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4. Giant Tree Stumps?
Wyoming's Devils Tower is a sacred site for many Plains Indians and a popular place for rock climbing. The tower is a geological curiosity that rises 867 feet above the trees. Some have speculated that Devils Tower is in fact the stump of a giant petrified tree from the antediluvian era. Scientists, on the other hand, claim that it's not a tree, but rather the result of magma buried beneath the Earth's surface. Interestingly, a vast majority of the world's mountains bear an uncanny resemblance to tree stumps.
In chapters 66 and 67 of the Book of Enoch, we read that, before the Flood, ELOHIM ordered the angels to cut down several trees for woodworking to build Noah's ark.
"And after this, he showed me the Angels of Punishment, who were ready to come and release all the forces of the water, which is under the earth, in order to bring judgment and destruction on all those who reside and dwell upon the dry ground. And the Lord of Spirits commanded the Angels who were coming out, not to raise their hands, but to keep watch; for those Angels were in charge of the forces of the waters.And I came out from before Enoch... And the Lord of Spirits commanded the Angels who were coming out, not to raise their hands, but to keep watch; for those Angels were in charge of the forces of the waters." |The Book of Enoch, chap 66-67|
It's also conceivable that giant pre-historic trees were cut down for use in the building of cities and towns.
Here are a few examples. You be the judge.
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