, Niagara is as strong and fresh today as it was ten thousand years ago." 


(See the original copy of the letter below)

All these findings were carefully documented in newspaper reviews, cities and county stories, letters, scientific journals, diaries, photos, and reports in the Smithsonian ethnology.

Here are some images of the archaeological findings:

It is written in the Book of Enoch chapter 7 that the Titans had statures far beyond our imagination.

  • Enoch 7:2 "And they became pregnant and bore large giants. And their height was three thousand cubits"


If these women were able to produce humans with a stature of about 1600 meters high, it would mean that they were also giants compared to us. Several writings in the Books of the prophets mention that Adam and Eve were titans with gigantic statures.


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